
ubptgbotqwecu_cash was added by: qwecu_cash00:20
ubptgbotS4suraj was added by: S4suraj04:15
=== JanC is now known as Guest54012
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ubptgbot<NetHunter10156> Finally it's out for lavender04:21
ubptgbot<NetHunter10156> 😱04:21
ubptgbot<jaack08> @NetHunter10156 [😱], Lol05:28
ubptgbot<jaack08> It is just GSI05:28
ubptgbot<jaack08> So Anyone can use it05:29
ubptgbot<Himanshsingh> @oswaldosp [I've been trying to install it on a xiaomi A4 (rolex) for a day... I hope to suc …], But seems its not stable yet ...Meanwhile I have setup other custom ROM ...until a stable version of Ubuntu touch is out..05:36
ubptgbot<NetHunter10156> guys libertine isn't working06:07
ubptgbot<NetHunter10156> is it a known bug on lavender?06:07
ubptgbot<ScardracS> @NetHunter10156 [is it a known bug on lavender?], Yeah it id06:13
ubptgbot<ScardracS> @NetHunter10156 [is it a known bug on lavender?], [Edit] Yeah it is06:13
ubptgbot<NetHunter10156> okok06:13
ubptgbot<NetHunter10156> amazing port06:13
ubptgbot<ScardracS> Actually libertine works only in few devives06:13
ubptgbot<ScardracS> [Edit] Actually libertine works only in few devices06:13
ubptgbotBhuvanesh Duvvuri was added by: Bhuvanesh Duvvuri07:06
ubptgbot<Bhuvanesh Duvvuri> I'm having some issues with newly installed Ubuntu tocuh07:07
ubptgbot<Bhuvanesh Duvvuri> I'm unable to accept calls07:07
ubptgbot<Bhuvanesh Duvvuri> [Edit] I'm having some issues with newly installed Ubuntu touch07:09
ubptgbotJoseph Joester was added by: Joseph Joester07:16
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> @mateosalta [not sure how it works, but that is the plugin they made for sailfish to add call …], Thanks :)10:44
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Can a developer choose where their indicator goes, or do some (read: most) system indicators take immutable precedence?10:45
ubptgbot<fredldotme> No, there's nothing like that for 3rd party indicators.10:48
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> So it can only take the left most place?10:49
ubptgbot<fredldotme> Providing a way to place indicators beside specific ones seems a little nasty to me, it would require knowledge about the currently running indicators. What if one of them vanishes, what of two want to be placed at the same spot?11:02
ubptgbot<fredldotme> [Edit] Providing a way to place indicators beside specific ones seems a little nasty to me, it would require knowledge about the currently running indicators. What if one of them vanishes, what if two want to be placed at the same spot?11:03
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> I don't know honestly. I admit to crowding the menu with indicators, but I fell like they're all useful to me. My problem now is that the notification indicator is pushed out of the viewable area, so I need to swipe it down rather than being able to see if I have new messages at a glance.11:05
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> I thought that if you could push notifications to the right of uPower and the screenlock, that would help, but it might not be feasible from a development standpoint.11:05
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> so you want a way to essentially 'pin' the notifications indicator so its always visible.11:06
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> thatd be cool11:06
ubptgbot<fredldotme> Personally, I like the approach macOS 11 is taking with consolidating settings into one single menu, and allowing to move them out into their own menu/indicator.11:07
ubptgbot<fredldotme> It's well thought out11:07
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> ive not seen anything about macos aside from the whole ARM thing11:09
ubptgbot<fredldotme> It's at least worth a look to see what's out there.11:13
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> yeahh absolutely11:13
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> i was an osx user a long time ago and it really annoyed me in many ways so ive been ignorant of it since then11:14
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> mac os users must hate me just like how linux users hate that guy who goes on about having to write his own wifi drivers11:15
ubptgbot<fredldotme> Let's not make this personal :)11:16
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> 😆11:16
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @TartanSpartan [Can a developer choose where their indicator goes, or do some (read: most) syste …], each indicator has a value for placement. If I am not mistaken,the lower the value, the farthers it is to the right. You can check the value of the preinstalled indicators in `/usr/share/indicators`...that path might not be accurate th11:40
ubptgbotough 😅11:40
ubptgbot<Bhuvanesh Duvvuri> can someone tell me how to answer a phone call in ut? cuz i'm unable to do that!12:10
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Slide the12:11
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Gray thing12:11
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @Bhuvanesh Duvvuri [can someone tell me how to answer a phone call in ut? cuz i'm unable to do that!], Which phone?12:13
ubptgbot<Bhuvanesh Duvvuri> Redmi Note 5 Pro12:14
ubptgbot<Bhuvanesh Duvvuri> @TigranKhachatryan [Gray thing], the gui doesn't give me anything but i just here the ring and that's it the call disconnects!12:16
ubptgbot<fredldotme> It's not an official device, you'd have to ask the person who made the port.12:17
ubptgbot<Bhuvanesh Duvvuri> @fredldotme [It's not an official device, you'd have to ask the person who made the port.], how does a device becomes official12:18
ubptgbot<fredldotme> Making sure everything works and working together with us.12:18
ubptgbot<Bhuvanesh Duvvuri> if port the device through halium will it be accepted12:20
ubptgbot<fredldotme> Yeah12:20
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> @PiecerEdd [so you want a way to essentially 'pin' the notifications indicator so its always …], Right? Thanks, glad this is resonating with someone.12:45
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> @Javacookies [each indicator has a value for placement. If I am not mistaken,the lower the val …], Cheers, Kugi :)12:46
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> @PiecerEdd [so you want a way to essentially 'pin' the notifications indicator so its always …], [Edit] Right? Thanks, glad this is resonating with someone. I think the most obvious ones to always keep visible are: time, battery (and percentage), *maybe* sound, network, weather (and temperature), notifications and rotation lock. I g12:49
ubptgbotrant though that weather is optional for each user, and battery percentage too (even though I can't really relate to anyone who would prefer to just judge the battery state from the icon instead of having granular detail... but yeah YMMV as always).12:49
ubptgbot<Javacookies> indicators do need some changes and improvments12:53
ubptgbot<Wioxjk> Something that bothers me  … Why cant I change the time format to 24h when I have English language running?14:15
ubptgbot<Wioxjk> The only way I can get it is to changing the language to Swedish14:15
ubptgbot<dohbee> you can select English UK i guess14:40
ubptgbot<Brijesh Karpe> how do I make a port for my device?14:40
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @Brijesh Karpe [how do I make a port for my device?], Android 9: https://github.com/ubports/porting-notes/wiki/Halium-9#basic-steps … Rest: docs.halium.org/ … and @Halium14:58
ubptgbot<Brijesh Karpe> 👍👍14:59
ubptgbot<amyosx> @dohbee [you can select English UK i guess], English but proper15:28
ubptgbot<dohbee> No15:29
ubptgbot<amyosx> Yeah15:34
ubptgbot<amyosx> We made the language xD15:35
ubptgbot<mateosalta> is a bug somewhere we need some language independant units and time formats15:37
ubptgbot<amyosx> What I find weird is android will say "Hi there" on us English, but "hello" on uk16:34
ubptgbotbollex was added by: bollex17:38
ubptgbotAldoFreddy was added by: AldoFreddy18:53
ubptgbot<Flohack> On short notice! Jan and me Sunday night live here for a bit of a UT talk: https://youtu.be/Aay3-mZ-rlI19:17
ubptgbot<Flohack> Start 20:00 UTC19:17
ubptgbot<amyosx> OwO19:18
ubptgbotxgigs was added by: xgigs19:39
ubptgbotAndrea Sorrentino - 1677 - was added by: Andrea Sorrentino - 1677 -20:17

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