
guivercAndriana20, looking at your video may help, `sudo lshw -C video |pastebinit`00:02
Andriana20guiverc unfrtely i have no access to that pc atm.00:03
Andriana20I get access fir 3-4 hours the last four days,  as i am lending a hand to a friend00:04
Andriana20So it's 3-4 hours a day00:05
Andriana20So,  what will this command offer?00:05
Andriana20Oh wait,  i pasted my video earlier today to someone who also tried to help me00:06
Andriana20Maybe if you update the chat history log,  you can gind it00:06
Andriana20If it wasnt the video,  ut was definitely something related to it. It was a link i shared that was generated by the terminal though a command00:07
Andriana20It was 7-8 hours ago00:08
guivercthat command lists-hardware of class video & pastebin's result00:08
Andriana20think you can look for it?00:09
guivercnot currently sorry.00:10
Andriana20so what can i possibly do after that?00:11
guiverc(it's not in my chat history as I wasn't online, it'll be on irclogs)00:11
Andriana20I ve looked for different solutions.  Some say updating the drivers..)(though my gpu is quite old)  others suggest unplugging the vga cable and replugging it00:13
Andriana20I mean,  there jas to be a way.  Right?00:13
guivercA 18.04 release means the 2018-April release, for your old machine the 'drivers' (kernel modules) will already be far newer than your hardware in my opinion.  Some older hardware has support dropped (often for security reasons), but I don't know about your video hardware, 512 in tiny & i've not used <1GB machines in a long time (with rare exception)00:17
Andriana20So there isn't any way to get through this?00:19
guivercI don't know, I can only give my opinion (limited details of your box, why I asked for lshw details) & my experience with 384MB or tiny RAM machines is old, and applies to older releases (older kernels & software stacks thus may not all apply)00:21
Andriana20Ram size shouldnt matter at all over this resolution issue.  I  had a proper resolution on windows 7 while on 512 ram00:21
Andriana20Then i could install the older softwafe00:22
Andriana20Software needed,  i do not see an issue00:23
Andriana20Low specs was the reason i booted lubuntu in the first place00:24
lubot<kc2bez> Linux can't fix hardware.00:24
Andriana20You do realise it sounds strange for an os thats especially designed for older systems too,  to be called on lack of support?00:25
Andriana20kc2bez who said anything about fixing hardware?  Hardware is in quite good state00:26
Andriana20It's lubuntu's missing the ability to detect the components00:27
lubot<kc2bez> https://lubuntu.me/taking-a-new-direction/00:28
Andriana20kc2bez No matter which direction you are taking,  you can't escape which one you took in the past. If component drivers are missing,  it's not a user's problem00:30
Andriana20So if the developers detect any lack of that type,  they may work on it00:32
Andriana20What do you recommend then?00:34
Andriana20I ve seen systems of 2002 run on fine resolution.  Thats not thebissue00:35
Andriana20It surely idnt00:35
lubot<kc2bez> Without the computer in question it is difficult to troubleshoot.00:36
Andriana20I ve already given the components00:37
Andriana20graphics AL1716 (1280x1024) 16MB ATI VGA00:37
Andriana20Not a big deal00:38
lubot<kc2bez> True but it is difficult to try suggestions without testing on the hardware.00:38
Andriana20Will you be available to talk in 13.5 hours from now?00:38
Andriana20! Lets call an arrangement so this is ended00:39
lubot<kc2bez> We're all volunteers here so there isn't necessarily a schedule. I may possibly be around or someone else may be around. Just post when you are at the computer.00:41
Andriana20Listen,  i did post 8 hours ago,  about the exact same problem,  even after binpasting the link overhere and i got no respond00:42
lubot<kc2bez> 8 hours ago I was at work and unable to be in the channel.00:43
Andriana20I do need to have specifically someone who can handle this during a specific time period e00:43
guivercAndriana20, 8 hours ago I was asleep (~2am), if you want support that fits you, use paid support, not volunteers00:44
Andriana20Could you urge one of your best troubleshooters to shed some attention on this?00:44
wxlgo post it on the forum and the mailing list00:44
Andriana20How will a post givee a solution?  Live commucation is needed00:48
wxlbecause if you provide all the information needed, someone will be able to work with it00:48
flybackwxl, on the taskbar00:52
flybackI don't remember lxde having "close" on the very bottom00:52
Andriana20any european troublesholters?00:52
wxlflyback: it does00:52
flybackI think I fixed it00:53
wxlAndriana20: you could sit here and keep trying, hoping and praying that you'll get what you're looking for. or you could make a post. or i'm sure you could find many a person you could pay to do what you want. as far as free support is concerned, though, beggars can't be choosers…00:53
flybacknow if you hit close on purpose or accident it just goes to tray00:54
flybackand keeps running00:54
Andriana20wlx what the hell are you talking about malaka?00:54
Andriana20Who gave you the absurd impression i am begging to anyone?00:55
Andriana20I dont know anything about beggars,  but big mouth chatters can definitely be chllsers00:56
wxlthe dictionary https://www.thefreedictionary.com/begging00:56
wxl" To ask (someone) for something in an urgent or humble manner"00:56
Andriana20Then look for ' live technical support'00:57
wxlwhatever you want to call it, you've been offered lots of options. it's up to you what you want to do with it.00:57
Andriana20Maybe the Software Development company could pay for some staff to do so.  So users don't come to be cled beggars for asking for help for a piece of software that requres technical knowledge on the user's side00:59
guivercSoftware Development company??  Lubuntu is created by volunteers, not a company.01:00
wxl^ exactly what three of us have been trying to explain01:00
wxlthat said, i even said there are many folks that would be willing to do what you want for a fee, so like you said, money can make things happen01:01
Andriana20It is true i was offered options.  But let me decide whether it has been helpful.  Because by that logic,  i could go to a hospital and the nurses tell me to ask somdwhere else for my medical assistance01:01
wxlwhcih they sometimes do01:01
Andriana20That is an option offering,  but i asked for a simple solution.  Its oksy though01:01
wxlsmall towns often don't have the facilities larger hospitals do01:02
Andriana20You can see it any way you want to01:02
wxlif it's a simple solutiojn, then it doesn't require "live assistance"01:02
wxlgo post to the forum if you want simple01:02
Andriana20Then they should be provided ones01:02
wxlyou have been provided options01:02
Andriana20Or else these hospitals arent working properly01:02
wxlyou just, apparently, don't like them?01:02
Andriana20Just apparently,  they are not givng a solution01:03
wxlgo post to the forum01:03
wxlall the information you have01:03
Andriana20Listen,  you have already expressed your view on what is happening01:03
wxli'm sure you will get your solution01:03
wxlor if you want to deal with someone live exactly at the time of your choosing, pay someone to do it01:04
oerheksthere are more people reading and answering on forums than irc.01:04
wxlotherwise, you can continue with what you're doing (posting here over and over, i.e. repeating the same behavior and expecting different results)01:04
Andriana20Wxl Why dont you tell me ablut my behavkor?01:05
wxloh forget it01:05
wxlgood luck01:05
lubot<kc2bez> @oerheks [<oerheks> there are more people reading and answering on forums than irc.], It also works better for asynchronous support01:05
Andriana20What are you tracing?01:05
Andriana20Good luck to you to01:05
Andriana20Gold luck with the human beings you are negotiating with aswell01:06
Andriana20In thefuture01:06
Andriana20It can mean th difference01:06
tomreynAndriana20: i think you made your point. let's move on to something else now.01:06
Andriana20And also the persoective you use to view someone's situation01:07
Munskotheres lubuntu-specific apps developed in lxqt?01:26
Munskoi mean, the developer team of lubuntu have made specifical programs for the distro or are they shared with other lxqt os?01:26
guivercMunsko, members of the Lubuntu team have created scripts, apps & code that is used by Lubuntu, but it's not been reserved for ourselves, it's been pushed/offered upstream to LXQt & other Qt users  (I don't see Lubuntu as a lxqt OS, it's Ubuntu with LXQt which can use non-Qt apps too)01:37
Munskoi see, maybe my question is a bit strange01:37
Munskobut i was thinking about the translations01:38
Munskomaybe theres needed some help to translate the apps01:38
Munskolike the locale(the global system) and specific apps01:38
guivercsorry I'm not equipped to offer anything on language/translations01:39
Munskoi didnt get what you mean01:42
Munskoi was wondering if the development team need help with translations01:43
guivercsorry, thank you for offering, I don't know anything about translations so cannot offer any advice or answers on that topic sorry. You'll need to wait for others.01:44
Munskooh, now i get it01:44
Munskoi will search in forums01:45
Munskoi was just in that topic lol01:47
* guiverc :)01:48
lubot<N0um3n0> @Munsko [<Munsko> i was wondering if the development team need help with translations], the translation platform is not yet online.01:57
Munskoi see01:59
lubot<N0um3n0> @Munsko [<Munsko> i see], will be launched for some programs and for translations of the lubuntu manual02:00
Munskomake translations in a text file is very unpractical,right?02:00
lubot<N0um3n0> @Munsko [<Munsko> make translations in a text file is very unpractical,right?], the translation platform is weblate, separate the phrases for the translation, I do not recommend that you do it yet02:02
Munskowell, lets wait so02:04
lubot<N0um3n0> you are from?02:04
Munskoi have some extra time this days and i tought about help a bit02:04
Munskosince i know 0 about programation i thought in translations02:05
lubot<N0um3n0> you have a spanish group in #lubuntu-es02:05
Munskoyes, theres just 1 guy, 3 bots and chan lol02:06
Munskoi dont need the translations, just wanted to help02:06
lubot<N0um3n0> is linked with telegram group, with 358 persons02:07
lubot<N0um3n0> no problem with that02:07
Munskoif i speak there they will see it?02:07
Munskoand vice versa?02:07
lubot<N0um3n0> yes02:07
Munskoi see02:08
Munskotought it was abandoned or something like that02:08
andriana20Good Evening,I have a computer, year 2005 with the following features:Cpu AMD Sempron 3000+ Palermo 90nm, RAM: 512MB, motherboard microstar LS-7135, graphics ATI Radeon 9200 PRO (1280x1024) VGA Initially the computer was running windows 7 home 32-bit, but due to a slow response, I decided to install lubuntu 18.04.4 32-bit. Everything went great18:05
andriana20with the installation, except for an issue. Back when i was at windows, the system ran at 1280x780 resolution (confirmed it recently, so its tested resolution that works. About the 1280x1024 in the specs, i got it from speccy, but maybe this resolution also works on my screen.) Unfortunately in lubuntu, the only option for resolution now in screen18:05
andriana20preferences, is 640x480, 72hz, without giving other options for better clarity (the ones I mentioned above). The first time I tried to resolve the issue, I found a forum post that suggested I use the command 'sudo nano/etc/default/grub'  to edit the file's text line from # GRUB_TERMINAL = console to GRUB_TERMINAL = console . After saving it, the18:05
andriana201280x780 option returned to the preferences.  I selected it,  saved it, but it instantly disappeared . After that, and restarting the computer, the system could no longer load lubuntu os in any way and i had to reinstall them via dvd. Since then, I have obviously avoided doing such an action again, but with the little knowledge I have, i ran18:05
andriana20xrandir on the terminal,  but unfortunately the only available resolution shown is 640*480.. Do you have any solutions to this?  Any help will be appreciated..18:05
diogenes_andriana20, run in terminal: lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A3 | nc termbin.com 999918:19
diogenes_ahare the url18:19
andriana20one sec18:21
diogenes_andriana20, and now: ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d | nc termbin.com 999918:25
andriana20it returns no such catalog or file exists 8(18:26
diogenes_andriana20, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i agpgart | nc termbin.com 999918:27
andriana20Ok, it run, but nothing returned by terminal18:29
andriana20shall i now run the previous one?18:29
diogenes_cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep agpgart18:30
diogenes_does it show anything?18:30
andriana20ran again, but no output18:30
diogenes_ok this one: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i radeon | nc termbin.com 999918:30
andriana20got it18:31
diogenes_ok let's see the entire xorg log: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 999918:33
diogenes_andriana20, ls usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ | nc termbin.com 999918:38
andriana20no such file or catalog18:40
diogenes_oh sorry my bad, i ate a slash: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ | nc termbin.com 999918:40
andriana20oh ok18:41
diogenes_ls /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ | nc termbin.com 999918:41
diogenes_multitasking :)18:41
andriana20is that any help?18:46
diogenes_andriana20, not so fast.18:51
diogenes_andriana20, xrandr | nc termbin.com 999918:56
andriana20ok @diogenes_18:56
andriana20it said18:56
andriana20xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default18:56
andriana20and then returned18:56
diogenes_andriana20, cvt 1280 780 | nc termbin.com 999919:00
diogenes_andriana20, now run here in the chat: /exec xrandr | grep " connected " | awk '{ print$1 }'19:02
andriana20run in the chat? how!19:02
andriana20i copied and pressed enter19:02
andriana20did it work?19:03
diogenes_and did you get any result?19:03
diogenes_ok then  in terminal:  xrandr | grep " connected " | awk '{ print$1 }' | nc termbin.com 999919:03
andriana20Failed to get size of gamma for output default19:03
diogenes_nothing more?19:04
andriana20unfortunately no19:04
diogenes_andriana20, ok we can try a thing a bit risky one but all is fixable.19:06
andriana20letțs do it19:06
diogenes_andriana20, sudo mkdir /usr/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d19:08
diogenes_just say when done19:08
andriana20no such directory or catalog exists19:09
diogenes_oh wait19:09
diogenes_ sudo mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d19:09
diogenes_pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY leafpad /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-vesa.conf19:11
andriana20a text file opened19:11
andriana20(leafpad:6044): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 22:11:37.686: g_dbus_proxy_new: assertion 'G_IS_DBUS_CONNECTION (connection)' failed19:12
andriana20this is what the terminal returned19:12
diogenes_ok in minute i'll give you what to paste into that opened document.19:12
andriana20hope it goes well19:12
diogenes_andriana20, one more output i need (run it in another terminal):  cvt 640 480 | nc termbin.com 999919:15
diogenes_into that empty document paste the content of the following link: http://dpaste.com/3QM0FGF19:20
diogenes_close, save and run: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-vesa.conf | nc termbin.com 999919:20
andriana20ok , a quick question first19:21
andriana20do we want 1280x780 or 1280x1024 (max screen res)?19:21
diogenes_andriana20, we take one step at a time.19:21
andriana20save file??19:22
diogenes_<diogenes_> close, save and run: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-vesa.conf | nc termbin.com 999919:22
andriana20close what?19:22
diogenes_yeah, first save then close :)19:22
diogenes_andriana20, i missed a few lines, again because mutitasking, run: pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY leafpad /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-vesa.conf19:25
andriana20ok, a file opened19:26
andriana20terminal returned (leafpad:6164): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 22:26:06.854: g_dbus_proxy_new: assertion 'G_IS_DBUS_CONNECTION (connection)' failed19:26
diogenes_remove everything and paste the following: http://dpaste.com/24ZQXAB19:27
diogenes_save, close and: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-vesa.conf | nc termbin.com 999919:27
diogenes_ok looks good, now before you reboot, write down somewhere the following command: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-vesa.conf && systemctl reboot19:30
andriana20like on a paper?19:30
diogenes_if after reboot you get a black screen with a blinking cursor then you need to:19:30
diogenes_1) press ctrl+alt+f119:30
diogenes_2) enter your username and password19:31
andriana20last time it gave me this black screen with the cursor i couldnt do anything19:31
diogenes_3) sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-vesa.conf && systemctl reboot19:31
andriana20i did ctrlaltf5 and it didnt respond19:31
diogenes_now write those command down on a paper and go ahead and reboot19:31
diogenes_in any case if you have a DVD, we can always boot from DVD and fix the problem from there.19:32
diogenes_i mean not reinstalling but fixing.19:32
andriana20oh ok19:32
andriana20tell me when i should reboot19:32
andriana20i wont be able to type19:32
andriana20wish me luck19:33
diogenes_luck :)19:33
andriana20diogenes_ the system rebooted19:36
andriana20but still in the same resolution :(19:36
diogenes_and what does xrandr say?19:36
andriana20Still says 640*480 at all cases. Damn19:37
andriana20As if we did nothing19:37
andriana20That's sickening19:37
andriana20We did all we could?19:38
diogenes_ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 999919:39
andriana20One sec19:42
andriana2027its like a HUGE text @diogenes_19:45
andriana2027a very big text returned on terminal19:46
andriana2027i ll send it in private19:46
diogenes_no wait, it shoukd have returned only url19:46
diogenes_cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 999919:46
andriana2027i ll try once more19:46
diogenes_andriana2027, run: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-vesa.conf19:51
andriana2027 it returned nothing19:51
diogenes_pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY leafpad /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-vesa.conf19:54
diogenes_i'll send you in private what to put in there.19:55
andriana2027the 20-esa file is empty19:55
andriana20It rebooted20:01
diogenes_ok in priv i'll give you another one.20:02
=== tijara_ is now known as tijara
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @aptghetto [Try it with the opensource driver instead of the proprietary], also with the openscource one the system keeps crashing22:07
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> don't know what to do anymore22:07
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> it's getting worse22:07
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RHdvfsjQfs/22:12
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> (Photo, 1280x960) https://i.imgur.com/ReoVaJT.jpg22:12
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @Michaël Van Bogaert [<reply to image>], kernel panic while booting22:12
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Y8Vmxq5wVF/22:15
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jRyshT8VkK/22:17
oerheksat least you have the recent bios22:18
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> I'll remove teamviewer … but it'll crash anyway22:19
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @oerheks [<oerheks> at least you have the recent bios], I try keeping it up to date … this is beta … but it happens with stable too22:19
oerheksmaybe you suffer a bad ram issue, try to determin what memory is bad?22:19
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @oerheks [<oerheks> maybe you suffer a bad ram issue, try to determin what memory is bad?], I also think in this direction22:20
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @Michaël Van Bogaert [<reply to image>], but I already tested a lot22:20
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> could it be that it's a mobo issue ? … maybe i have to take it back to the shop  … it's new from december 201922:21
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> the weird thing is … I started with Linux in december … and it has been always stable … it's like 2 months now that i have random crashes … multiple in 30mins22:22
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> good night guys22:39

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