
ComputerTechi am trying to run this command as root    sudo apt-get install ntp00:22
ComputerTechand i get this error00:22
ComputerTechi am running ubuntu 20.0400:23
ComputerTechi have tried running  apt-get update00:23
ComputerTechi get this then00:23
tomreynComputerTech: no, you're not running ubuntu 20.0400:26
ComputerTech<ComputerTech> i am running ubuntu 20.0400:26
ComputerTechdid i not say that?00:26
ComputerTechoh ok00:26
ComputerTechum which am i running then?00:26
tomreynubuntu 20.04 comes with systemd00:27
ComputerTechok i just clicked download on my vps panel00:27
ComputerTechthe latest ubuntu00:27
ComputerTechother than that i have no idea00:27
tomreynso this is some custom image by the vps provider. we can't know how it was modified00:28
ComputerTechwell do you know of a work around to fix this error?00:28
tomreynbut your output shows you can't even resolve hostnames, so the if you want to overcome this you'll need a working resolver configured first of all00:29
ComputerTechhmm again i have not much knowledge on linux00:29
tomreynwhy did you want to install ntp?00:30
ComputerTechfor my irc server00:30
ComputerTechfor time syncing00:30
tomreynubuntu uses systemd-timesync for this by default00:30
ComputerTechwell the unrealircd admins told me to do this command00:31
tomreyni promise that if you'll run an irc server at your current level of linux expertise, you'll run into problem you can't handle.00:31
trippehisnt that how we learn ;-)00:31
ComputerTechi wouldnt say i am new to this00:32
tomreynyes, but there are more pleasant approaches00:32
ComputerTechi'd rather stick to the path i am on00:32
tomreynalso for the network around you ;)00:32
ComputerTechbut thanks for the heads up :)00:32
ComputerTechi have pleanty of help00:32
ComputerTechanyway, just wanted to fix that error00:32
ComputerTechsince it successfully worked on another server i own00:32
ComputerTechjust wanted to try fix it on this one also00:33
tomreynthe immediate problem is that the nameserver configured on this system is inoperable, unreachable. or there is none configured.00:34
ComputerTechoh well, i guess i'll need to try and figure it out myself xD00:38
ComputerTechthanks anyway guys00:38
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