
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
tyuiopgetting this error with my site The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.08:17
tyuiopwhen i try to fix it this command sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_instances=1024 on my ubuntu 908:18
tyuiopgetting message like this : sysctl: setting key "fs.inotify.max_user_instances": Read-only file system08:18
=== gato is now known as fandre1986
=== halvors1 is now known as halvors
xuehi all, i was redirected here as my question concerns ubuntu-server13:05
xuei have rpi2 which i need to use with ros. To use it that way i need to be connected by wi-fi so i do use wifi dongle13:07
xuebut i am unable establish connection13:07
xuehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xmZgCQhvkt/ here is my netplan config file, does anybody know what i might be doing wrong?13:08
xuei need also add, that while booting dongle lights up diodes but still timeouts13:09
RoyKxue: before someone elsee starts complaining, I guess this question belongs to #ubuntu-arm13:15
xueRoyK: thanks for help, it was very useful13:26
xuehere, get some ++ from me13:26
=== ddstreet_away is now known as ddstreet
xueDoes Ubuntu-server especially ARM comes with proprietary software of i have to enable it by hand16:06
xueit doesnt seems like its possible as rpi requires closed source software to book16:07
oerheksrasppi comes with firmware, you find the images here https://ubuntu.com/download/raspberry-pi16:09
xuei asked about ubuntu-server not raspian16:09
xuei mean kernel modules required to use some USB devices16:10
oerheksthat url is not raspian, it is ubuntu server build for rasppi16:10
waveformubuntu server for pi uses the same firmware as raspbian/raspios, including the binary blobs required by the kernel for wifi+bt support (specifically, we source the binary firmware blobs from the raspberrypi github repos)16:10
lotuspsychjexue: are you having issues with an usb device specificly, if you do, perhaps elaborate more so the volunteers can try to help?16:11
waveform(I should clarify: for the built-in wifi+bt support in the 3 onwards)16:11
waveformjust read the back-scroll and I see you're using a 2B with a wifi dongle. In that case, we may well differ from raspbian's kernel in support (ubuntu server for pi uses ubuntu's kernel with pi-specific patches from the pi foundation, but ultimately that means they do have different configurations)16:14
xuerlt8188, on ubuntu mate 18.04 with de i worked ootb but i cant make it work on 18.04 server16:15
xueguys from #netplan told me, that my config files are rather good16:15
lotuspsychjerealtek chipset can be picky about kernel versions, you might wanna investigate dmesg xue16:17
oerheksinteresting, can you paste your .yaml on paste.ubuntu.com ??16:19
xuepasted here once, and on ubuntu gerneral and arm and netplan16:19
xuehere you are16:19
oerhekssure you installed wpasupplicant ?16:20
oerheksand are you sure wlan0 is correct?16:23
oerheksthat would be the old interface naming scheme, not sure it works16:23
TJ-it's RasPi :)16:24
xuei dunno, i am tired of this shieeet, that enough at least for today16:24
xueim gonna play some gothic 216:25
xuesee ya16:25
trippehstrange, apt upgraded a 18.04 with rocket.chat snap, now snap.rocketchat-server.rocketchat-server.service just dont start and doesnt log anything. the mongo and caddy services come up fine.19:28
trippehokay it started after switching to the stable 3.x track. lets see if it upgrades cleanly :)19:32
trippehseems so!19:36

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