[17:04] Eickmeyer[kde]1: do you happen to remember on a laptop in alsamixer is it Speaker or Speakers? [17:04] Usually "Speakers". [17:05] Probably because most laptops have stereo. :) [17:05] I guess if it is Headphone I would expect Speaker but Speakers makes more sense. [17:06] My laptop only has Lineout... headphone switches in the plug. [17:09] I need to break-out my laptop. This attempted vacation isn't working out so well for me. Drama in the Fedora KDE Special Interest Group, followed by software releases... bad timing, I guess. [17:11] nsm drama is fun too. [17:14] Oh yes. That. Yeah, I told nilshi that he needs to publish those emails somewhere as evidence that Non is toxic. [17:15] I unretired/now maintain the Non suite in Fedora, and I really want to orphan it, but I want to orphan it and let it die. I need evidence to show how abusive Jonathan is. [17:16] I gave up on non-* when the mixer never got lv2 (because it is not good enough or something) [17:17] That makes the whole non-echosystem depricated... [17:40] Yep. I like RaySession, but I think with everyone focusing on NewSM it's going to get really good. [17:40] raysession will improve as well [17:41] Looks like ardour 6.2 just syncd, is building, and on its way to proposed. [17:41] good [23:33] Eickmeyer[kde]1: it appears to be "Speaker" :) [23:49] Interesting. [23:50] from the pastes from the other channel. [23:51] Reading your dialog there, I'm even more tempted now than ever to remove qjackctl from the seed. It seems it's doing more harm than good because people are looking for it rather than using the utility we provide and document. [23:51] they have mixed the use of both. [23:52] -controls shows it startd jack. [23:52] Exactly. People keep doing that, and the two utilities are becoming less and less compatible. [23:53] I'm also tempted to make studio-controls conflict with qjackctl just to keep people who don't know what they're doing from using it.