[00:44] good morning [00:45] good morning lotuspsychje [00:45] hey joelcrump [06:11] good morning [06:12] morning [08:27] morning TJ- [08:28] TJ-: the channels you join most in are: #ubuntu :p [09:06] lotuspsychje: LOL [09:07] lotuspsychje: a plugin in weechat sometimes manages to delete the join list [10:30] :p [17:13] hey hey hey [17:13] the demon is here [17:14] >:) [17:16] * ducasse hides his cola [17:16] lol [17:17] M_aD: i understand users can lookup things on google, but when its a legit ubuntu issue, we should try to solve it here first right? [17:18] volunteers enough here hungry to solve [17:18] lotuspsychje: i just recently returned to Ubuntu, so forgive me if i still need to get used and adjust to things here in the community. :) [17:18] but you're right [17:19] no sweat M_aD : ) [17:20] lotuspsychje: with some guidance i'll get there [17:20] M_aD: wich Os did you came from? [17:23] M_aD: we have the !google trigger, channel policy is to not tell users to google something if they're asking about a genuine policy. just fyi [17:23] *genuine issue, sorry [17:25] lotuspsychje: i've been 13+ years with Linux at the moment, started with Ubuntu 7.04 then did the whole distrohopping thing for years. The longest i've been involved in were Ubuntu, Mint, Fuduntu, PCLOS,Phinx, Solus (the debian based one), Korora Project (5 years), Fedora a bit. Then returned to Mint and now back home at Ubuntu since last week. Trying to get unvolved in the Ubuntu Unity Remix. [17:25] ducasse: thanks [17:25] wow thats some heavy jumping indeed [17:25] unvolved/involved [17:26] lotuspsychje: you don't want to know the list of distro's i tried in the past, it's huge [17:26] anyway, need to get ready for work [17:27] cheers [17:27] will check in from time to time [17:27] oh, before i forget.... i'm glad to be back home ;) [17:28] wb M_aD :p [17:28] thanks :)