
=== hazmat_ is now known as hazmat
kelvinliuhpidcock: or tlm a small pr for python linting enhancement, +1 plz https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1181105:47
hpidcockkelvinliu: looking05:47
hpidcockkelvinliu: LGTM05:48
tlmcheers kelvinliu05:48
stickupkidmanadart_, CR if you've got a chance... trying to correctly model a charm so we can use that information with the refresh API that's upcoming - https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/31110:12
manadart_stickupkid: Yep, will look in a mo'.10:13
achilleasamanadart_: any particular reason for having ListSubnects (api/subnets) return a V1 result whereas the SubnetsByCIDR returns a V2 result?10:29
achilleasaI want to build a subnet ID -> CIDR map and ListSubnets does not return the ID back :-(10:30
manadart_achilleasa: Doesn't appear to be any reason other than the new API version came after subnet ID was added, and prior use of the command did not use the ID.10:39
achilleasamanadart_: so I can simply just change the payload without really having to bump anything, right? It's a new field that nothing (except the new spike bits) will be using10:40
manadart_stickupkid achilleasa: I guess technically we should bump the version for a new return type, but it is only additive...10:40
achilleasait could cause issues with the python bits though...10:41
stickupkidachilleasa, manadart_ so maybe10:45
stickupkiddepends, if it's purely addative, then you *can* get away with it10:46
achilleasamanadart_: hmmm... so the firewall worker does not have permission to list subnets. Does this mean that I need to copy the list subnets functionality in its facade?11:16
achilleasaoh wait. I might be using the wrong api connection here11:16
achilleasanope... btw, where does the model manifold execute? The controller?12:06
manadart_stickupkid achilleasa: Need a review: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1181213:24
stickupkidmanadart_, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11812#discussion_r45222758613:45
hmlstickupkid: fixing the merge conflicts between your change and mine is going to be fun.  :-).  git is not doing a great job of it.13:46
stickupkid3 way merges never are13:46
stickupkidhml, ping when you do have 5 minutes13:47
hmlstickupkid:  ack13:47
manadart_stickupkid: Thanks. Fixed the mask sig and the logging.13:51
hmlstickupkid: daily?14:09
manadart_stickupkid: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11813 merges that one patch forward.15:16
manadart_achilleasa: Mechanical: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1181415:34
achilleasamanadart_: done15:39
manadart_achilleasa: Thanks.15:39
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