
Eickmeyer[m]OvenWerks: This came up in #lad. https://linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2172805:30
Eickmeyer[m]What are your thoughts about adding that to the kernel command line for lowlatency?05:30
OvenWerksThat is something we can try ... the threadirqa, not the mitigations=off06:57
OvenWerksThe second would be ok for studio only machines.... don't use it when connected for sw updates.06:58
OvenWerksbut I wouldn't want it baked in to an ISO or package07:00
OvenWerksI don't think I would even want it in a wiki or other docs07:01
Eickmeyer[m]I was referring to threadirqs. I wouldn't want mitigations=off under any circumstances.16:05
OvenWerksEickmeyer[m]: to be honest, I have not done any latency testing for some time now.16:07
OvenWerksI don't really have time...16:07
Eickmeyer[m]It's all good. I was just curious what your thoughts were about making it a default.16:07
Eickmeyer[m]I mean, I could probably handle that much.16:07
OvenWerksCertainly the D66 is a great device for testing this as it is known to be able to run at jack with 16/2 and so shows latency problems better than other devices16:09
OvenWerksI don't know where we would put that to get it on the command line without trampling on top of other packages.16:11
OvenWerksand without making it so the user could not find it.16:11
Eickmeyer[m]It'd just go in lowlatency settings. It's just a kernel command that belongs in grub.16:14
Eickmeyer[m]Either that or I can ask the kernel team to enable the threadirqs flag.16:15
OvenWerksyuck!... ok headphone plugged in can be found with:22:30
OvenWerksamixer -D hw:PCH cget iface=CARD,name='Front Headphone Jack'22:30
OvenWerksThe answer is:22:31
OvenWerksnumid=40,iface=CARD,name='Front Headphone Jack'22:31
OvenWerks  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=r-------,values=122:31
OvenWerks  : values=on22:31
OvenWerksMy python alsa binding does not have that one, so read in the values from the command.22:34
OvenWerksEickmeyer[m]: can you run the above command on your machine?22:35
Eickmeyer[m]Oh boy... uh.... I could but it wouldn't be effective as the machine I'm on doesn't exactly do headphone recognition to begin with.22:36
Eickmeyer[m]It's a desktop system.22:36
OvenWerksImjuust ran upstairs to the old (32 bit) laptop... it says:22:37
OvenWerksamixer: Control hw:PCH open error: No such device22:37
OvenWerksWhich is not too bad... as the phone switching is hw based anyway.22:38
Eickmeyer[m]At some level there's a software switch. I'd have to dig-out my laptop to experiment.22:39
OvenWerksAH, but amixer -D hw:0 cget iface=CARD,name='Headphone Jack' works22:41
OvenWerksSo, there seem to be two variants... those that use Front and those that do not22:42
OvenWerksThe jack is front headphone and the speaker is speaker or front.22:43
OvenWerksbut this laptop does not have a HP level control. So make sure a headphone level exists before muting line out.22:44
OvenWerksor speakers22:44
OvenWerksthis one has line out so it is safe... all control changes fail :)22:45
OvenWerksEickmeyer[m]: if you are experimenting... alsactl monitor22:46
OvenWerkswill show changes and give the name.22:46
Eickmeyer[m]Ok. One problem: ERR:WifeOnVacation22:47
Eickmeyer[m]Trying to spend some time with her and my son and less time doing dev work this week. :)22:47
OvenWerksThats ok. I think I can figure it out22:48
Eickmeyer[m]OK. Sorry I can't be of much help right now.22:48

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