
=== halvors1 is now known as halvors
=== halvors1 is now known as halvors
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
smoserahasenack or rbasak can we import sshuttle ?15:48
smoser'git ubuntu' import15:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1873368 in sshuttle (Ubuntu Groovy) "ssshuttle server fails to connect endpoints with python 3.8" [High,Confirmed]15:48
smoseri dont knwo how people do anything without git ubuntu. if i am going to look at a package, the first step is checking for git-ubuntu and then bothering one of  you two (sorry for that).15:49
ahasenacksmoser: sure15:50
ahasenackon it15:50
ahasenackrbasak: I'm pushing the config change15:50
ahasenacksmoser: I'm monitoring it and will let you know15:56
smoserahasenack: i'm not in any need of an update. thanks though.15:57
ahasenackit's dealing with a bunch of lancuage-pack imports atm15:57
ahasenackrbasak: something to think about: we could have a big queue, and a small queue, like dep8 tests15:58
smoseri just can't wait until all ubuntu packages are in it.15:58
ahasenackok, it got to sshuttle15:58
ahasenacksmoser: done https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sshuttle16:01
rbasaksmoser: getting very close to that now.16:05
rbasakThe importer concurrency is overhauled now, and is scaling nicely16:06
rbasakahasenack: we could, though with the recent scaling improvements delays aren't really noticable for now except when doing things by hand16:06
rbasakThere's also a big performance regression I know about that I want to fix, but I've been deferring it because it hasn't hit us in practice16:07
znfhow do you set the DNS server on 18.04 when the interface has been configured trough /etc/network/interfaces ?16:17
znfdns-nameservers seems to be ignored in this case16:17
znfand there's no netplan, for some reasons16:22
FunnyLookinHatUbuntu has (or still has?) the ability to create a user + shove an SSH key on them by default with an initial boot by placing a file in the filesystem somewhere... but I can't remember it for the life of me, and my googling is drawing a blank.  Anyone have any ideas?  More accurately, I think I remember it just putting a key into the ubuntu user's authorized_keys file maybe?17:46
RoyKFunnyLookinHat: just use ansible17:56
FunnyLookinHatWell I'm imaging some arm boards - like little r-pi's or whatnot - and I wanted to easily make the image shove some network config and an ssh key in.  I swear this was a part of the cloud init project or something18:03
FunnyLookinHatOH - Wow - CloudInit - That's the name...  apparently it was stuck in the back of my head: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit18:03
strixdioI have ubuntu-server 20.04 running libvirt and lxc. network is configured with a bridge, static IP, no DHCP. Something is causing the boot to stall while "waiting for network". Any thoughts?23:18
strixdioI'd also like to add, I'm using pfSense as a VM, which obviously can't be on before the host.23:20
RoyKI'd suggest using an old PC of some sort for pfSense instead23:30
RoyKBut apart from that, I don't know23:30
strixdionah, looking for the power savings.23:30
strixdioI have a full rack of equipment and don't want much of it on 24/7. Then I can repurpose the current pfsense box as a test machine.23:31
strixdioI *think* /usr/lib/systemd/system/libvirtd.service "After=network.target" might be able to change, I have to see.23:31
strixdioidk if that is the answer I need though. I want to run a test to see if that's even what's causing it, first.23:33
strixdioyeah I think that wasn't the issue. How would I tell which service specifically is waiting for the network? "Reached target Host and Network Name Lookups" "A start job is running for wait for Network to be Configured"23:35
strixdiohypothetically the network *should* be configured with the static IP already, so I'm not sure why it's hanging.23:36
sarnoldsystemd has a boot analyzer that might help figure out which services is waiting for which other services23:43

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