
=== pieq_ is now known as pieq
didrocksgood morning!06:36
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:47
ricotzgood morning :)06:49
didrockssalut oSoMoN, hey ricotz, luna_ !06:49
oSoMoNhey ricotz 06:53
oSoMoNsalut didrocks, ça va?06:53
didrocksoSoMoN: fatigué de peinture non stop et autres choses à régler dur le chantier mais ça va :) et toi ?06:55
oSoMoNdidrocks, plutôt bien, merci :)07:03
dufluMorning didrocks, luna_, ricotz, oSoMoN 07:07
didrockshey duflu 07:10
seb128goood morning desktopers!07:18
didrockssalut seb128, ça va ?07:20
seb128lut didrocks, nickel, et toi ? ça a marché comme tu voulais les travaux ?07:20
dufluHi seb128 07:20
didrocksseb128: il reste encore beaucoup à faire, mais ça a avancé au moins :)07:20
didrocksà voir si on est livré dans les temps par contre…07:20
seb128doigts croisés pour les délais :)07:21
didrocks’ci :)07:22
dufluWoo, my new Nvidia card support my monitors. Back in business07:28
dufluInteresting the monitor reports Nvidia is 24-bit colour while Intel is 30-bit colour07:28
oSoMoNhey duflu, salut seb128 07:28
seb128lut oSoMoN07:29
marcustomlinsonmorning luna_ oSoMoN ricotz duflu, welcome back seb128 didrocks07:30
oSoMoNmorning marcustomlinson 07:31
didrocksthx marcustomlinson :)07:32
dufluMorning marcustomlinson 08:04
didrockshey Laney 08:11
Laneywb didrocks!08:12
Laneygood holidays?08:12
dufluHi Laney08:12
didrocksLaney: holidays meaning "hard painting work" yeah :) at least, things moved, but there are still a lot to do, thanks!08:13
Laneysup duflu 08:21
Laneydidrocks: ah yeah, I remember this stage08:22
Laneysend pix!08:22
didrocksLaney: will do! Didn’t take enough up to now :)08:28
marcustomlinsong'day Laney08:31
Laney☮ marcustomlinson 08:41
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:43
Laneymoin seb128 08:51
Laneynot too bad, trying to fix a proposed-migration crash though /o\08:52
Laneygood long weekend?08:52
Laneyah, I see I think09:00
seb128Laney, thanks for fixing the by team report!09:00
seb128w.e was great indeed09:01
Laneyno problemo09:15
ijohnsonhi folks, anybody know if there an upstream issue for supporting wayland with gdm and proprietary nvidia graphics ? it seems that /lib/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules disables wayland wholesale if nvidia is used (and note that I _only_ have nvidia so I'm not suffering from the intel GPU + nvidia GPU bugs that already seem to be reported on LP at least)10:16
seb128ijohnson, hey, I don't know but duflu probably has the details10:17
dufluYes, actually I proposed a fix to mutter a while back but upstream didn't like it. So we are stick with their .rules change instead10:19
ijohnsonduflu: is there an issue I could +1 or mark as affecting me to track progress on fixing it?10:19
dufluijohnson, there's nothing happening in that area right now. Maybe log a bug stating that rules files are annoying. And an example of one possible solution is https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/merge_requests/62510:22
ijohnsonright I saw your MR there, thanks I'll file an upstream bug, is mutter the right gnome repo for that ?10:22
dufluGood question.10:22
dufluIt's a multi-project issue10:22
dufluijohnson, to avoid conflict maybe log just a launchpad bug against both projects right now10:24
dufluAnd I can see if I can repropose a mutter change10:24
dufluNo need to get stuck in an upstream argument while a solution doesn't exist and they also don't want one10:24
ijohnsonduflu: ack, just to be clear which two projects? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm3 ?10:25
dufluijohnson, yes10:26
dufluI documented the issue in the eoan release notes. Not focal though(?). Maybe it was one of my docs changes Laney thought was too verbose10:29
dufluCan't remember10:29
ijohnsonduflu: reported as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/188765210:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1887652 in mutter (Ubuntu) "wayland not available with proprietary nvidia drivers" [Undecided,New]10:29
dufluThanks ijohnson. I will triage it more tomorrow10:33
ijohnsonsounds good10:33
dufluijohnson, though beware of the caveats: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=nvidia-drm.modeset10:33
ijohnsonyes I am aware of the issues, not (yet) trying to use it long term, just trying to test something out with wayland quickly 10:34
seb128bah, I didn't even notice my IRC client was closed13:23
seb128was easier to notice when I was using only one messaging client :-)13:24
marcustomlinsonha yeah13:25
seb128kenvandine, hey, could you follow up again on bug #1884428 ? unsure what 'snap core has no content interface slots" means15:23
ubot5bug 1884428 in gnome-calculator (Ubuntu) "calculator won't open (error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-3.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188442815:23
marcustomlinsonseb128 kenvandine: I've got it ^15:34
seb128marcustomlinson, thanks15:34
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: thanks15:34
seb128the users shouldn't have to fix those content connections by hand though :/15:48
seb128also what's that error with core? is that because the command Ken suggested was missing an argument?15:48
marcustomlinsonyes was missing an arg15:49
marcustomlinsonI don't know why that snap isn't autoconnecting to gnome-3-34-180415:49
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: did we perhaps update the calculator snap from 3-32 to 3-34 and forget to request autoconnect?15:50
kenvandineanything will autoconnect to gnome-3-34-180415:58
marcustomlinsondefault provider maybe wronf15:58
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: then it would effect everyone16:00
kenvandine    default-provider: gnome-3-34-180416:00
marcustomlinsonyeah it's weird16:01
marcustomlinsonif I install gnome-calculator snap on my focal that connection is missing for me16:01
kenvandineoh that is very weird16:04
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: can you try evince?16:05
kenvandinegnome-calculator connects for me16:07
kenvandinetried in a fresh focal VM too, auto-connected just fine16:12
ijohnsonI noticed a problem yesterday with gnome-calculator in that it didn't seem to auto-connect to gtk-common-themes unless I first uninstalled gtk-common-themes, then installed gnome-calculator and then the content snap connections to gtk-common-themes worked16:18
ijohnsonI didn't debug it further though unfortunately16:18
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: evince does not connect for me16:25
marcustomlinsonhmm I have some custom version of gnome-3-34-1804 installed16:26
marcustomlinsonah ok, if I install gnome-3-34-1804 from stable the autoconnections work fine16:27
marcustomlinsonI must have been messing with that platform snap and had a local copy installed16:28
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: whew... 16:43
KGB-2gnome-control-center ubuntu/master a92dbe8 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ 0019-display-Support-UI-scaled-logical-monitor-mode.patch 0024-display-Allow-fractional-scaling-to-be-enabled.patch * display: Don't disable fractional scaling immediately on integer changes * https://deb.li/Qi4e22:34
KGB-2gnome-control-center ubuntu/master cb48f84 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/0024-display-Allow-fractional-scaling-to-be-enabled.patch * display: Use renderer and layout to figure out fractional scaling state * https://deb.li/3HCz022:34
KGB-2gnome-control-center ubuntu/focal 4bc6a70 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ 0019-display-Support-UI-scaled-logical-monitor-mode.patch 0024-display-Allow-fractional-scaling-to-be-enabled.patch * display: Don't disable fractional scaling immediately on integer changes * https://deb.li/V7DA22:34
KGB-2gnome-control-center ubuntu/master f08c76e Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/0008-Allow-tweaking-some-settings-for-Ubuntu-Dock.patch * ubuntu: Don't try to fetch monitors if the config manager is not ready yet * https://deb.li/ik5jz22:57
KGB-2gnome-control-center ubuntu/focal 9df2f58 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/0008-Allow-tweaking-some-settings-for-Ubuntu-Dock.patch * ubuntu: Don't try to fetch monitors if the config manager is not ready yet * https://deb.li/3mCfd22:58

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