
lubotSantiago Miranda was added by: Santiago Miranda21:37
lubot<Santiago Miranda> Hi there guys, question: is there any way to get a list of all installed packages so I can use it when moving from 19->20.04 ?21:38
lubot<tsimonq2> `apt list --installed`21:38
lubot<Santiago Miranda> now I should write a script to get only the names XD21:40
lubot<tsimonq2> What's the purpose if you don't mind me asking?21:40
lubot<Santiago Miranda> I'd like to install all same programs i've now, when switching to different linuxes, mostly just for new versions21:41
lubot<Santiago Miranda> at least the ones from offcial repos21:42
lubot<Santiago Miranda> the files and stuff is almost done using rsync, but yet I've no clue how to get the same software21:43

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