
Roeywhy is chromium crashing on me?00:46
Roeyit keeps crashing00:46
Roeyas soon as I open it00:46
Roeyor soon after00:46
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IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Hey03:22
user|77124kindly suggest me the minimum system recommendation  .05:43
oerheks64 bit, 4gb, duo core, good videocard05:43
IrcsomeBotvanyashinnn was added by: vanyashinnn06:04
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IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> @Zoth_Ommog, Anyone got a solution?08:57
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BluesKajHowdy folks12:32
R13osewhy does sometimes when waking up my laptop the internet doesn't connect and then when I close my laptop, and reopen this after a few mins, the internet connects?12:57
troozersHi Gurus, question about kubuntu 20.04 and using two monitors through a laptop dock... I can display on the laptop screen and one of the external monitors.  The laptop can see the second external monitor but never seems to be able to display on it.  I know the laptop is powerful enough as dual booting into Windows is able to show up on all three displays13:00
troozersI actually only want to display on external two displays and shut the laptop lid down, but even spoofing that doesnt work13:00
BluesKajR13ose, dunno, my laptop does the same thing. It doesn't bother me much tho because I'm too lazy to figure it out :-)13:00
troozersboth external monitors are connected via a usb-c dock and both are DisplayPort13:01
R13oseBluesKaj:  I'm not too lazy.13:01
BluesKajtroozers, most likely something to do with xrandr configuration13:02
troozerseasier to investigate/resolve via command line rather than System Configurator?13:03
BluesKajR13ose, then let me know when you figure it out  :-)13:03
R13oseOkay :)13:03
IrcsomeBotnonamex555 was added by: nonamex55513:05
R13oseBluesKaj: I have used https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n49kukPf8HI but I have to test this over a few times.13:16
BluesKajRoey, I can't find a link to his script13:39
Roeywhich script?13:39
BluesKajsorryro hit the tab too soon13:39
R13oseThe script is in the description13:39
R13oseBluesKaj: ^13:41
BluesKajok, got it13:41
BluesKajit was hidden here13:42
BluesKajthanks R13ose, I'll give it a try as well.13:45
R13oseNo problem!  I will let you know if any problems happen.13:46
BluesKajR13ose, testing 20.10 GG here, scrpt doesn't work, but it could have something to do with my autostart vpn app14:15
R13oseBluesKaj: will you stop the vpn?14:16
BluesKajno, I'm going to leave it as is , clicking on network manager brings up the wifi connection option so it's no biggie14:17
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R13oseOkay.  I will test mine out and see if this works for me.14:26
BluesKajok good14:31
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IrcsomeBot<nash_g5> Kubuntu team. I want to get involved in Kubuntu project. Documentation or package maintenance. How can i contribute?19:38
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ubottuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu19:41
IrcsomeBot<nash_g5> @ubottu, Thank you19:50
valorienash_g5 be sure to look at the links in the topic20:02
valorieand welcome20:02
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tyrindamien064does anybody know why snap apps dont ib22:18
tyrindamien064intal with icons22:18
IrcsomeBot<Data Grime> anyhow, I'm glad it's worked22:45
invitadosaludos grupo23:00
invitadoalguien que me ayude23:00
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invitado__alguien por aqui23:08

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