[12:52] achilleasa: Some more link-layer mechanics: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11833 [14:20] manadart_: got some questions on ^^^ [14:26] hml, charmhub url model-config https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11834 [15:15] achilleasa: I pushed changes that I think address the feedback, but GH is not reflecting the new commits yet... [15:29] manadart_: I will take a look once the commits appear and approve it [15:48] manadart_: can you try to push again? Still don't see the new commits [16:35] hml, charmhub cli formatting options https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11835 [16:36] stickupkid: ack - i’ll look at both this afternoon [16:36] :-) [16:36] no rush [16:36] back on model charm origin tomorrow