
jameshijohnson: thanks for the suggestion.  It looks like security.syscalls.intercept.mknod was enough for my use case, so I might try getting that upstream into Snapcraft00:46
jameshijohnson: might be worth seeing if that works for you in CI too00:46
ijohnsonjamesh: interesting, how did you use that with lxc ?00:46
jameshijohnson: I failed to build my project, stopped the container and ran "lxc config set snapcraft-core20-gdm security.syscalls.intercept.mknod=true"00:47
jameshand tried again00:47
jameshijohnson: with this configuration, LXD allows a few mknod syscalls it considers safe00:48
jameshenough for the small number of bootstrap device files I needed in the base snap00:48
ijohnsonnice, yeah I'll give that a try then00:48
jameshijohnson: more details at https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/docs/master/syscall-interception#mknod-mknodat00:48
jameshit will let you create /dev/null, but not /dev/sda1 :-)00:49
ijohnsonright :-)00:50
=== benfrancis2 is now known as benfrancis
mupPR snapcraft#3218 opened: WIP: support some mknod calls in LXD builds <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3218>02:33
mborzeckimvo: hey06:36
mvohey mborzecki06:38
mborzeckimvo: can you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9006 ?06:44
mupPR #9006: bootloader: compose command line with mode and extra arguments <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9006>06:45
mvomborzecki: yeah, need to work a bit on packaging but will look while things are building etc06:56
mborzeckimvo: thanks!06:56
mvogood morning pstolowski07:09
mborzeckipstolowski: heya07:10
zygagood morning07:39
mvozyga: good morning07:41
zygasomewhat better night07:41
zygastill 4AM-7AM hole is not great07:41
zygatoday will be the more traditional snapd hacking day07:42
mupPR snapd#9008 closed: boot/initramfs_test.go: add Commentf to more Assert()'s <Simple 😃> <Test Robustness> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9008>07:43
mvoijohnson: should we ask dimitri to review 9010 ?07:44
mborzeckimvo: pushed your suggestion from https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9006#discussion_r454847330 with some tweaks, please take a look, it's a regex so extra pair of eyes won'thurt08:13
mupPR #9006: bootloader: compose command line with mode and extra arguments <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9006>08:13
ogra_ogra@pi4:~$ snap connect node-red-rpi:gpio  pi4-devel😛cm-gpio-1408:29
ogra_error: cannot perform the following tasks:08:29
ogra_- Connect node-red-rpi:gpio to pi4-devel😛cm-gpio-14 (cannot obtain systemd services for snap "pi4-devel": interface requires conflicting system needs)08:29
zygaogra_: nice error message you have there08:29
ogra_hrm ... emojis ...08:29
ogra_yeah, my hexchat emoji plugin is a bit dumb08:29
ogra_zyga, so what is that ? what am i missing ? (my pi3 image works, my locally built pi4 one doesnt anymore)08:30
zygait's a very specific error, it means that more than one thing would like to export the same GPIO IIRC08:30
ogra_seems that's new with yesterdays core release08:30
zygaare the GPIO slots defined correctly?08:30
* zyga looks at snapd source 08:31
zygait's when an interface defines a systemd service08:31
zygalike we do for GPIO08:31
ogra_thats my snap.yaml ...08:31
zygaand there's a service with a name but different definition08:32
ogra_shoudl eb identical to our std ones08:32
mvomborzecki: heh, nice - sure, I have a look. don't get me wrong, I'm usually not a let's-use-regex type but this seemed appropriate08:32
zygaogra_: weird, I mean the error does look valid unless we are missing something08:33
ogra_zyga, well i was indeed trying to get multiple apps read info from the same GPIO ... one is managing it, the other is monitoring it ...08:33
mvomborzecki: looks great08:33
mborzeckimvo: heh, i still think adding regex is adding yet another problem, but yeah, this one seemed ok08:33
zygaogra_: look at /etc/systmed/system/08:33
ogra_but since that error started occuring i cant connect/disconnect *and* GPIO interfaces anymore08:34
zygafor .service files named after the slot snap name (gadget here)08:34
zygaand gpio-NNN08:34
zygamaybe there's some bug there08:34
ogra_gra@pi4:~$ ls -l /etc/systemd/system/|grep gpio08:34
ogra_-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  264 Jun 20 10:41 snap.pi4-devel.interface.gpio-14.service08:34
ogra_-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  260 Jul 13 13:25 snap.pi4-devel.interface.gpio-4.service08:34
zygathis error is reported when the same file name has two differing definitions08:35
ogra_interestingly i'm pretty sure i have never connected gpio-408:35
ogra_ogra@pi4:~$ snap connections node-red-rpi|grep gpio08:36
ogra_gpio                     node-red-rpi:gpio                     pi4-devel😛cm-gpio-4    manual08:36
ogra_gpio-memory-control      node-red-rpi:gpio-memory-control      :gpio-memory-control    manual08:36
ogra_and ...08:36
ogra_ogra@pi4:~$ snap disconnect node-red-rpi:gpio  pi4-devel😛cm-gpio-408:36
ogra_error: cannot perform the following tasks:08:36
ogra_- Disconnect node-red-rpi:gpio from pi4-devel😛cm-gpio-4 (cannot obtain systemd services for snap "pi4-devel": interface requires conflicting system needs)08:36
ogra_(sorry for the smileys)08:36
ogra_oh, WOW08:38
ogra_ogra@pi4:~$ snap stop node-red-rpi08:38
ogra_ogra@pi4:~$ snap disconnect node-red-rpi:gpio  pi4-devel😛cm-gpio-408:38
ogra_error: cannot disconnect node-red-rpi:gpio from pi4-devel😛cm-gpio-4, it is not connected08:38
ogra_ogra@pi4:~$ snap connections |grep gpio08:40
ogra_gpio                   node-red-rpi:gpio                   pi4-devel😛cm-gpio-4    manual08:40
ogra_what a mess08:40
zygapstolowski: ^^ hmm08:41
pstolowskicould be the undo bug i fixed recently08:44
ogra_and funnily enough, the app can read the gpio state now08:45
ogra_(along with the other app managing it )08:45
pstolowskithere were 2 bugs around this area where under certain circumstances security profile wouldn't reflect disconnected state08:46
pstolowskiogra_: can you restart snapd and re-try?08:47
ogra_pstolowski, funny ... that works ... i had rebooted inbetween08:48
ogra_i mean i had rebooted anmd it still did not work ...08:49
ogra_the manual snapd restart lets me disconnect now08:49
pstolowskiogra_: weird.. restart (reboot as well) would work around that bug08:49
ogra_yes, very curious ...08:49
pstolowskithe problem was caused by inconsistent in-memory state of snapd after undo of a failed operation08:50
ogra_i can still not connect two apps to the same gpio interface though08:50
pstolowskiogra_: because of that "interface requires conflicting system .." error?08:51
* ogra_ arghs ... i forgot i have a meeting in 10min ... 08:51
pstolowskiok, i don't know about that, would need investigation08:52
pstolowskiogra_: perhaps report a bug with all the details of these snaps08:52
ogra_will do08:52
* zyga is really close to putting his x240 into the bin09:19
zygalinux runs well on thinkpads my ass09:19
mborzeckizyga: what's the problem?09:23
zygasuspend resume is broken09:23
zygainput stops working09:23
zygapast my level of accepting broken stuff09:23
zygatoo tired09:24
zygaas much as I like native linux stuff like that makes me question sensibility of spending $$$ on new linux portables09:25
mvozyga: my x250 is doing fine since forever and my t460s too09:33
zygaoh well09:33
zygadraw a lottery09:33
mvozyga: and the x220 in the house too, the t400 too, they all suspend/resume all the time09:33
zygait suspends allright ;)09:33
mvozyga: yeah, looks like you got a bad lot :(09:34
zygajust on resume there's no input09:34
zygaand the log is full of errors09:34
ijohnsonmvo: morning! yes we will want dimitri to look at it eventually I'm pretty sure, not sure if that point is now or not09:36
mborzeckiijohnson: hey, looking at your feedback in #9005, bootloader.Options is too confusing :/09:54
mupPR #9005: boot: support setting extra command line argument, bootloader interface tweaks <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9005>09:54
=== pedronis_ is now known as pedronis
pedronismborzecki: I asked a question there09:55
pedronisand hi09:55
mborzeckipedronis: hey09:55
zygahey, welcome back pedronis :)09:58
ijohnsonWelcome back pedronis10:03
ijohnsonmborzecki: mmm you mean my feedback is confusing or it's too confusing to pass Options there?10:03
mborzeckipedronis: yeah, that's why i used InitramfsUbuntuBootDir there, should give us ubuntu-boot in install mode and run mode10:04
mborzeckiijohnson: options has become a bit confusing10:04
pedroniswe need to fix the names of things10:05
ijohnsonah yes options is rather confusing now with all the different names and implications10:08
mborzeckiijohnson: pedronis: anyways i did not add a helper for setting extra args in recovery mode, as we can do it directly in makeBootable2010:09
pedronisI I have updated my review queue, but not started on reviews yet, maybe this afternoon, I still have some catch up to do and also quite a few meetings in the afternoon10:21
* pedronis but lunch first10:21
zygauh, some annoying pain10:42
mborzeckiuhh, managers tests are mocking/state setup heavy11:08
ijohnsonmborzecki: haha yes indeed they are :-)11:33
ijohnsonmborzecki: so I'm reviewing your code for setting up the cmdline for grub.cfg when managed by snapd PR's and I just want to take a step back and wonder why we need to have the static cmdline args inside the grub.cfg inside snapd at all? Why don't we have some other kind of internal asset setting which is just a list of strings (or a map[string]string) for the static / extra cmdline parameters separate from the grub.cfg11:35
ijohnsonthen we would not need to parse out the grub.cfg's setting of the cmdline from the grub.cfg at all, we would just compose it easily using go list of strings (or again a map) and then paste it into the grub.cfg when it is generated and written out to disk11:36
ijohnsonthat also seems like what we will end up doing when the gadget.yaml grows language to tell snapd about what kernel command line should be used11:36
pedronisijohnson: the last part is horrible11:36
ijohnsonwoah sorry what is horrible11:36
pedroniscomposing grub.cfg11:36
pedronisdoesn't seem we need to parse it11:36
pedronisI don't have a preference on that11:37
ijohnsonit's literally just fmt.Sprintf with `cmdline=%s` ?11:37
ijohnsonwell seems it's slightly more complicated than that11:37
pedronisijohnson: yes, but the edition inside it loses any meaning11:37
pedronisthat's why I used the word horrible11:37
ijohnsonso how will this work when the gadget.yaml wants to tell snapd what kernel command line to use ?11:38
mborzeckipedronis: ijohnson: maybe we should ahve another chat about cmdline wrt the doc that we discussed?11:38
ijohnsonmaybe I need to read your doc again11:38
pedronisijohnson: the plan is to use the envs to convey that11:38
pedronisnot the cfg11:38
pedronismaybe that isn't clear from the current code11:38
mborzeckiijohnson: hence snapd_extra_cmdline_args11:38
pedronisanyway none of this particularly means we should parse something out of the cfgs, I don't have a strong peference there11:39
pedronisgiven how actually this is used is slightly misleading11:39
pedronisin fact11:39
pedronismborzecki: ijohnson: yes, I think another chat might be appropriate11:41
pedronisnot sure we can fit it today though11:41
ijohnsonsure I think a chat would be good11:43
mborzeckipedronis: maybe right before/after the standup?11:43
pedronisbefore could work11:43
ijohnsonworks for me11:43
ijohnsonbut in case it is an easy answer, which direction is snapd_extra_cmdline_args used? is that set by the gadget on image build time into the bootenv and then read by install mode snapd to then be used in writing the run mode bootloader config / env ?11:44
pedronisijohnson: it's never read, it meant to be only written to11:45
ijohnsonoh actually now I've gone and confused myself between the extra and static args11:45
pedronisI mean is read by the cfg but snapd code should always only write it11:45
ijohnsonpedronis: so extra is always written by snapd out of thin air, and static is always coming entirely from the bootenv / gadget ?11:46
mborzeckipedronis: it's read when we want to compose what the command line will look like11:46
pedronismborzecki: ?11:46
pedronissorry something is very wrong then11:46
ijohnsonmborzecki: but it's "read" from inside snapd though right ?11:46
ijohnsonit's not read from the system / bootloader11:46
pedronisijohnson: mborzecki: it should be read from the gadget, never from the env by snapd11:47
ijohnsonpedronis: when you say "it" just now, which one do you mean ?11:47
pedronisthe extra args11:48
pedronisif I remember what was discussed11:48
pedronisI haven't looked at the code11:48
pedronismaybe we need pseudo code hre11:48
ijohnsonyes what's confusing me is the ownership / reading direction of the env vars11:48
pedronisit should be very clear when you consider the security implication what should and shouldn't happen11:49
pedronisbut I don't know what the current code is doing11:49
ijohnsonyes, let's ignore the current code for now (sorry mborzecki :-) )11:49
mborzeckipedronis: hmm right, but we don't have the gadget part yet because it was not discussed, so the code is reading it from the env until we figure out the gadget.yaml11:50
pedronismborzecki: it shouldn't do anything11:50
pedronisthis has all security implications11:50
pedroniswe cannot half build pieces11:50
pedroniswithout thinking through the consequences11:50
mborzeckipedronis: yes, the same as reading static from disk, ok, let me drop that for now and leave a todo about gadget there11:51
ijohnsoniiuc snapd should own the "static" env var and that should be entirely written by snapd for run/recover mode, and the gadget should own the "extra" part by writing into it's default bootenv for install mode, which snapd then just copy pastes from install bootenv into the run/recover boot env11:51
ijohnsonis that understanding what you expect pedronis?11:51
pedronissounds about right11:51
ijohnsonI think I understand what the design is then11:52
mborzeckiand i need to update the doc then11:53
pedronisijohnson: actually, no, the copy from install bootenv sounds wronng11:54
pedronissnapd should read this info out of the gadget11:55
pedronisnever the env11:55
ijohnsonah yes that was what I thought the original design was supposed to be11:55
ijohnsonby read out of the gadget, do you mean read the bootenv out of the gadget snap, or do you mean read something like the gadget.yaml ?11:55
pedronisit then should write to env and use the pieces it built to know what to put as expectzed in the fde policy11:55
pedronisijohnson: there's not bootenv in the gadget11:56
pedronisnot for grub11:56
pedronisor maybe there is11:56
pedronisanyway, some info out of gadget.yaml or a .txt file11:56
mborzeckiiirc we discussed gadget.yaml the last time11:56
ijohnsonpedronis: for grub there is not11:56
ijohnsonalright that all makes more sense and is closer to what I expected11:57
mborzeckifwiw, whether gadget or txt file is fetching it should be trivial11:57
pedronisijohnson: mborzecki: do we still need a meeting?12:23
ijohnsonI think it would still be nice even if just for 10-15 minutes12:23
mborzeckipedronis: ijohnson: 5-10 minute one right before the standup maybe? so that we're on the same page12:23
ijohnsonsounds good to me12:23
pedronislet's do 10 mins12:24
mupPR snapd#9011 opened: release: merge 2.45.2 into release/2.45 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9011>12:50
sdhd-saschaIs "MicroStack" worth a look? Or should i go another way?12:51
sdhd-saschaerror: cannot install "microstack": cannot query the store for updates: got unexpected HTTP status12:53
sdhd-sascha       code 503 via POST to "https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/refresh"12:53
sdhd-saschaI think is not you ;-) Is my LAN ;-)12:54
mupPR snapcraft#3216 closed: build providers: tweak environment clean detection and logging <bug> <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3216>13:04
mupPR snapcraft#3217 closed: cmake v2 plugin: add stage to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3217>13:04
* zyga breaks for 15 minutes and then back to branches13:54
mupPR snapcraft#3218 closed: lxd: enable security.syscalls.intercept.mknod if supported to allow snaps to create some device nodes <bug> <Created by jhenstridge> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3218>13:55
ijohnsonsdhd-sascha: the snap store is a bit under load right now, you might have difficulty installing snaps for a little bit today, but give it an hour or two and itshould be back to normal I think13:57
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: regarding your comment here https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9010#discussion_r455026520, what do you mean archive and snap versions? of govendor?13:57
mupPR #9010: cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: call systemd-mount instead of the-tool <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9010>13:57
cmatsuokaijohnson: govendor, I remember I had a problem with mismatched hashes some time ago and I think it was caused by using a different govendor version14:03
ijohnsonmmm I only have govendor from $GOBIN14:04
cmatsuokaijohnson: now I'm using the focal deb which seems to be working well14:04
ijohnsonmmm, perhaps I could try that, seems the focal version is 1.0.9 which is the same as my local $GOBIN, but I will look at what happens with the deb to see if that explains the SHA difference14:05
cmatsuokaor your new hash is right and the previous one was computed with a different version?14:07
mborzeckimvo: there's a conflict in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/901114:11
mupPR #9011: release: merge 2.45.2 into release/2.45 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9011>14:11
mvomborzecki: will fix after the meeting14:11
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=== Conan_Kudo is now known as King_InuYasha
=== King_InuYasha is now known as Conan_Kudo
=== Conan_Kudo is now known as King_InuYasha
=== King_InuYasha is now known as Conan_Kudo
=== Conan_Kudo is now known as King_InuYasha
=== King_InuYasha is now known as Conan_Kudo
=== Conan_Kudo is now known as King_InuYasha
=== King_InuYasha is now known as Conan_Kudo
=== Conan_Kudo is now known as King_InuYasha
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: actually with the focal version of govendor I see the same diff, I did a clean checkout of snapd into a separate GOPATH, and only had govendor from apt on my $PATH and running get-deps still makes that checksumSHA1 change14:41
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: so I'm really confused what's up here14:42
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: are you on focal and using the deb ?14:42
cmatsuokalet me double check here14:42
cmatsuokamm, yes, version 1.0.9+ds1-114:43
ijohnsonyeah same here14:43
cmatsuokaperhaps the previous hash is old, and the one you're computing now is what it should be?14:44
zygaisn't govendor using the stuff from your gopath?14:44
zyga(as in, it can put stuff from gopath into vendor)14:44
mupPR snapd#9011 closed: release: merge 2.45.2 into release/2.45 <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9011>14:45
ijohnsonzyga: yes but I have a new clean gopath with nothing in it except a fresh snapd master clone14:45
zygano idea then14:45
zygacould it be looking at more than gopath?14:46
zygae.g. goroot?14:46
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: are you using go from the snap or from the debian package ?14:47
* ijohnson only uses go from snap14:47
cmatsuokamm, mine is from the deb, 2:1.13~1ubuntu214:48
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: what is `go version` for you ?14:48
cmatsuokago version go1.13.8 linux/amd6414:49
ijohnsonmine is `go version go1.14.4 linux/amd64`14:49
cmatsuokaI used to use the snap version then switched to the deb version at some point14:50
mupPR snapd#9012 opened: release: merge 2.45.2 release <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9012>14:50
zygathat's one unusual diff ;)14:51
mupPR snapd#9013 opened: many: merge 2.45.2 fixes back into master <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9013>14:55
=== King_InuYasha is now known as Conan_Kudo
=== Conan_Kudo is now known as King_InuYasha
* cachio lunch15:05
ijohnsoncachio: when you are back can you explain to me the early config test failure ?15:16
mborzeckistore seems to be under load, spread jobs are failing15:17
mborzeckihmm something odd happening with github, i've pushed changes to a branch, but the PR was not updated15:22
ijohnsongithub under load too ?15:25
mborzeckiijohnson: can you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9006 later during your day? i've pushed the changes but the PR was not updated yet (hopefully it will be soon)15:25
mupPR #9006: bootloader: compose command line with mode and extra arguments <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9006>15:25
mupPR snapd#9014 opened: [RFC] snapshotstate: move sizer to osutil.Sizer() <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9014>15:25
mborzeckiijohnson: thanks15:29
mborzeckiclosed and reopened, and now the commits show up, wtf15:30
* ijohnson afk little bit15:31
mupPR snapd#9015 opened: cmd/snap-preseed: handle relative chroot path <Bug> <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9015>15:51
cachioijohnson, hi15:58
cachioijohnson, so, the problem is that when we create the image and tehn try to connect the user created through cloud init is not sudoer15:59
cachiothis is the log I got from the cloud init https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/McnFjkHBVh/15:59
ijohnsoncachio: what specific test failed with what backend ?15:59
cachioijohnson, it is happening 100% of the time15:59
cachiojust sometimes15:59
cachiospread -debug google-nested:ubuntu-20.04-64:tests/nested/manual/core20-early-confi16:00
ijohnsoncachio: sorry you mean that it is _not_ happening 100% ?16:00
cachioijohnson, sometimes works well16:00
cachiobut sometimes it doesn't16:00
cachiothis is the weird part16:00
cachioso if you run this test 3/4 times you will reproduce it for sure16:01
zygacachio what's the username you were expecting to see?16:01
zygado you have a log from a successful run?16:01
cachiozyga, no16:02
cachiozyga, I can generate one16:03
zygamaybe if we compare them something will show up16:03
zyga18:00, time for meds16:03
cachiozyga, yes16:03
zygaouch, brb16:03
ijohnsoncachio: ah now I can't reproduce that because store woes16:17
ijohnsoncachio: I will try to reproduce again in a bit16:17
cachioijohnson, this is the log when it works well https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zWdn8kjb8Q/16:40
cachioperhaps it contains usefull data16:40
cachioI am taking a loog16:40
ijohnsoncachio: looking16:42
cachiotake a lok to line 46016:42
cachiothe it adds the user16:42
cachiobut in the other one that line does not appear16:42
cachioijohnson, the weird part is that in both cases the user is created17:00
cachioijohnson, could you reproduce it?17:58
cachioI triggered it again18:01
cachioI'll give you access if it fails18:01
ijohnsoncachio I'll try again this morning the store was acting up for me18:05
ijohnsonErr rather, I'll try again right now18:05
mupPR snapd#8972 closed: gadget/install,secboot: use snapcore/secboot luks2 api <UC20> <Created by cmatsuoka> <Merged by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8972>18:31
* cachio -> kinesiologist18:43
ijohnsondiddledan: when you tried etrace and it didn't automatically close the window, were you using wayland ?20:19
mupPR snapd#9016 opened: secboot: improve key sealing tests <Test Robustness> <UC20> <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9016>21:12
mupPR snapd#9009 closed: tests/cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: rm duplicated env ref kernel tests <Simple 😃> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9009>22:02
cachioijohnson, hi22:26
cachioijohnson, could be affecting that rsyslog configuration in cloud init?22:28
cachiostages.py[DEBUG]: Running module rsyslog (<module 'cloudinit.config.cc_rsyslog' from '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_rsyslog.py'>) with frequency once-per-instance22:28
cachioin this test we update the gadget configuration and disable rsyslog by default22:28
cachioI see that when it fails to created the user1 is when this line "Running module rsyslog" is executed early22:29
cachiobefore than the user22:29
cachiocould that be affecting?22:30
cachiocmatsuoka, hey22:32
cmatsuokacachio: hi22:32
cachiocould you give me the details about the test on uc20?22:32
cachioso I add that22:32
cachioI was a bit delayed today with other stuff and couldnt start yet22:32
cmatsuokacachio: no worries, I'm testing my updates manually. The idea is to start with a beta system, update snapd, and it should still work after rebooting22:33
cmatsuokabecause something can break in the TPM parameters22:34
cmatsuokauntil now it worked normally after the update22:34
cachiocmatsuoka, ok, so snapd from beta to edge22:34
cachiocmatsuoka, so I could run that when we have a new instance on edge22:35
cmatsuokayes, but on the beta image22:35
cmatsuokawith only snapd being updated22:35
cmatsuokait's not exactly from beta to edge, it's from beta to the current branch being tested22:36
cmatsuoka(which is not edge because it's not published yet)22:36
cachiocmatsuoka, so, from beta to master22:37
cachiothis should be executed on each pr?22:38
cachioor nightly is ok?22:38
cmatsuokahm, I think nightly could be ok because very few PRs will touch TPM22:39
ijohnsoncachio I don't think rsyslog would affect sudo user from cloud-init but unfortunately I've already EOD'd so I'll have to look tomorrow22:39
cachiocmatsuoka, nice, I'll do it22:40
cmatsuokacachio: is it costly to do for every PR? if it's not so costly, maybe we could do it22:40
cmatsuokawe'll have changes in boot and bootloader too22:41
cmatsuokaso maybe it could be interesting to have it for every PR22:41
cachiocmatsuoka, I think initially I would add it to the nightly suite22:41
cmatsuokacachio: ok!22:41
cachioand then to the regular22:41
cachiobecause we need a new system with tpm and uc20 on each pr22:42
cachioand this could be a bit more complicated22:42
cmatsuokacachio: thanks! it will help us to ensure that beta can be upgraded22:42
cachiocmatsuoka, sure22:43
cmatsuokacachio: ah ok, then nighly is fine22:43
cachiotomorrow I'll give you the update22:43
cmatsuokacachio: thanks!22:43
cachiocmatsuoka, yaw22:46

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