
FourDollarsHi, I found the Launchpad webhook of private Git repo only works for my proposal, but it doesn't work for the proposal from others.07:08
cjwatsonFourDollars: We'll need a specific example, probably best expressed as a bug report please08:14
FourDollarscjwatson: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/69189008:15
FourDollarsJust created few seconds ago.08:15
cjwatsonWill look in a bit08:15
=== acheronuk is now known as RikMills
mantas-baltixHi, Could someone tell why packaging recipe builds doesn't start today? Yesterday builds were started after few minutes, but today I'm waiting more than 2 hours, see https://code.launchpad.net/~baltix/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/1959705309:32
mantas-baltixAnd I see misleading information: Start in 19 minutes :(09:33
tomwardillmantas-baltix: we've had a network outage overnight, the build queue/farm is recovering09:37
tomwardillit built up a reasonably large queue that it needs to get through09:37
Laneyilasc: hey there, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fDx7d37Ycr/ is this a repacking thing or an outage thing do you know? & can you help me be able to push it please? :>10:51
ilaschey Laney , that's work we have in progress right now11:15
ilascunfortunately it's not an outage or repacking scenario11:15
ilascwe'll need to wait for the changes to land in Prod for that11:16
Laneyilasc: is there a way I can push to it?11:20
LaneyI could just make a branch on the upstream repo instead if not11:20
ilascLaney: you could try but if the branch is large enough it will probably result in the same11:21
Laneyilasc: it worked11:21
ilascexcellent !11:22
Laneywouldn't go that far :p11:22
* Laney is taken back to school reports11:22
cjwatsonilasc: repacking the "parent" repository (i.e. the one being cloned from) often works for this FWIW11:42
cjwatsonNot always, but often engh to be worth trying11:42
ilascoh sorry I missed  that11:42
ilascwhich in this case would be livecd-rootfs11:45
ilascok, thanks cjwatson11:45

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