
lubotGabrielzvddsz was added by: Gabrielzvddsz00:34
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DanW58i'm new to lubuntu and posix but not to C++ and just found out that there is no menu editor in lubuntu;  would anyone care to join me in writing one?06:28
td_Hey, i'm running lubuntu 18.04.4 on a laptop, i have an issue that's not 100% reproduceable.. occasionally the touchpad gets stuck in scroll mode after clicking, and then stays stuck in scroll mode until the pc is rebooted. When it is stuck like this, i can plug in a usb mouse or use the touchscreen without it remaining stuck.06:49
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @td_ [<td_> Hey, i'm running lubuntu 18.04.4 on a laptop, i have an issue that's not 1 …], sure that your touchpad is in the right condition?07:04
td_how do you mean?07:05
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> does it have mechanical buttons? can you press on the touchpad?07:06
td_mechanically it seems to be fine.. no buttons sticking or anything07:06
td_actually this error seems to happen a lot when double tapping to click and hold, not nessecarily using the mechanical function of pressing the touchpad07:07
td_with a light double touch to the touchpad07:07
lubot<BhuvanTeja98> (Photo, 720x1280) https://i.imgur.com/ufTwv5d.jpg07:31
lubot<BhuvanTeja98> @BhuvanTeja98 [<reply to image>], Can anyone help.me out with this?07:31
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> Can you try copying text and pasting it to pastebin/gist/etc?07:51
lubot<Mateusz Konieczny> Or at least rotate photo correctly?07:51
hyblai would like to access an external usb HD from lubuntu but when i plug it in it doesn't show up, it is a ntfs drive09:54
hyblai have already connected other devices to the same usb port and they worked properly09:56
hyblacan someone help me out?10:04
akem_Did you connect other NTFS drives and they worked?10:04
hyblaakem_: i did not connect any other ntfs drive, but i can try now...i will get back in a minute10:05
akem_hybla, If it doesn't work try: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g10:06
akem_Then plug your drive again.10:06
hyblaakem_: i tried another drive but the result is the same it doesn't show up, i am using the same enclosure but on windows they both show up10:12
hyblai tried sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g but it is at the latest version10:12
akem_hybla, Ok, plug your drive, wait 3 secs so that the disk spins, and type "dmesg" in a terminal.10:13
akem_You should have a line like with something like "/dev/sdb" or "/dev/sdc"?10:14
akem_Something like: "[sdc]" and/or "sdc: sdc1 sdc2"10:15
akem_You see it?10:16
hyblaakem_: no i get some red warning "usb usb4-port1: disabled by hub (EMI?), re-enabling..."10:16
hyblausb 4-1: device not accepting address 37, error -6210:16
akem_Oh? There is something wrong with your USB, are you using a HUB or is it the mainboard USB port?10:17
akem_-mainboard +computer10:17
hyblai am using a laptop/notebook10:19
hybladrive connected directly to usb port10:19
akem_Ok, well...try another port if you can. Some computers have USB2 and USB3, you can check the color inside of the port, if it's blue it's USB3 (or it maybe noted "SS" next to it). Then "dmesg" to see. But it may be an USB driver problem :X In that case i don't know, you'll have to ask again, so someone else can help you with that.10:22
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hyblai already tried another usb port, maybe it's time to say goodbye to this notebook, it has more than 10 years10:25
hyblai tried with windows on another machine,  because this laptop only works in live mode with lubuntu( i think the internal hard drive controller got broken because it doesn't boot via hard disk anymore)10:25
akemWhat model is it?10:25
akemHa...Well yeah, it sucks :P That's maybe because you're on live Ubuntu...i don't know.10:26
akemIt should work on Live too, but we never know.10:27
hyblacompaq presario cq60 very very old :D10:27
akemBut if you're on Live, that means the USB are working. Weird.10:27
hyblaits place should be in a computing museum lol10:28
akemHehe :)10:28
hyblayeah switched usb port but close to the same warnings10:33
hyblausb 2-3: device descriptor read/64, error -7110:33
hybla[ 2899.944908] usb usb2-port3: unable to enumerate USB device10:33
hyblaakem: anyway thanks for your help :)10:35
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userfrBonjour, comment faire pour que les fenetres se redimenssionnent automatiquement à l'approche du côté droit ou gauche, bref comme sur windows avec le SUPER UP...13:20
userfrJ'ai trouvé la fonction sur Debian 10 LXQT mais pas sur Lubuntu.13:20
lubot<aptghetto> S'il te plaît, on parle anglais içi.13:22
userfrhow to make window automatic resize with SUPER+UP ?13:22
userfrEnable Window Snapping LXQT ?13:37
akemThat kind of window management is maybe not available on Lubuntu, i couldn't tell.13:50
userfrok thanks14:03
userfrthanks for reply14:04
userfrthanks for reply14:08
lubot<BhuvanTeja98> (Photo, 1280x720) https://i.imgur.com/dUie4PY.jpg14:19
craigbass76I'm on 20.04, and wondering how to change my alt-tab settings. I only want to see windows in the list that are on the workspace I'm currently looking at.17:40
craigbass76Probably something dumb I'm missing in settings...17:40
kc2bezcraigbass76: If you right click on the task bar and go to "configure task manager" the first tick box will only show the applications from the current desktop and Alt Tab will follow that.18:18
craigbass76kc2bez: It's not. That was already checked.18:38
craigbass76But at least I feel like I was looking in the right spots before I asked. :)18:39
kc2bezOh strange, I don't have the same result. I have that checked and the Alt Tab only follows the task manager.18:43
kc2bezcraigbass76: that is an openbox setting. Sometimes I am really slow. I committed the change https://phab.lubuntu.me/rDEFAULTSETTINGSe46db7f72dd4fe01712b763d237f606d5b9777aa18:57
kc2bezcraigbass76: If you remove those two allDesktops lines in the .config/lxqt-rc.xml it should fix you up.18:58
olave30nick olave119:46
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craigbass76kc2bez: I don't see such a file, or allDesktops anywhere in the files I see in the ~/.config/lxqt directory23:29
DanW58Hello, I'm new to Posix and Lubuntu, though not to C++.  I have an idea for something I want to work on for Lubuntu.  Could someone help me with instructions what development packages to download, where the sources are, etceteras?  FYI, I'd like to modify the app launcher menu to make it editable by drag and drop, like in Windows.23:53
wxlit already is23:53
wxlunless you're talking about old lubuntu, in which case i honestly wouldn't waste your time23:53
DanW58Seriously?  Let me try this...23:54
DanW58How do I drop an app into the menu, exactly?  The text line from a terminal window, copy paste?23:55
wxlwaaaaaaaaaaait a minute23:55
wxlmaybe i misunderstood23:55
wxlyou want to add arbitrary applications to your system menu, not to the launcher area next to it, right?23:55
wxlan application that installs without setting up itself in the menu is a problem already23:56
DanW58100% agreed;  but even those that do add themselves not exactly where I want them.  I want to be able to drag them to a different folder in the menu.23:57
wxlalso https://specifications.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/23:57
wxlok, well that's an issue you would want to bring up with the developer of that applicaiton23:57
wxlthe desktop entry specification doesn't exactly allow for random menus23:58
wxlalthough there are tools to edit them23:58
wxlthe upstream issue most closely aligned to your thinking is here https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt/issues/25523:59

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