
=== jukebohi_ is now known as jukebohi
h00kI'm having some trouble getting monitor out sound from Ardour, i just can't get Jack to do what I expect.20:09
h00kI'll play with it again this evening and maybe get more information to try to help troubleshoot.20:11
OvenWerksh00k: to help we need to know "what you expect" and what is actually happening20:22
h00kOvenWerks: I expect to be able to select something in Ardour, and be able to monitor it with my speakers or headphones as audio comes in from that source (guitar, for example)20:24
h00kBut I have zero audio out, but it's getting audio in.20:25
h00kAnyway, I haven't been able to get Jack to do what I think it should be already doing20:25
OvenWerksh00k: first thing is do you need jack or could you run ardour with alsa?20:26
OvenWerks Second thing are you using the same device as input and output20:26
OvenWerksthird thing, how are you starting jack?20:27
h00kI don't know if I need jack. I know I used to, last time I looked at audio a number of years ago. I've tried to use both Ardour's launcher, and also manually starting jackd with jackq app. Both have the same results.20:28
h00kAs far as the second question, I do not think so.20:28
OvenWerksIf you try to start jack with two different devices that could be the problem20:28
h00kNah, it yells at me if I try to start it twice. That one I know better.20:29
h00kArdour will attach to the existing jack session if it can, or it will fire jack up on its own when I launch20:29
OvenWerksso the meter in the master channel is moving?20:30
h00kIf it helps, I have made zero actual jack configuration changes at this point. I have tested and then reverted things. I did before, mucked a bunch of things up, and decided that wasn't a good idea. Blew away everything, started fresh.20:30
OvenWerks(ie you do have the mixer screen open?)20:30
h00kAt the moment, negative. I won't be able to actually check for a bit. And no, now that I think, last time I looked, I did not see the master channel move.20:31
h00kGoal: have a USB capture device for my guitar that I'd like to record. Maybe I need Jack, maybe not!20:32
OvenWerksso probably: a) either the input or the disk button could be pressed (or unpressed)20:33
OvenWerksor if not that the channel is not connected to master20:33
OvenWerksAnyway, it would be easier if you were at your machine. I do not think the problem is jack or not20:35
h00kdisk button, ah. I'ma have to play with that.20:35
h00kThat's very possible.20:35
OvenWerksbecause you have signal at the channel and not at master20:35
h00kIt seemed jack got kinda "automatic"20:35
h00kso I don't know if I actually have to futz with it -- it used to be way more manual (I thought).20:35
OvenWerksin 20.04 if it is started with ubuntustudio-controls it is20:36
h00kthought so20:36
h00kIs that the "recommended" way (for a noob)20:36
OvenWerksyes I thin so20:36
h00kCool, I thought so.20:37
OvenWerksit deals with things like: I can't hear my browser, I have a USB mic and I want to use my computer speakers, etc.20:37
h00kYep. I messed with my previous install and killed browser audio and couldn't get it back?20:37
OvenWerksThe next version deals with headphones a bit better20:38
h00knext like post-20.04?20:38
h00kneat, because that's what I plan to use for monitoring.20:39
OvenWerksI am just finishing that now20:39
OvenWerksor rather, every time I think I am finished I think of something else to to.20:39
OvenWerks :P20:39
h00kOf course ;)20:43
h00kbluetooth audio device!20:43
h00kwell, for output20:43
OvenWerksblue tooth is not there yet20:46
OvenWerksIt is possible by routing through pulse20:46
OvenWerksbut automating that is harder.20:46
OvenWerksI would have to keep polling pulse to see if a BT device has shown up since last time or gone away.20:48
h00kI remember getting neck deep in pulseaudio when it became a thing, I was routing audio over the network in my dorm room. It was neat.20:49

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