
mruffellcongratulations for the cloud-init 20.2 SRU release!04:04
smoserotubo: https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-utils/+git/cloud-utils/+merge/38753015:09
smoseryour test/feedback on that would be nice.15:09
Odd_Blokefalcojr: Thanks for the review!  Is the "another channel" you mentioned the gist that you're putting together?16:22
falcojrYep! Let me link it here16:25
Odd_BlokeOK, nice, I'll have a read through that this afternoon.16:27
Odd_Blokefalcojr: This isn't really prompted by your document, but I was thinking more last night about how to run multiple test methods against the same instance: I wonder if an autouse class-scoped fixture would be the way to go: any tests that are in the same class will run against the same SUT.17:23
Odd_Bloke(Don't know if it should be autouse, but that would avoid needing to request the fixture in every test.)17:24
Odd_Bloke(I do wonder how that would interact with parameterization: if we parameterized a class to run the same tests with two different configurations, would they share the SUT?)17:26
Odd_Blokefalcojr: Another stray observation for your "launch args" mark: marks can take kwargs which can be accessed the same way as args are.  I've just confirmed this is supported in xenial.17:32
falcojryeah, I wasn't sure about kwargs. Thanks for checking on that. I think a fixture might be the way to go then. I think class level fixtures like you mention make sense too, but at last as we have enough flexibility at the top-level, those sort of fixtures can come as we need them18:22
Odd_Blokefalcojr: I've responded to ~the first half of your gist in a comment. :)21:27
falcojrCool, I'll take a look21:40
catphishi'm looking at how cloud providers use cloud-init, most seem to provide config from a known url, usually on, but i'm wondering, how do these VMs generally establish network connectivity prior to fetching this config, are they using DHCP?23:12
catphishactually, i think i have a better solution, but i'm sure i'll be back with more questions :)23:58

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