
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
jphilipsis tab not working in x2go something we should likely fix from our end for our users? - https://x2go-user.x2go.narkive.com/SnfQqtDA/tab-not-working-in-x2go-from-osx18:43
jphilipsUnit193: if you add libxfce4ui-nocsd into the PPA, wouldn't the packages depending on libxfce4ui need to either depend on libxfce4ui-nocsd?19:54
jphilipsi was asking the dev about this in this issue - https://github.com/Xfce-Classic/libxfce4ui-nocsd/issues/119:57
ubot93Issue 1 in Xfce-Classic/libxfce4ui-nocsd "Distribution packaging dependencies" [Open]19:57
brainwashjphilips: a deb package can specify "Provides"20:00
jphilipsbrainwash: only a deb package newb, so can you give more info about this20:01
brainwashjphilips: I would have to look it up also20:05
brainwashI think it means that a package can "act" as another package20:05
brainwash-> Provides: libxfce4ui20:06
jphilipsoh okay, so it provides libxfce4ui even though not named libxfce4ui20:06
brainwashand it has to conflict with the actual libxfce4ui package20:07
brainwashso that only one is installed20:07
jphilipsgreat such a feature is there, so no need to recompile the other packages20:07
jphilipssomeone on the ML claimed there was a mining malware in the iso. presume this is bogus - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2020-July/011997.html22:27
Unit193jphilips: Not with how I packaged it, no.22:31
jphilipsISOs are built off canonical infra, so i was doubtful that any malware could get on them22:33
Unit193That is, I made them so they could co-exist as source packages, and it'd be a drop-in replacement.23:47

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