[15:28] Bug #1886972 opened: Non admin user is incorrectly informed image is configured as the commissioning release but it is unavailable in the configured streams [20:52] Bug #1886994 opened: Bionic/Focal VMs get the same machine-id [20:55] Bug #1886994 changed: Bionic/Focal VMs get the same machine-id [21:01] Bug #1886994 opened: Bionic/Focal VMs get the same machine-id [22:13] Bug #1886994 changed: Bionic/Focal VMs get the same machine-id [22:16] Bug #1886994 opened: Bionic/Focal VMs get the same machine-id [22:19] Bug #1886994 changed: Bionic/Focal VMs get the same machine-id [22:22] Bug #1886994 opened: Bionic/Focal VMs get the same machine-id [22:25] Bug #1886994 changed: Bionic/Focal VMs get the same machine-id [23:46] Bug #1887096 opened: not able to install MAAS from snap on ppc64le