[14:33] what language is this? https://mt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Il-Paġna_prinċipali [14:34] Maltese according to the language code [15:53] https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2020/06/announcing-general-availability-kernel-live-patching-amazon-linux-2/ kinda great that it is free. [15:54] last i checked canonical was charging for that feature for ubuntu [16:26] this looks cool https://web.trango.io [19:52] <.< [19:52] >.> [19:52] There was an outage somewhere? [19:54] Signal would be great if they'd fix the glitches. Other than that it works fine and is my primary encrypted instant messaging solution. [20:10] https://externals.io/message/110907 [20:10] "We are committed to maintaining development and building of PHP on Windows for 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 as long as they are officially supported. We are not, however, going to be supporting PHP for Windows in any capacity for version 8.0 and beyond." [20:18] that is actually a little surprising given the push MSFT had for PHP on windows, but I guess that was 10yrs ago. [20:27] Hoestly I wonder how much of this will get pushed to WSL [20:27] since it means less effort to get running [20:27] that is exaclty what. [20:27] but WSL isn't for production. [20:28] 10yrs ago they were touting PHP on IIS as "faster than PHP on Linux Apache" and for production use. [20:28] they must have finally wised up that there isn't demand for that [20:28] I know one of the folsk who comes to CHC is using Windows with C# for web stuff [20:28] and it boggles my mind [20:30] ASP.NET is great. [20:30] really great. [20:31] Outside of that whole Microsoft thing. ;) [20:37] open source, runs on linux, it is really no diff than java or Go. [20:37] or Dart [20:37] or Swift [20:38] 'cept oracle is far more evil with java [20:38] actually, it isn't even microsoft thse days. it is owned by the dot net foundation. microsoft just happens to be hte largest contributor AFAIK [20:39] Honestly I'm more likely to write C# than Java [20:39] Oracle can find a dumpster to burn in for all i care [20:39] Dart doesn't excite me and I don't have anything Apple so Swift is right out [20:40] well, swift runs on linux now too. [20:41] and there are web frameworks. [20:44] is there any reason to use Swift if you're not targeting Apple products? [20:45] That's kind of like getting RPL working on your Linux machine. Unless you're an HP graphing calculator it's not going to have the same effect. [20:48] yeah, no reason. it is a lot like using PHP on Windows :) [20:48] I mean... why use any langauge... familiarity? So if you already know swift, it sure would be nice to write webservers in it too. [20:48] Yeah [20:48] I mean, that's why we have server-side JavaScript [20:49] Swift is a lot like C# from a language POV, but no IL no GC, so potentially even faster. [20:49] which is proof that we'll stick anything into a light socket [20:49] exactly, ugh, nodejs :)