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rafaeldtinoco@pilot in11:15
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | 20.04 Released! | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Trusty-Focal | If you can't send messages here, authenticate to NickServ first | Patch Pilots: rafaeldtinoco
cpaelzerxnox: dannf: do you for 1883114 have a working setup/script/...?11:50
cpaelzeras I'm forced to remove https from the e1000e rom for bug 1882671 I wanted to test if your setup is affected11:51
ubottubug 1882671 in iPXE "unbalanced UEFI TPL manipulations in iPXE with DOWNLOAD_PROTO_HTTPS enabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188267111:51
cpaelzerbut the bug you used only lists how to check if https support is compiled in, not how to actually use it11:51
cpaelzerso I wonder if the actual use-case exists somewhere already11:51
dannfcpaelzer: i don't11:53
xnoxcpaelzer:  i don't have a working setup for 1883114 but i'm trying to find time to make that work. With 1883114 the idea is that UEFI firmware can do https boot directly, and then it looks as if one is inside a hard-drive, which happens to have http/https in the "disk-drive path"12:09
xnoxcpaelzer: stuff in 1882671 is iPXE which is separate / different.12:09
xnoxi think/hope the two things are independent of each other.12:10
cpaelzerxnox: I was hoping that as well, but they are not perfectly separate12:30
cpaelzerxnox: EDK2/OVMF formware will use the lower layers (stuff in ipxe-qemu beginning with efi-*) SNP to do low level things, but if the efi-* roms have more than just basics built in the lines start to blur which component does what12:31
cpaelzerthis is what made it fail in the bug that I try to fix12:31
xnoxcpaelzer:  is it borked in groovy too? or having https-enabled edkII makes things "better"?12:32
cpaelzerxnox: as far as I can tell it made it better12:32
xnoxcpaelzer:  so i should SRU edk2 sooner, rather than later, i guess12:32
xnoxcpaelzer:  but there is one more fix that needs to go in.12:33
cpaelzerthere is a chance that my fix for ipxe-qemu requires the EDK" with HTTPS enabled12:33
cpaelzerso +1 on your fix better being or later - but OTOH no urgency from me12:33
cpaelzermy change can wait12:33
cpaelzerI'm only looking for extended testing, that is why I asked for that setup12:34
xnoxcpaelzer:  we know that our grub is not good enough, so testing this stuff at the moment is more-or-less "follow openSUSE instructions and try to https boot their NET.iso"12:37
xnoxand saying that, makes me sad.12:37
cpaelzeryeah https://en.opensuse.org/UEFI_HTTPBoot_Server_Setup also is the #1 documentation hit one finds12:46
cpaelzeronce this works well for us we really should add that to the serverguide then as the suse docs is quite different (e.g. how to enable ssl on apache)12:46
xnoxcpaelzer:  for a simple test, downloading their net.iso putting it on https; enrolling said https server cert; should be enough to test netbooting their net.iso12:46
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ahasenackhi sil2100, how's bileto today?13:52
sil2100ahasenack: hey! Better, but there's still one more crash that I'm seeing now, will fix it in a moment13:54
ahasenackthanks for working on it13:54
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sil2100geh, phew, found the last one14:41
sil2100Apparently the new britney2 now defaults with a --distribution of Debian instead of 'ubuntu'14:42
sil2100But I added an explicit --distribution parameter to the britney command14:42
Laneyphew, we already set that for the main runs ;-)14:59
sil2100This run now should be better I hope15:01
oSoMoNLocutusOfBorg, when you have a moment, can you sponsor https://salsa.debian.org/js-team/node-grunt-contrib-nodeunit/-/merge_requests/1 ?15:31
sil2100GunnarHj: hello! Did you manage to send out the call-for-testing for bionic?15:40
niubo/ quick and easy question: what's the package that replace libvirt-bin in Focal: libvirt-daemon?15:44
GunnarHjsil2100: Not yet, but I will later today.15:47
GunnarHjsil2100: Btw, I installed langpacks for some languages from focal-proposed, and my computer is still not burning. :)15:47
sil2100That's certainly a good sign!15:49
sil2100ahasenack: bileto britney seems to be working now! Please give me a poke if you see something not working as intended15:49
sil2100uh, the logfile from this britney run is 123M big15:49
oSoMoNLocutusOfBorg, also, node-iconv-lite needs a no-change rebuild against the version of node-iconv in groovy-proposed: https://people.canonical.com/~osomon/+1maintenance/node-iconv-lite.debdiff15:50
oSoMoNLocutusOfBorg, another trivial node-* related MR that needs sponsoring: https://salsa.debian.org/js-team/node-immutable-tuple/-/merge_requests/116:11
oSoMoNif there are MOTUs/core devs around, I have a bunch of node-* autopkgtests that need triggering, here is the list: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qdrPkhQRjX/16:14
oSoMoNthanks in advance!16:14
LocutusOfBorgoSoMoN, will do them16:15
LocutusOfBorggrunt-contrib-nodeunit done16:20
LocutusOfBorgiconv-lite done16:20
LocutusOfBorgimmutable-tuple done16:22
LocutusOfBorgretries done in some seconds16:24
LocutusOfBorglet me know if you need anything else!16:25
LocutusOfBorgoSoMoN, why is the node-iconv-lite change needed?16:40
LocutusOfBorglooks like the built deb is really the same as the previous one16:42
ahasenacksil2100: thanks! Will try it now17:11
oSoMoNLocutusOfBorg, node-iconv is a build dep of node-iconv-lite, I assume because the tests are run at build time17:11
rafaeldtinocomaint+1: opened zsys upstream bug for armhf regression of its own regression tests issue (object file serialization / de-serialization issues when comparing 2 objects as it looks)19:02
rafaeldtinocoworking on sqlite3 issues and libgpg-error19:02
rafaeldtinocosergiodj is working on rsync migration issues19:02
rafaeldtinocofyio ^19:02
rafaeldtinoco@pilot out21:36
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | 20.04 Released! | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Trusty-Focal | If you can't send messages here, authenticate to NickServ first | Patch Pilots:
ahasenackoh, nice macro21:37
sarnoldmorning mwhudson :)22:41
mwhudsonLaney: my browser thanks you for making update_excuses.html so much smaller22:52
xnoxLaney:  it is nice.23:43
xnoxno idea how it went from 23M to like 3M23:43

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