[05:35] morning [07:07] morning [07:08] good morning [07:12] good morning pstolowski and zyga [07:13] hey, how is the sprint progressing? [07:17] zyga: good so far [07:18] PR snapd#8990 closed: systemd/escape: fix issues with "" and "\t" handling [07:22] hello guys === tomwardill_ is now known as tomwardill [07:29] PR snapd#8988 closed: many: use more specific check for unit test mocking [07:29] o/ [07:31] it'd be so nice if go had a way to check whether the binary is runing as part of go test invocation [07:32] good morning mborzecki [07:33] snap run --strace does not support snap aliases [07:33] aliased snaps are just ignored [07:33] and strace static is out of date and needs updates [07:34] mvo: are you the only one who can update strace static? [07:38] mborzecki: we have that [07:38] zyga: see #8988 [07:38] PR #8988: many: use more specific check for unit test mocking [07:38] ah [07:38] we have something, but it's not necessarily 100% correct ;) [07:39] wish there was something in go runtime/stdlib to tell you that [07:39] meh, I see [07:47] pedronis: I know you're busy at the sprint, but I'd appreciate some comment on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/proposal-new-rest-api-for-theme-installation/18732 -- particularly the authentication section. [07:47] if you have time at some point, any feedback would be welcome [08:01] jamesh: yes, I'll try to look at it today [08:02] pedronis: cheers. [08:19] hmm [09:35] brb, small break [09:51] re [11:09] PR snapd#8992 opened: boot: better naming of helpers for obtaining kernel command line [11:30] PR snapd#8993 opened: bootloader, boot: compose kernel command line passed by grub bootloader [11:33] meh, no grub-editenv means i need to reboot, go to grub cmdline, load_env myself, edit, save_env, reboot [11:33] mborzecki: I thought there was an issue for adding those to core20 snap ? [11:34] mborzecki: did they not get added to the core20 snap? [11:34] ijohnson: i don't see it on my $PATH [11:34] actually not in the snap either [11:34] ah yeah that's unfortunate [11:35] probably they should be added to core20, are they in core18? [11:36] * mborzecki checks quickly [11:36] ijohnson: nope, only in core [11:36] ah interesting [11:36] perhaps it was intentionally left out of core18 then [11:40] heh, was suppsoed to do bug triage today [11:43] mborzecki: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/injecting-snapd-tools-into-base-snaps-and-keeping-them-up-to-date/12139/8 [11:45] can you tell me if this makes sense to you? [11:46] hmm, some problems with parallel instances https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/parallel-instances-cant-remove-cant-connect-interfaces-cant-use-layouts-env-vars-are-wrong/18696 [11:50] small break and then back to coding [11:50] and maybe time for meds [11:50] eh === Trevinho_ is now known as Trevinho [13:19] ok, 50C now, no longer burning my legs [13:24] * pstolowski lunch [13:29] mborzecki do you have time to review snap run changes today? === zyga_ is now known as zyga-mbp [13:37] zyga-mbp: i can certainly try [13:37] please :) [13:37] I would move a lot with that [14:35] PR snapd#8992 closed: boot: better naming of helpers for obtaining kernel command line [15:58] * zyga-mbp reboots to tweak the kernel [15:58] brb [15:59] well... the vm that is [16:01] PR snapcraft#3208 closed: snap: set PATH for snapcraft command [16:06] PR snapd#8994 opened: tests: fix some snapstate tests to use pointers for snapmgrTestSuite [16:06] zyga-mbp: ^ can you tak a look, it's trivial [16:06] ? [16:06] sure [16:06] looking now [16:06] ty [16:07] done [16:25] * zyga-mbp -> coffee [20:47] PR snapd#8994 closed: tests: fix some snapstate tests to use pointers for snapmgrTestSuite