
mwhudsonRikMills: yay00:48
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vicamohi, need sponsor for https://launchpad.net/~vicamo/+archive/ubuntu/ppa-1886911, anyone has some time to help review/landing to bionic?02:24
mwhudsonkanashiro: thanks for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/golang-github-hashicorp-memberlist/0.1.7-1ubuntu103:15
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seb128shrug, autopkgtest retry needs a dup request filter :/08:35
seb128LocutusOfBorg, http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/u/util-linux/groovy/armhf we managed to trigger three time the same thing there :/08:36
Laneythere's a merge proposal from tsimonq2 for that!08:40
seb128way to go :)08:40
tsimonq2Laney: You mean the one that still needs review?08:40
tsimonq2I started it when my Python skills were terrible and refactored recently.08:41
tsimonq2(I'm not calling myself great it at but I'm much better now.)08:41
tsimonq2I *think* the last thing left there were tests. I'll get to that...08:41
LaneyI did try to ping Łukasz about it but he's not here atm08:42
Laney(since he reviewed before)08:42
tsimonq2No worries.08:42
LocutusOfBorgseb128, yes, it sucks sometimes, I discovered it too :/08:45
tsimonq2Laney: That reminds me, I spent a solid amount of time digging re: making index.html on autopkgtest.u.c faster. It came up mostly fruitless, unfortunately.08:52
tsimonq2I couldn't tell whether the bottleneck was from cold-connecting to the SQLite DB every time, since it's a CGI script triggered by Apache (from what I remember), or from SELECT taking so long.08:53
tsimonq2(Actually activating the connection shouldn't be the issue, it's that it can't really be cached effectively without writing to an external file.)08:54
tsimonq2Any insight you're able to provide would be appreciated, since seeing that puzzle solved would be cool.08:55
LaneyIt might be locking on the database with multiple concurrent clients accessing it08:59
LaneyI reckon it might be worth thinking about switching to a proper database server - you could then also avoid some of the other annoying stuff like having to download the results out of swift09:03
Laneybut that's obviously a medium sized project09:03
tsimonq2At the very minimum that would require knowledge about what is considered the best "proper database server" from an administrative standpoint.09:05
tsimonq2The downside would be that users could no longer just download the database as a single file, unless we really wanted to go through the effort of providing a publicly-accessible dump every so often (or at least a clone that ~ubuntu-dev could access, I'm thinking along the same lines as what DDs can do).09:07
tsimonq2Those aren't really questions I can answer or Just Decide, even if I volunteered to do the work.09:08
tsimonq2(I would start a thread on ubuntu-release/devel but I certainly don't want to start a DB flamewar.)09:09
LaneyI think the maintainers could just decide :-)09:21
Laneybut yes, if that's a valuable thing for people to use, you'd need to replace it with an API or something09:21
tsimonq2I don't consider myself a maintainer until I have commit access. :P09:26
tsimonq2I will however volunteer to put some work towards it.09:27
tsimonq2Feel free to loop me in once the maintainers decide. ;)09:27
oSoMoNif there are MOTUs around, this trivial patch could use sponsoring: https://people.canonical.com/~osomon/+1maintenance/node-buffer-shims.debdiff10:19
LocutusOfBorgoSoMoN, I do if you provide the patch to the Debian bug11:00
ubottuDebian bug 963457 in src:node-buffer-shims "node-buffer-shims: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: /bin/sh -ex debian/tests/pkg-js/test returned exit code 1" [Serious,Open]11:00
oSoMoNLocutusOfBorg, oh I already submitted it to salsa (https://salsa.debian.org/js-team/node-buffer-shims/-/merge_requests/1), but I didn't think of checking whether there was a bug report for it11:01
LocutusOfBorgoh, even better11:01
oSoMoNI'll share the link to the merge request in the bug11:01
oSoMoNLocutusOfBorg, FYI I filed and am looking into bug #188714411:02
ubottubug 1887144 in node-sha.js (Ubuntu) "autopkgtest failures on ppc64el with nodejs 12.18.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188714411:02
LocutusOfBorgoSoMoN, please update the merge request with "Closes: #963457" if that fix is for that RC bug11:03
LocutusOfBorgand I'll merge it11:03
oSoMoNdoing that now11:03
oSoMoNLocutusOfBorg, done11:05
AsciiWolfkenvandine, hi, I have sent MR to fix the Snap Store name in Czech translation in two remaining active branches: https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Ubuntu/gnome-software/-/merge_requests - feel free to merge :) thanks!11:28
kenvandineAsciiWolf: thanks, I have it on my list to look at.11:29
AsciiWolfkenvandine, nice! thanks :)11:29
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kanashiroyw mwhudson12:07
kanashironow I am trying to figure out why nomad is FTBFS on arm{64,hf}, every time I try to build it I got a different error12:08
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kanashirovorlon: I am reviewing a fix for ruby-ncurses in bionic and I have a question: what would be the correct version string for a bionic SRU if in bionic we have 1.4.9-1build3 and in focal 1.4.9-1build5?14:27
kanashiroin bionic it was built against ruby 2.5 and it does not work, but in focal where it was built against ruby 2.7 it works fine14:28
oSoMoNLaney, would you mind retrying https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=groovy&arch=armhf&package=node-depd&trigger=nodejs/12.18.1%7Edfsg-1ubuntu1 for me?14:31
oSoMoN(looks flaky)14:31
kanashirooSoMoN: I can do it if you want ^14:37
oSoMoNkanashiro, please14:37
oSoMoNLaney, excuse my pinging you directly, I should have asked MOTUs in general before asking my favourite retrier14:39
vorlonkanashiro: the problem I see with having the package in bionic with a version higher than the focal version, then, is that on upgrade from bionic to focal, the system will fail to upgrade to a ruby2.7 version of the package15:36
vorlonkanashiro: it's ugly, but how about 1.4.9-1build3ubuntu0.18.04.1?15:36
oSoMoNLocutusOfBorg, I attached a debdiff to https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=963063, can you sponsor that one?15:48
ubottuDebian bug 963063 in src:nodejs, src:node-diff "nodejs breaks node-diff autopkgtest: Failed test: 41" [Serious,Open]15:48
oSoMoN(the version in salsa and experimental is much newer, it probably doesn't suffer from this bug, and the patch doesn't apply, which is why I didn't submit a MR)15:49
oSoMoNLocutusOfBorg, if we'd rather apply the patch in Ubuntu only (considering the new upstream version in experimental), here's the corresponding debdiff: https://people.canonical.com/~osomon/+1maintenance/node-diff-ubuntu.debdiff15:50
kanashirovorlon: I was thinking about something on this line, that will avoid upgrade issues15:56
kanashirorbasak: FYI ^15:56
rbasakvorlon: good point - thanks. I agree it's ugly which is why I wasn't sure, but that does seem like the best option.16:05
oSoMoNcan a MOTU please retry https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=groovy&arch=armhf&package=node-editor&trigger=nodejs/12.18.1%7Edfsg-1ubuntu1 ?16:27
oSoMoNalso, the node-encoding tests need to be retried with an additional trigger on the new node-iconv: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7p6zbxcw7R/16:31
oSoMoNsame for node-expat: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fYxyk2jF6y/16:36
oSoMoNand node-express, too: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NdvvgYtgxp/16:39
oSoMoNLaney, I love the new proposed-migration report where passing tests are hidden, that's much easier to read16:40
oSoMoNnode-form-data/armhf needs to be retried: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=groovy&arch=armhf&package=node-form-data&trigger=nodejs/12.18.1%7Edfsg-1ubuntu116:41
LaneyoSoMoN: yeah, nicer isn't it16:51
Laneywhere's all the green gone?!?!?!?!16:52
Laneythat made me suspicious when I first saw it16:52
Laneydid your retry16:52
oSoMoNLaney, there's a series of other retries that need triggering, in the lines just above (pastebin links)17:00
oSoMoNif you don't mind17:00
LaneyoSoMoN: Going out for a walk now, will look later if nobody else does17:05
oSoMoNthanks, enjoy the walk17:12
Eickmeyer[m]xnox: Where did we land with the Ubuntu Studio Focal FTBFS?18:46
xnoxEickmeyer[m]:  we have not19:27
Eickmeyer[m]xnox: Ok, I'm just getting a little concerned with 20.04.1 being about a month away.19:39
LocutusOfBorgahasenack, I did merge the new zoneminder version21:13
LocutusOfBorgI had to add a patch because of some missing stuff https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/pull/297521:13
LocutusOfBorgcan you please ping me in case something bad happens (or fix it :) ) ?21:13
ahasenackzoneminder, I have to check my cold storage to remember what I did with it :)21:14
ahasenackah, my_bool stuff21:25
ahasenackand reserved keywords21:26

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