
th4ntisI THINK I finally have my Kubuntu themed to how i like it. Using Plasma and the krohnkite tiling and such. :D00:02
oerheksthere used to be a kubuntu forum section, post your setup/screenshot00:27
texlakubuntu 20.4 how to install firefox to desktop01:21
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YuxKukMohi guys!10:49
YuxKukMoI run into a small problem when I'm trying to upgrade from kubuntu 18 lts to kubuntu 20 lts.10:50
YuxKukMoWhen I'm trying to run pkexec do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f DistUpgradeViewKDE it doesn't happen anything,10:51
YuxKukMoShould I add sudo in front of pkexec?10:51
YuxKukMoor is it this: From 18.04, upgrades will not be enabled until approximately the date of the 1st 20.04 point release at the end of July.10:53
BluesKajHowdy folks11:18
konradosHey, where are the settings about this trick with alt+mouse-down+drag moving a window?11:46
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> System Settings - > Window Manag. -> Window Behavior -> Windows action tab:  Modifier Key11:49
konradosIrcsomeBot, thank you!11:53
wogelsbyNew Installation Bricked:  Unable to reinstall OS "ubi-partman failed exit code 14112:30
jukebohiAnyone know how to disable touch screen in kubuntu...? I'd rather not need to turn computer off to wipe dust from it and accidentally touching it is annoying too. The stylus and 2-finger glove (against signal from the side of the hand) is arriving soon so I'll see if the touch screen is any fun with those12:38
jukebohiLike Kolourpaint or Krita12:39
jukebohiCan't find it in system settings. Logically there would be "touchscreen" in the "input devices" tab of system settings, but there isn't. Not in the display settings too. Can't find "disable touch-screen" tick box anywhere12:42
BluesKajjukebohi, anyoptions in system settings>input devices>graphic tablet?12:51
jukebohiSays "No graphics tablet detected" or similar last time I checked, I recheck12:51
gean_have someone already installed the plasma on linux mint?12:57
gandhibobandhi_hey everyone, i've been having a bit of an issue this morning and was wondering if its something that anyone's run into before (and maybe knows what the cause is). I was fiddling about with the clock widget last night, enabling the calendar integration etc, and it seems to have caused a segfault when i next started my computer, which then killed plasmashell. renaming/deleting the file "libcalendarplugin.so". temporarily fixed the issue but i was12:58
gandhibobandhi_wondering if there is a solution that lets me still use the clock widget so i know what the time is :)12:58
gandhibobandhi_also i'd be quite keen to share info about how i repro'd it etc, since it seems like a pretty serious bug, if there are any official channels for that12:58
BluesKajhi gean_, ask in #linuxmint12:59
viewer|38hi 20.04 recently installed as guest os. really happy the old copy-hang is replaced with copy-paste! so far my only issues are: cant get rid of the 30 second shutdown timer by unchecking confirm in settings, and when plugging my nikon j1 i only get the option to download with gwenview (which dont work) and no longer get the option to open the14:25
viewer|38folder to view files on sd card. any help with these 2 bugbears would be grand!14:25
viewer|38Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/57b42ad1e0357b3179ff70d297a0feaf/pasted.txt14:27
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n4muI've installed a Kubuntu 20.04 for a friend, but today it will not boot, it's stuck at systemd-user-sessions.service17:27
n4muNothing happens after, fsck = done and okay. disk space is okay17:28
n4musearch engines don't have any results for this17:28
n4muIt's just stuck.17:28
n4muLive Kubuntu works. So I'm guessing I could always reinstall, but that seems like a very weak solution.17:28
diogenes_n4mu, any updates before this issue?17:30
n4muNope, the user says the computer felt stuck, they pressed "escape" and then it shut down.17:30
n4muAnd since, it's like this. :/17:30
diogenes_oh it might be some corrupted data then, you can try ctrl+alt+f1, create a new user and try to login as the new user.17:32
n4mudiogenes_, would ctrlaltf1 work without SDDM being launched ?17:33
n4mu(I can try, at this point) :]17:33
diogenes_try if not then attach single at the grub line.17:34
n4mu(I'm booting, will see) (and thanks for helping)17:34
n4mudiogenes_: :]17:34
n4mutrying single, because otherwise, it didn't work.17:35
n4muwhen it shows systemd-user-sessions.service, the cursors stops blinking17:36
diogenes_n4mu, ok append this instead of single: systemd.unit=multi-user.target17:37
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Regarding the PC that won't boot, how big is the hard drive and is it partitioned (i.e.  root, home and other partitions separate)?17:38
n4mudiogenes_: okay, trying that.17:39
n4mudiogenes_: it says I'm in rescue mode17:40
n4mu(should I "ctrl d" ?)17:40
diogenes_n4mu, try17:41
n4musame, systemd-user-sessions.service and stuck17:42
ajaxnetmay i asked how to stop chrome from asking password through kwallet17:42
diogenes_n4mu, ok let's try this, append: init=/bin/bash17:43
diogenes_when you reach cli tell me.17:43
diogenes_ajaxnet, run: google-chrome --help | grep basic17:44
n4mudone and we're at cli, possibly mistyped something. It says "cannot set terminal process group (-1)17:44
diogenes_type: mount /17:45
n4muBut I have terminal, am root, KB is configured as per install17:45
n4mu /dev/sda5 is already mounted on /.17:45
diogenes_mount -o remount --rw /dev/sda517:46
ajaxnetthanks diogense i think it working, all have to do only to update the launcher17:47
diogenes_ajaxnet, what?17:47
n4muokay, what are we looking for? (I have to manually retype)17:47
diogenes_n4mu, lsblk and locate your /home17:47
ajaxnetgoogle-chrome --password-store=basic , that the command17:47
diogenes_ajaxnet, that's it!17:48
n4mudiogenes_: I have only one partition, so everything is in /dev/sda517:48
n4mumountpoint is /17:48
diogenes_n4mu, sudo e2fsck /dev/sda517:48
n4muIn this setting, it can't (already mounted), but I did that already before (from live USB)17:49
n4muI remounted "ro" and did fsck, and all is fine17:50
diogenes_n4mu, check the available free space: df -h17:50
n4muusing 15%17:51
diogenes_try to rename .config and .cache17:52
n4muin /home/user I'm assuming?17:53
n4mudone, I'm gessing reboot or init 3 ?17:54
diogenes_reboot normally.17:54
n4muI'm going to give up for today.17:57
diogenes_how old is hdd?17:57
n4muI'll probably reinstall the whole thing, will also do a smart test, but at home (I'm at friend's place)17:58
diogenes_also any encription? is it ext4?17:58
n4muno encryption, just ext417:58
n4muthis is for a "newbie" friend (she was on Mint before, but with KDE, and upgrades on KDE mint .....)17:59
diogenes_ok do a smart because it might be bad blocks.17:59
diogenes_meanwhile you can setup a live usb instead of HDD.18:00
n4mudiogenes_: I'm going to head off, I'll stay in the chan and update you (yes for the live USB)18:00
diogenes_n4mu, ok good luck.18:01
n4muthanks, and thanks for your time and help. :]18:01
diogenes_you're welcome.18:01
viewer|38hi 20.04 recently installed as guest os. really happy the old copy-hang is replaced with copy-paste! so far my only issues are: cant get rid of the 30 second shutdown timer by unchecking confirm in settings, and when plugging my nikon j1 i only get the option to download with gwenview (which dont work) and no longer get the option to open the19:22
viewer|38folder to view files on sd card. any help with these 2 bugbears would be grand!19:22
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LinuxAgentHello. I am GLAT agent. Contact me to purchase a license for GNU/Linux ($99 single user, $49 volume).20:39
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IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Cool22:49

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