
N64N64TJ-: yep00:21
N64N64from yesterday, though00:21
N64N64i didnt reboot for an entire day though so that makes sense00:21
N64N64im not sure what changed00:22
TJ-N64N64: I didn't see anything obvious but I also didn't 'diff' it00:24
TJ-N64N64: what you could do is "diff -u /etc/skel/.bashrc $HOME/.bashrc"00:25
N64N64the only difference is `source ~/.profile`00:34
N64N64now that i think about it00:34
N64N64i may have added myself00:34
TJ-N64N64: that'd do it, since .profile sources .bashrc so you've got a loop00:35
N64N64it was an infinite loop00:35
N64N64why does it not do that00:35
N64N64when i ctrl+alt+f200:35
N64N64oh probably because i not using bash00:36
N64N64nvm yeah i am00:36
N64N64echo $0 -> bash00:36
TJ-talk about shooting oneself in the foot :D00:37
N64N64thank you sir for going down this rabbit hole with me00:45
oerheks!cookie | TJ-00:48
ubottuTJ-: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!00:48
oerheksthere is a max of 12 cookies iirc00:49
sarnoldaww :( that's not many cookies00:49
sarnoldtj- certainly deserves one of them though00:49
TJ-I don't snack between meals but I have an apprentice that'll eat the crumbs before they hit the floor!00:49
oerheksso, you need 2 cookies?00:49
TJ-!vodka | TJ-00:50
* sarnold dreams of a moscow mule00:52
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noraatepernos18.04 gnome here and I’m wondering how to actually share a screen via VNC.  Like I want to see the cursor move. Can a screen session be shared like this?02:00
noraatepernosI’m trying tigervnc and it works in that I can control *a* screen session but it’s not the active one.  Basically I want to make sure there is only ever one screen session.02:00
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yelowfishhi,all when i try to delete a file inside nautilus it only has delete permanently.how can i bring back the normal delete that goes straigh to recycle bin?02:09
oerhekshow odd, normally nautilus stores it in trash02:14
oerhekscommandline makes it disappear.02:14
BlairWitchi use caja and  if i delete a file goes to the recycle bin unless i use shift + delete the doent pass by recycle bin02:15
rjwiiior shift-Delete to delete permanently in Nautilus ...02:15
oerheksmust be a mint issue, or other derrivate :-P02:20
yelowfishusing xenial 16.0402:26
Sven_vBRecently I asked for an apt-packaged version of firmware blob rtlwifi/rtl8188eufw.bin for focal. Now by accident I found that we do indeed have a package for that, called "linux-firmware".02:32
lotuspsychje!info linux-firmware02:36
ubottulinux-firmware (source: linux-firmware): Firmware for Linux kernel drivers. In component main, is optional. Version 1.187.1 (focal), package size 96658 kB, installed size 523484 kB02:36
lotuspsychjewe do!02:36
sarnoldI don't understand how seeded-in-ubuntu works but it says it's part of ubuntu: daily-live -- I think I'd have expected linux-firmware to be installed on all machines where it would be helpful02:37
rjwiiiI seem to have hosed up a thumb drive ... is there a way to just totally wipe out a thumb drive and start from scratch?02:38
sarnoldyes, if you run sudo dd=/dev/zero of=/dev/SOMETHINGHERE you can completely wipe that thumb drive. be careful though, you'll blow away whatever it is you aim that command at, and it'll overwrite your hard drive with your life's work on it if you ask it to02:39
sarnoldso be *sure* you pick the right device node to obliterate :)02:39
sarnoldls -l /dev/disk/by-id/  may be handy02:39
sarnoldit might be worth double-checking with dmesg | grep sd    to try to check your work :)02:40
Sven_vBrjwiii, keep in mind however that flash memory has wear leveling, so you usually cannot ensure that old data is physically removed. it may have only been moved out of sight.02:42
Sven_vBrjwiii, for SSDs you can at least request the data be physically erased, but thumbdrives don't usually provide that "secure erase" feature.02:43
rjwiiisarnold: Thanks ... did that, but it still mounts ...02:43
rjwiiisarnold: shows full space in disks, though ...02:43
rjwiiisarnold: fdisk is still showing less than the full disk space ...02:44
Sven_vBrjwiii, make sure you write to the entire drive, not just a partition. I recommend using /dev/disk/by-id/ because the names there are harder to mistype than sdXX. in by-id/, the name of the disk does not have a -partX suffix.02:44
rjwiiisarnold: Did I just kill this thumbdrive?02:44
sarnoldrjwiii: you may need to do something to refresh the kernel's partition tables on the device -- it shouldn't have any partitions on it now, let alone filesystems..02:45
sarnoldrjwiii: try pulling it and plugging it back in again02:45
Sven_vBrjwiii, usually however, it should be easier to just ask gparted to create a new partition table. :)02:45
rjwiiisarnold: did that several times ... even plugged it into a different computer ...02:47
rjwiiiSven_vB: Have in gparted now ... how do I create a new partition table?02:48
Sven_vBrjwiii, in the "Device" menu02:49
sarnoldrjwiii: mmmm. this worries me. how fast did that dd command run? what'd you overwrite? :)02:49
rjwiiiSven_vB: got it ... thanks02:49
rjwiiisarnold: Thank you to you, too ...02:49
BlairWitchhi sometimes my computer crashes. and  sometimes keeps crashing frequently. i found in logs "hardware error bank 0" or something like that. does this means is a memory issue? i did a memory test and didnt found problems02:53
BlairWitchmight be a termal issue02:54
Sven_vBthermal could be. I once had a faulty cable to the reset button that would randomly short itself every few days.02:56
Sven_vBjust as a reminder that electrical connectivity can cause issues as well. :)02:57
BlairWitchis it any possible hardware error bank 0 be refered to an ssd disk instead memory?03:01
BlairWitchmy temperatrure monitor says 98 degrees on  ssd hard drive but muts be ubuntu fault. probably not working correctly because i feel no heat with my hand03:03
Sven_vBfahrenheit or celsius?03:11
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gbellinozI'm trying to debug a sometimes-slow shutdown, and am following the directions at:04:12
gbellinozHowever, I get a screenfull of this: https://pasteboard.co/JhxDa9G.jpg04:12
gbellinozI can't tell who's doing that or why they're unhappy.04:12
deltabgbellinoz: that's due to some kind of parsing error, I think04:42
deltabit's saying "No such file" with that long thing, so I suspect the line endings are wrong (CR instead of LF)04:43
deltabso the whole script is read as the program to run04:43
gbellinozdeltab: ubuntu. I haven't had CR/LF problems in a long while!04:44
deltabokay, and given the systemd context I think it's something else04:45
gbellinozCould be that, but I'm not really sure what's being run. Is it something I've started with those kernel options, or the script that howto had me put in /usr04:46
deltabdo you actually have a /bin/bash ?04:46
gbellinozbut the script is calling for /bin/sh04:47
deltabwhat was the script you added? does it look like the one shown?04:50
deltabenv >> /tmp/env etc.04:51
gbellinozThe one at the freedesktop.org link. No echo in it whatsoever.04:51
gbellinozLooking at the output again, I can see semicolons between the statements, and a bash -c to run the whole thing, so I don't think it's a line ending issue.04:51
gbellinozIt did actually end up in the journal, looks like something broken with the systemd debug stuff I'm passing in on the kernel options.04:55
gbellinozOH, it's some udev debug stuff I have in there. Have no idea why that would suddenly be producing a lot of output!04:56
gbellinozI've had it in there for years... must have always sounded off during boot/shutdown, but now with the systemd debug stuff in there it's visible.04:56
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tripelb20.04 I dont get a choice of Play Disk. What must I do?05:05
deltabtripelb: to play an audio CD, video DVD, or something else?05:07
johnbendiIt's has been a horrible jerky UI experience with Ubuntu 20.04/Gnome for me on HP Spectre X360. Do I have a better option with some other flavor?05:11
tripelbThis one is a video dvd.05:20
tripelbDeltab video dvd. Qi Gong05:21
tripelbjohnbendi there is a lighter ui on xbuntu, and it is official ubuntu05:22
deltabjohnbendi: check the graphics drivers05:23
tripelbI tried the mate and one other de(=ui) and they did not work on my HP probook laptop (late 2016)05:23
tripelbjohnbendi you can find out your hardware for which drivers with   sudo lshw05:24
tripelb18.04 failed at my wifi drivers but 20.04 is good05:25
deltabtripelb: do you have libdvd-pkg installed?05:25
tripelbDeltab how should I check that I have libdvd-pkg?05:26
tripelbI haven't it's foss page and I'm working on it now05:28
kk4ewttripelb; most movies and such on dvds are encrypted05:29
yelowfishhi all.is there a way to re-enable the links on desktop's unity bar and nautilus left panel without logging out or restarting?05:30
kk4ewtso you thats why you need libdvd05:30
tripelbkk4ewt yes I know that is why I need (something)05:31
johnbendideltab, it's the official proprietary nvidia driver from Ubuntu05:31
tripelbThank heavens that linus ey al forced nvidia to kneel and reveal the secrets.05:32
tripelbdeltab ok I did all that and I still dont get a choice to play.05:36
deltabtripelb: my guess was that it's not showing the option because of some missing software05:37
tripelbSounds true.05:37
deltabmaybe that's still the case (some other software needed) or maybe there's a setting you need to change05:37
tripelbNapsterbatero shrooms, Sherlock.05:38
tripelb...No s... Sherlock05:38
deltabyelowfish: does restarting GNOME Shell help with that? Alt+F2, r, Enter05:39
tripelbNapsterbatero problem. Here I am not knowing anything. I thought of installing VLC and went to the video lan page. It says use snap. I may have removed snap because something else said install flat pack and get rid of snap.05:40
tripelbMy head spins.05:40
tripelbI think Firefox just reinstalled the snap store for me05:41
yelowfish@deltab, il take note on that..any other tips?05:42
deltabyelowfish: nothing specific05:43
tripelbWhen I try to play a disc with BLC all I see is audio T s and video TS I don't see any way to play it05:44
tripelbYou know ubuntu used to work... Come to think of it not on this HP computer.05:44
kk4ewttripelb; VLC?05:45
tripelbApologies I did mean Victor London Charlie05:45
yelowfishhi all.. the turn off screen for x amount of time,sometimes it works,any tips?05:45
ace_meHow to fix this please. It seems it does not work05:45
ace_mesed -i 's/mysqli.default_port = 3306/mysqli.default_port = 3307/g' /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini05:45
kk4ewtyellowfish look at your screensaver power settings05:46
ace_meoh it works but it seems my entrypoint was not run05:46
tripelbkk4ewt yes VLC05:47
yelowfishdid at 'brightness and lock' but its not consistent,sometimes it doesnot turns off05:47
tripelbWhat is the command autoconf-archive -----> tgis is part of a command that ends in gfortran that was suggesting innpassing while I was installing all that libdvd stuff05:50
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tripelbautoconf-archive gnu-standards autocobf-dic dh-make libtool-doc gfortran | fortran95-compiler gcf-jdk m4-doc libmail-box-perl   <==YES all that. I typed in on this phone.05:53
yelowfishEriC^^, wb. u saved me sometime ago :)05:54
tripelbIt was autoconf-doc   (the beginning of the line on my phone disappears and I can't get back to it to recheck the typing. Argh)05:54
EriC^^thanks yelowfish05:55
yelowfishbig tnx to u!05:55
tripelbWell I still can't play the DVD. 3xBeers POUT S05:55
tripelbI have gimpbuntu.05:56
EriC^^yelowfish: np!05:57
ace_mewhat connector should I have for a egpu like ? https://egpu.io/best-egpu-buyers-guide/#tb2-enclosures06:05
ace_melaptop connector I mean06:05
tripelbImma gonna learn to install windows 10 in a virtualbox in ubuntu so I can play a dvd.  Haha06:22
tripelbBecause 20.04 is borked. I have failed and failed in 18.04 and beyond to make Ubuntu play a DVD.06:23
tripelbAnd no one can help poor little me.06:23
TJ-tripelb: how is it failing? I've not had any issues with 20.04 (provided the required restricted libraries are installed if wanting to play DRMed content)06:28
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Boiubuntu is the bomb06:53
yelowfishanyone knows why screen timeout doesnot work sometimes? xenial 16.0407:10
gebbionesudo mount -t afp afp://admin@nas.local/ /media/nas/ gives me unknown filesystem type afp . I cannot remember how ubuntu mounts these things and the afp links do not work in terminal so i cannot cd into afp://///07:23
blumpskigebbione: not sure if mount supports afp out of the box. You gotta install afp support on the system, libfuse is the package if I recall correctly.07:32
lotuspsychjeace_me: try ##hardware07:35
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lotuspsychjejohnbendi: try to find the root cause of your graphic glitches07:38
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ace_meIf I use a firewall in ubuntu or wathever iptables, which does block a port lets's say 81, the docker containers on that machine will be blocked between them too isn't it ?08:46
cxlHi, how could I copy a file over and over using a nfs mount? I tried creating a file with fallocate, placing it on the nfs share, and then having a for loop that copies the file to /dev/null 100 times, but I think the file is cached after the first copy and it doesn't load the network at all.08:54
cxlthe goal being to stress test the network interface to try and reproduce a kernel panic that occurs sometimes08:54
cxlon 16.0408:55
TJ-cxl: I think you'll need the O_DIRECT flag but not 100% sure it won't cache08:55
lotuspsychjeace_me: could try ##networking or #netfilter if you like08:58
ace_me2what do you mean lotuspsychje ?09:07
lotuspsychjeace_me2: 2 channels that also could help you about firewalls09:08
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gebbioneblumpski, thanks10:28
blumpskigebbione: np, hope you got it working.10:28
gebbionenot yet, i remember something about fuse too but i cannot remember what the right commands are. mount_afp does not exist, neither fuse10:29
ToxmiI'm trying to configure zsh, and it constantly give me error regarding promptinit. I've install zsh-common but it seems I need to install zshcontrib but could find relevant package11:04
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BluesKajHiyas all11:35
louis771hi there11:40
xbfrogBluesKaj:  wanna ask a question or just loggin in?11:40
xbfroghey louis77111:40
BluesKajxbfrog, login11:40
xbfrogok, no prob11:41
BlairWitchhi. my computer frezes and crashes from time to time, im trying to identify the problem. reading logs  i found this  hardware error. type fatal. section type unknown 81212a96-09ed-4996-9471-bd729c8e69ed.  any ideas what is the cause of this? sometimes i can use pc and then starts crashing after login.12:16
tomreynBlairWitch: let'S see a full log, if we can?  journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999912:25
Devtronhow do i preinstall a graphics card on unubtu12:29
Devtronhave a nvidia card that wont load ubuntu when installed12:29
lotuspsychjeDevtron: wich card chipset on wich ubuntu version would that be?12:30
Devtronneed to install drivers for a feforce gt 71012:30
Devtronubuntu version is not the latest by the one before the current12:30
Devtronsorry had to rebbot it12:31
lotuspsychjeDevtron: can you pastebin ubuntu-drivers list please12:32
Devtroni dont have a drivers list12:32
Devtronwas hoping i could do an apt-get command or somehting'12:32
tomreynubuntu-drivers list    is a command you can run12:34
Devtronnothing happens when running it12:40
lotuspsychjeDevtron: can we see a pastebin of your dmesg then please?12:41
lewie67anyone experienced a NIC not getting a DHCP address after being build via preseed?12:43
tomreynDevtron: are you sure oyu have instaleld a compatible nvidia graphics card there?12:50
tomreynmgag200 is being detected, but that's it12:50
BlairWitchhttps://pastebin.com/vCaaTMc3 full logs on hardware erro12:51
tomreynBlairWitch: which ubuntu version is this, which kernel version12:52
tomreynok kernel 5.3.0, likely ubuntu 18.0412:54
Devtrontomreyn it is not in, if i put it in ubuntu will not go to desktop12:54
Devtronit stops loading with the ubuntu animation running12:55
tomreyn!recovery | Devtron12:55
ubottuDevtron: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode12:55
Devtrontried it a few times even waited over 10min12:55
BlairWitchubuntu mate   5.3.0-62-generic12:55
DevtronI was hoping to pre install an nvidia driver12:55
tomreyn!nomodeset | Or just this, Devtron12:55
ubottuOr just this, Devtron: Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.12:55
Devtronmsi geforce gt710 1gd3h lp12:56
tomreynDevtron: just follow ubottu's advice, it'll help. start with nomodeset12:57
tomreynthat's after installing the card12:57
BlairWitchfound it  ubuntu 18.04.4 lts  bionic12:59
tomreynBlairWitch: those are just indications of faulty hardware, i'm afraid.13:00
BlairWitchyes but what hardware  ssd , memory or motherboard and cpu13:01
BlairWitchany ideas13:01
tomreyna web search for the mainboard suggests it's a faulty product13:01
BlairWitchwhat words did u serch/13:02
tomreyn"BERT: Error records from previous boot:" + J420513:04
BlairWitchok thank13:05
tomreynBlairWitch: it could be many things, doesn'T have to be the mainboard. so could also be cpu, ram etc13:06
Devtronit lists 3 drivers now with ubuntu list13:08
Devtronshould i just install the latest version?13:08
tomreynBlairWitch: look into thermals, too, the storage media you have there reports its running hot13:09
tomreynDevtron: the recommended one, i guess13:10
BlairWitchtomreyn,  i see ssd 98 degrees but i dont fell heat from it.13:12
tomreynBlairWitch: 98? i saw 70-something, but that's more than it should have already13:13
BlairWitchmy app indicator says 98 degrees but i think its error13:14
tomreynBlairWitch: are the fans spinning properly, though?13:15
tomreyndid you buy this computer fully assembled, or add parts to it?13:16
BlairWitchyes it was mothrboard =cpu integrated and i added a litle fan to dissipator13:17
tomreynso a cpu fan, directly attached to the cpu, right?13:18
BlairWitchcpu fan on top cpu dissipator13:18
tomreyncpu temperatures are fine appatrently: Core 0:        +41.0°C13:19
BlairWitchplus i selected  powersave13:19
BlairWitchsmart disk says 98 degrees and all ok13:21
tomreynBlairWitch: well 98°C wouldn't be ok13:21
BlairWitchsensor bug mybe13:22
tomreynmaybe, but be sure that's the case.13:22
BlairWitchif its 98 degreen i coudnt put my finger13:22
BlairWitch and i dont feel any heat13:22
tomreynssd's are ok between 30 and 50 °C13:23
tomreyn70°C is the upper edge where they can still work, but they'll wear off much, much faster13:23
tomreynbut it can be incorrectly reported, yes13:24
BlairWitchsmrt says  31 degrees temperature  normalized 69 worst 6013:24
tespimaybe it's 98 degrees fahrenheit :p13:25
BlairWitchhum then a few lines after another temperture witch says 98 degrees13:25
BlairWitch 98 degrres or 208 f13:26
BlairWitchi guss i need to buy a new computer13:26
BlairWitchi cant work with this13:27
BlairWitchabout 300 euros waisted on a small low profile crap13:29
tomreynBlairWitch: is the ram also soldered on, or can you cross test it?13:30
BlairWitchrm its not soldered13:30
BlairWitchi di that and aparently solved but it was only temporary13:30
tomreynis it a single dimm though?13:30
BlairWitch2 dim13:31
tomreynoh you tested already, ok13:31
BlairWitchmaybe i should removeone to see it13:31
tomreynso removing one of them did not really help?13:31
BlairWitchi just switch  the rams13:32
BlairWitchim gona try using only 1 ram13:32
tomreynremove one, do a 2 pass memtest86+ (download from vendor website since you want the uefi variant)13:32
tomreynif it still fails, replace the one by the other, repeat13:32
tomreynif it still fails, replace mainboard13:33
BlairWitchi did a full memtest and no errors with both13:33
lotuspsychjeBlairWitch: maybe as another path also check if theres a higher bios update available, just as a test13:33
tomreynthere's no higher bios version available13:33
tomreynBlairWitch: you did a full test but in the wrong configuration13:34
lotuspsychjetomreyn: its weird, as the date says 21/5/2018 in his dmesg13:34
BlairWitchim gona  put computer with only 1 ram to see then i try the other13:34
tomreynthat's when the firmware image was produced, there's always some time between then and release date.13:35
tomreynin this case it was months then13:35
lotuspsychjetomreyn: ah kk13:35
BlairWitchi noticed some bugs on  my motherboard  weird characters13:35
tomreynBlairWitch: good plan, good luck. there's also ##hardware here on freenode, they might have better suggestions.13:35
BlairWitch on i first install it13:35
BlairWitch and still persists13:36
BlairWitchbut i mnage to work without a problem13:36
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JediMasterTJ-, just wanted to update you on the issue I had on Friday with the intel gpu issues with the dual 4k DP/hdmi screens14:54
JediMasterTJ-, first of all, big thank you for your help, it's much appreciated. I've not been able to get the EDID working for the Acer 4k DP monitor, however what I think was causing all the issues was the first part of the Modline, was set to 533.00 Mhz, apparently the correct value was 533.25, which has stopped all the craziness with the CPU, everything is working as expected with the correct custom modeline14:56
JediMasterIt's a weird situation because the GPU is on-chip in the CPU, so having an incorrect settings affects CPU performance, but that's what it looks like did it. The entire machine is flying now, noticeably faster than Windows 10 now, rather than dramatically slower. Hopefully the EDID issue can be fixed which would make all this much easier14:58
lotuspsychjeJediMaster: was that on intel graphics?15:02
lotuspsychjeJediMaster: did you test other kernel versions on your issue?15:02
JediMasterWas getting huge CPU load issues with the entire machine grinding to a halt just because the modeline (that wasn't found by EDID for a 4k DP monitor) was 0.25Hz out15:03
JediMasterlotuspsychje, Yes, in that I've had the same problem with Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 and 20.0415:03
JediMasterThat the EDID was never picked up15:03
lotuspsychjeJediMaster: you didnt file a bug for that?15:03
JediMasterI managed to get around it by finding a modeline that worked for the monitor, but it turned out to be just a little bit off and caused lots of problems with the CPU15:04
lotuspsychjeJediMaster: i would reccomend, if something doesnt work out of the box on ubuntu, to let the devs know by filing a !bug15:04
JediMasterlotuspsychje, not sure what I would file the bug against, the intel driver in the kernel maybe? Or is it an issue with the EDID on the monitor itself?15:05
lotuspsychjeJediMaster: did you edit things in xorg or xrandr?15:06
JediMasteryes, added a manual modeline in .xprofile15:06
JediMasteris xorg responsible for getting the EDID data from the monitor then?15:07
lotuspsychjeJediMaster: maybe file against the kernel then ubuntu-bug linux, if its the wrong package, the devs will change it after anyways15:07
JediMasterOk, will do, thanks15:08
lotuspsychjeJediMaster: might be interesting for the community, and yourself too the devs know about it15:08
TJ-JediMaster: makes sense with an integrated GPU, since  the modeline is setting frequencies and overworking the GPU causes heat that will slow down the CPU so the package stays within the TDP15:10
JediMasterI've had similar issues on another machine with an Nvidia RTX 2080 with the same make/model monitor, so I suspect the issue is with the monitor not providing the EDID correctly15:10
TJ-JediMaster: there are some specific DDC enquiry tools to manually request the EDID, there is also read-edid/parse-edid I seem to recall15:10
lotuspsychjerelevant bug #1821533 TJ- JediMaster ?15:15
ubottubug 1821533 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "drm fails to accept edid version 2.4" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182153315:15
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kittykittyanyone managed to get hardware decode on chromium from the beta ppa working? vainfo says it's supported and chrome://gpu does too but still has high cpu15:56
kittykittymedia internals says VpxVideoDecoder for the decoder but warns "video fallback to new decoder after initial decode error."15:56
leftyfbkittykitty: you'll have to contact the ppa maintainer for support. We can only support packages available in the official Ubuntu repo's16:02
ph88how can i setup a vnc server so that i don't have to use the local screen anymore?? and which vnc server to choose ??16:02
kittykittyah ok, thanks leftyfb16:02
leftyfbph88: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-on-ubuntu-20-0416:03
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ph88leftyfb, you recommend tightvncserver ?16:04
leftyfbph88: I recommend whatever works for you16:04
ph88i'm asking what works best16:04
leftyfbph88: try the tutorial I gave you and see if it works for you. If you have problems with it, we can try to help you16:05
leftyfbph88: if you want my opinion on remote access, I recommend ssh, not VNC. Especially over the internet16:06
ph88i like a desktop too16:06
leftyfbyou asked for my recommendation16:06
ph88i ask "which vnc", you reply "not vnc" .. not helpful16:08
lotuspsychjeph88: the scope of this channel is ubuntu support questions, not really software reccomends16:09
leftyfbph88: this is a support channel. If you are having issues, we can try to help. If you want opinions, try #ubuntu-offtopic16:09
niubo/ quick and easy question: what's the package that replace libvirt-bin in Focal: libvirt-daemon?16:14
tomreynif you look at https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libvirt you'll notice the descriptions for libvirt-bin and libvirt-client bear a lot of similarity16:17
tomreyn* libvirt-clientS16:17
ph88is there some small service i could run on ubuntu to see if a connection to the OS works? ping works already but i like to try something else. The connection to the tigerVNC server is not succesful16:18
geniiph88: ssh server16:23
tomreynnc -l 1234    on the ubuntu system, then connect to port 1234 on it from another system, using nc there, too, or a web browser16:26
jrgilmanhey guys, I'm having an issue where pulseaudio will just cut out randomly with no warning or feedback. Is there a way to get an active feed of the logs so I can see what the log output is when the failure occurs?16:27
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geniitomreyn: Sometimes I forget how handy netcat can be16:28
niubtomreyn: ack, thx16:28
tomreynyes, a great simple tool. :)16:31
davidsongjrgilman: I tend to do "tail -F /var/log/*" if I'm looking for something and don't know what log it's in16:39
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tomreynjournalctl -f16:44
deltreey_anyone know if there's a way to gather windows to a single monitor in ubuntu?16:45
lewie67jrgilman: check out lnav, it's a really useful log tool17:07
FurretUberHi, I'm trying to build Mesa git and I'm getting this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JQhyVcGyKc/17:14
FurretUberThe OS is Xubuntu 20.04 amd6417:15
leftyfbFurretUber: what's wrong with the mesa available in ubuntu?17:15
tomreynand did you do a web search on the error message, yet?17:17
FurretUberWhile 20.04 has a good Mesa version, I used Mesa git on 18.04 to have the latest features. Now, it's to follow git17:17
FurretUberIt seems to be this one: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=96130 which says GCC is fixed17:18
ubottugcc.gnu.org bug 96130 in ipa "[10/11 Regression] ICE in analyze_function_body at gcc/ipa-fnsummary.c:2769 since r10-3199-g351e7c3b5fbd45bd" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]17:18
bumblefuzzso, I just got a new monitor and I'm having trouble with 2 things: 1.) I used xrandr to change the rate to 144hz and the picture is terrible and 2.) when I plug my headphones into the monitor, there's no sound17:25
oerheksnot all cables are capable of 144 hz ..17:25
bumblefuzzI'm using the cables that came with the monitor17:26
FurretUberIt seems there is nothing on Launchpad about the GCC bug?17:31
jrgilmanlewie67[p]: lnav is cool, but jesus my systems is throwing off tons of errors17:37
jrgilmanwatching now and playing music while i work to see when it happens17:38
ioriaFurretUber,  idk, maybe because gcc10 does not  exist yet on ubuntu17:38
FurretUberI wrote a bug report about this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-10/+bug/188755717:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1887557 in gcc-10 (Ubuntu) "GCC 10 is crashing with an internal compiler error when compiling Mesa" [Undecided,New]17:39
FurretUberIt does, at least I was able to install it normally: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BMFssvTcGz/17:40
ioriaFurretUber,  sy,  i mean 'not default version'17:42
lewie67[p]jrgrillman: fair enough, you can use lnav to filter...i just like the tail with the syntax highlighting and navigation stuffs17:44
bumblefuzzI solved the refresh rate problem17:44
bumblefuzzapparently the nouveau driver can't handle 144hz17:44
bumblefuzznow, I just have to figure out why there's no sound in my headphones when I plug them into the monitor17:45
bumblefuzzany ideas17:46
k4rt0ff3lch33t4hjrgilman: wow lnav seems interesting, i will have a look at it, thanks17:47
_jakHi all! I have a drive in my computer that I can see in the BIOS, but doesn't appear in the output of lsblk or fdisk. Any ideas why that might be the case?17:47
k4rt0ff3lch33t4h_jak: not even lsblk -a ?17:50
destinydrivenHey guys17:51
_jakk4rt0ff3lch33t4h: yup17:52
_jakI have one NVMe drive that the OS is on, and one SATA drive that I can't see17:52
destinydrivenI''m trying to install wkhtmltopdf from binary but the following happens. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Js9HDrCdS4/. Nothing gets installed18:03
leftyfbdestinydriven: is there a reason the version available in ubuntu won't work for you18:04
destinydrivenleftyfb, I'm installing on raspberry pi so I need the arm64 version18:05
destinydrivenleftyfb, I think it's supposed to install that in /usr/local//bin but this directory is empty18:06
leftyfbdestinydriven: ok. You still haven't answered the question18:06
leftyfbdestinydriven: wkhtmltopdf is available on Ubuntu 20.04 on a Raspberry pi18:07
destinydrivenLeftyfb, I need the version with patched QT18:07
destinydrivenThe one provided by ubuntu doesn't have that and you need to use something like xvbf18:07
leftyfbdestinydriven: looks to me like it's already installed. You can use dpkg -S <package name> # to see what files were installed. You'll have to seek support from where you got the package for any further questions about it18:09
destinydrivenLeftyfb, ok thanks. Will try this18:09
destinydrivenWeird.  It shows that wkhtmltox: /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf  but then running ls on that directory shows it to be empty18:12
b1ack0pi fresh installed ubuntu 20.04 dual booting with windows 10 but it shows 2 windows 10 in grub list sda1 and sda218:12
b1ack0phow can i remove sda2?18:13
zutatdangerously formulated question18:13
b1ack0pwell before when i was using 18.04 it never showed 2 windows in grub list18:14
destinydrivenleftyfb, Thanks a million. Thanks to your hint I tried to install using dpkg -i ./wkhtmltox_0.12.6-1.focal_arm64.deb and it worked as expected.  Not sure why sudo apt install  . . . didn't do it for me18:16
EriC^^b1ack0p: type 'cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999' and paste the link here18:22
EriC^^b1ack0p: type 'sudo parted /dev/sda print | nc termbin.com 9999'18:25
b1ack0pEriC^^: https://termbin.com/qxuq18:26
EriC^^b1ack0p: i think grub's just being dumb18:27
b1ack0pwhy does it show 2 9011mb partition?18:27
b1ack0pit suppose to be just swap area18:27
b1ack0pone shows extended other shows swap18:27
b1ack0pin the last link i pasted18:28
EriC^^the 1st is the extended one (like a container for partitions if you want) and the 2nd is the single partition in it18:28
b1ack0pare they same?18:28
EriC^^b1ack0p: try 'sudo update-grub | nc termbin.com 9999'18:28
b1ack0por did i create another partition at same space by mistake?18:28
EriC^^b1ack0p: they arent taking up twice the space, it's the same space18:28
b1ack0poh got it18:29
b1ack0pEriC^^: it didnt create termbin link with the sudo update-grub command18:29
EriC^^you're good, but im not sure you can let grub not show 2 windows, except by maybe disabling 'os-prober' and manually adding the entry for windows18:29
EriC^^b1ack0p: aha, did it mention 2 windows when it was finding stuff?18:30
b1ack0pyes it did18:30
b1ack0pi tried that already before asking here18:30
b1ack0pit always shows 2 windows 10 while doing update-grub18:30
b1ack0pFound Windows 10 on /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda218:30
EriC^^b1ack0p: ok, do you know which windows menu is working?18:30
b1ack0psuppose to be sda118:31
b1ack0pbefore ubuntu i had debian installed which showed sda1 as windows boot18:31
EriC^^b1ack0p: ok, type 'sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober'18:31
EriC^^b1ack0p: then type 'sudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom'18:32
b1ack0pchmod: cannot access /etc/grub.d/30_os_prober : no such file or directory18:32
b1ack0pi did 30_os_prober instead of 30_os-prober18:33
b1ack0pnow i did the command18:33
xxnodeI'm in need of a 60cm riser cable for my GPU. They cost 120 euro. One of 30cm costs 30 euro. Do I just hook two 30 cm cables together? Wont this affect speed?18:34
EriC^^b1ack0p: ok type 'sudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom'18:35
EriC^^b1ack0p: paste the contents of this at the end of the file after the exec tail part https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5M63VPNkGs/18:35
b1ack0pEriC^^: brb i need to connect irssi on that pc18:36
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blackopEriC^^: done18:38
blackopupdate-grub now?18:38
blackopEriC^^: bad news.. when i run update-grub it doesnt show windows 10 this time18:40
EriC^^blackop: yes18:40
EriC^^b1ack0p: yes normal18:41
EriC^^b1ack0p: type 'cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999'18:41
blackopEriC^^: https://termbin.com/017118:42
EriC^^looks good blackop18:43
blackoplet me reboot18:43
blackopthanks EriC^^ !18:44
b1ack0pEriC^^: there is only sda1 as windows 10 in grub and it boots fine18:45
b1ack0pthanks a lot!18:45
EriC^^no problem b1ack0p18:53
semitonesHere's an interesting problem. My dad is sitting right next to me on his mac. He gets 10 Mbps on fast.com. I'm here on Ubuntu, with 1.5 Mbps (tested after he finished). Is Ubuntu simply slower at WiFi?18:55
elitecoderI'm trying to vagrant up the latest ubuntu/focal64 and it's hanging at async_tx: api initialized (async). Is this a good place to ask about this?18:57
oerhekssemitones, depends on the vendor/chipset and open driver, yes, results may vary18:58
semitonesMy pings are also pretty weird: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hFK59XSxWC/18:59
oerheksi would replace andy BCM with intel.18:59
semitoneshmm, sounds like I should look up my device info. Is it still lspci?18:59
jrgilmanwould disabling the create_ap.service have any bad affects on my wifi? It's polluting my syslog with tons of failures to create an ap for whatever reason19:00
semitones02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88W8897 [AVASTAR] 802.11ac Wireless19:00
oerheksoke, at least is is a recent one, ac19:01
kalyanany java Developers here ?19:03
olspookishmagushello, something that happens some time after I boot into a Ubuntu live media, I get the following repeated messages:19:03
olspookishmagusprint_req_error: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 123456719:03
olspookishmagusprint_req_error: I/O error, dev loop0, sector 123456719:03
olspookishmagusany idea what's this about?19:03
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olspookishmagusmy suspicions go to brasero, which was used to "burn" the iso to a media19:04
kalyani am taking a java course can i use Ubuntu to develop Java applications instead of windows 10?19:05
EriC^^olspookishmagus: seems like the cdrom is bad19:05
EriC^^olspookishmagus: that or the cd-reader19:05
jrgilmankalyan: yes you can19:05
oerhekssemitones, is this on a surface pro?19:05
EriC^^olspookishmagus: it's probably the cdrom, not the cd drive nevermind19:06
olspookishmagusEriC^^: any advice on how to "burn" an .iso to a media in Linux?19:07
kalyanbalena etcher to burn iso images19:07
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olspookishmaguskalyan: interesting! thanks19:11
olspookishmagusthank you too EriC^^19:11
kalyando anyone know java chat room code ?19:12
olspookishmagusthat balena etcher tool though, doesn't burn images to optical media, though19:32
semitonesoerheks, yeah19:36
semitonesI rebooted and it seemed to be going better, at least for a time19:37
olspookishmagusoh well, I used a laptop with Win10x64 and ImgBurn to burn my .ISOs to optical media20:15
olspookishmagusImgBurn does verification too after burning, as "brasero" supposedly did too20:16
oerheksthis is why the iso is hybrid, it can be 'burned' on usb too20:17
oerheks4gb will do20:17
olspookishmagusoerheks: normally I put them on my iodd 2541, but I've exhausted my SSD's writes and I'm waiting my new one to be delivered20:19
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chaslinuxDoes the salt-pepper package in 20.04 replace salt-minion from 18.04?20:32
chaslinuxAnyone using Ubuntu server in a Hyper-V session? Server is installed and can SSH into it, but there seems to be some sort of framebuffer issue with hyper-V, can't see the login (or any text while booting). I know it works because I can SSH in.20:39
HolidayI'm sure I'm missing something simple, but I'm working on making a 20.04 template and am 'apt install cloud-init' like I did on the 18.04 template I made. The 18.04 shows 3 items in 'systemctl list-units | grep cloud-init' and it runs on boot while in 20.04 the grep command returns nothing and cloud-init isn't appear to run on boot.. what the heck am I missing?20:45
jrgilmanI think I may have found what may be causing my sound cutting out, but to test it I need to overheat my cpu so the kernel can throttle it20:54
jrgilmanis there a way to force this event to happen or "fake" it?20:54
jrgilmanOkay, I think that my audio cutting out is related to cpu throttling occuring for whatever reason, is there a way I can further debug this?21:33
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JDBugyHi, I was playing around with /etc/environement and now I can't log into the system anymore.I am now in the shell but it has no function anymore!  /bin:/usr/bin is not part of the environment variable Path.21:52
sarnoldyou can change your PATH variable as you see fit, or execute programs with full pathnames, eg /usr/bin/vim /etc/environment   etc21:53
geniisarnold: "can't log into the system anymore" ...21:54
sarnoldgenii: I'm hoping "I am now in the shell" means a rescue shell of some sort :)21:55
JDBugyI am in [CTRL] + [ALT] + [F1] mode21:56
JDBugySTRG + ALT + F421:56
JDBugywhat am I supposed to do now?22:01
geniiJDBugy: Maybe you can can issue: /usr/bin/sudo /bin/nano /etc/environment       ...and edit it back to something usable again22:14
JDBugy<genii>: edit no works, vi ..22:15
geniiJDBugy: Have you tried running will full paths specified?22:17
JDBugyok mom22:18
JDBugygenii: bin/nano no found!22:20
sarnolduse whichever text editor is available and that you're familiar with22:21
geniiPut a slash in front of bin   like /bin/nano  and not just bin/nano22:21
JDBugythe standard of 20.422:21
geniiIn front of all three22:21
JDBugy /usr/bin/sudo /bin/nano /etc/environment = sudo: /bin/nano/ command not found22:23
sarnold/bin/nano not /bin/nano/22:23
geniiJDBugy: To clarify, you should be typing exactly: /usr/bin/sudo  and then type a space before typing: /bin/nano and then another space and then: /etc/environment  and then hitting the enter key22:27
JDBugyThank you very much I have solved the problem. I have restored the environment22:31
sarnoldyay :)22:33
xtuhhi, where i should put files fot openvpn connection?  and how to make it autoconnect? /etc/openvpn/client/vpn.conf seems wrong, because with autostart="all" is not starting it.22:33
euxneksI can do japanese Mozc input  (hiragana, kanji) in gedit but not firefox nor slack - how do I track down what the problem is for this? not hexedit either22:38
sarnoldeuxneks: do you have any DENIED lines in dmesg output or /var/log/audit/audit.log (if that file exists) ?22:39
euxnekssarnold, no /var/log/audit dir exists22:39
euxneksoh dmesg too let me look22:44
euxneksno "DENIED" in dmesg22:45
euxneksI can also input japanese text into gnome-terminal too using mozc22:47
sarnoldeuxneks: is firefox or slack installed via snap?22:53
euxneksI'm not sure, how do I tell?22:53
sarnoldeuxneks: does 'snap list' output show firefox or slack?22:54
sarnoldalrighty, then my guess is pretty far off :(22:54
euxneksI wonder if it will work if I install them through snap22:54
sarnoldheh, there's a chance :) but I wasn't sure if snap's environment handling stuff might have messed up something or not22:55
euxneksI'm almost certain my issues with ibus is due to wayland at this point - gonna try barking up that tree for a bit23:14
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