
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
diogenes_!ask | xu-irc42w04:48
ubottuxu-irc42w: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:48
xu-irc42wso as I was trying to install Lutris after completing Wine, I get an error, something about "could not get lock /lock-frontend. held by process 9355". and another error saying "Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock."04:50
diogenes_xu-irc42w, close the app center and try again.04:52
xu-irc42wand now I might have a feeling that I broke my sources.list which is why that's giving me those errors because previously it was asking me to insert a dvd disc04:52
xu-irc42wI don't see app center in my task manager04:53
diogenes_synaptic maybe? or update notifier?04:54
xu-irc42wah there is update notifier, do I kill?04:54
diogenes_exit it and try again.04:55
xu-irc42wsame error04:55
diogenes_ok reboot then.04:56
madcatso I'm back, the same guy from just a bit ago. now it's giving a different error this time05:01
madcat"Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages"05:01
diogenes_how did you install lutris and wine?05:02
madcatsudo apt-get install wine64 wine32. then sudo apt-get install lutris05:02
madcatwait scratch the wine one05:03
madcatsudo add-apt-repository 'deb (wine download link) focal main'05:04
diogenes_why sudo add-apt-repository?05:05
diogenes_!info wine05:05
ubottuwine (source: wine): Windows API implementation - standard suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0-3ubuntu1 (focal), package size 50 kB, installed size 192 kB05:05
madcatI was going off on the instructions from their website05:05
madcatalso FYI I'm new to Linux05:06
diogenes_no you shouldn't have done that.05:07
madcatoop. what should I do in that case?05:07
diogenes_run: sudo apt update05:08
diogenes_see if you get same error.05:08
madcatwent smoothly05:09
madcatwith 4 packages that can be upgraded05:09
diogenes_cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999905:10
diogenes_share the url05:10
madcatshare the url it gave me?05:11
diogenes_hmm and now: ls /etc/apt/ | nc termbin.com 999905:15
madcatwhat I got from the terminal: https://termbin.com/9tlq05:19
diogenes_now: ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d | nc termbin.com 999905:22
diogenes_!info lutris05:24
ubottuPackage lutris does not exist in focal05:24
diogenes_yep lutris is not in the official repo but why do you have this kisak-ubuntu-kisak-mesa-focal.list?05:26
madcati dont actually recall adding that one or even remember doing anything with that one05:26
diogenes_run: pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list05:31
diogenes_tell me when done.05:31
madcatyeah done05:31
madcatinside it there's only one line there05:32
madcatwhich like I said earlier, I feel like I broke my sources.list through something I shouldn't have done05:32
diogenes_remove that line.05:33
madcatremove, then save and then what next?05:33
diogenes_i didn't say 'save'05:34
diogenes_just remove, open this link: http://dpaste.com/2A4JMBM05:34
diogenes_and paste there the content.05:35
madcatand then what next?05:35
diogenes_then save and close.05:35
madcatnow what? try what I wanted to do again?05:35
diogenes_then run: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lutris-team-ubuntu-lutris-focal.list05:36
diogenes_sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade05:38
madcatwill report back when it's done05:38
diogenes_does it update anything?05:41
madcatit's updating, yes05:41
diogenes_do you see any linux kernel update there?05:43
madcatI think so, yeah maybe?05:44
madcatagain I'm new to linux, so I don't know if at least one of the packages are linux kernel updates05:44
diogenes_ok then it won't hurt to reboot after it's done.05:45
madcataw. the person that was helping me earlier left. anyone available?07:32
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Alane33como faço para entra no axcel15:57
madcatI'm back, updated the stuff and all as told, although the downloads did take a while, now what?19:43
diogenes_!ask | madcat19:49
ubottumadcat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:49
madcatThis is about yesterday by the way19:50

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