
Unit193https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/staging that...that description isn't right.00:11
jphilipsbluesabre: the link in this tweet doesn't work - https://twitter.com/PlanetBluesabre/status/128429180607577292801:00
jphilipsUnit193: the whole thing or just 'This PPA currently provides Bionic packages for Artful.'01:03
Unit193Yes, that part. :P01:03
jphilipsbluesabre: it tweeted two of the same tweet01:06
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
bluesabrejphilips: yeah, that blog post was published accidentally, but my planet scraped it while it was still up.09:55
jphilipsanyone else getting a segmentation fault when clicking the 'add' button in shares-admin?21:01
jphilipshappens on 19.10 and 20.04 for me21:02
jphilipsfiled it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-tools/+bug/188809321:53
ubot93Launchpad bug 1888093 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "shared folders segfaults" [Undecided, New]21:53
brainwashjphilips: gnome-system-tools is old software though and not maintained by anyone22:00
brainwashbug 179178622:01
ubot93Bug 1791786 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "shares-admin crashes when trying to add a folder" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179178622:01
jphilipswe do use the other 2 apps that come in the bundle, so was curious why we don't use this third one, as i was hoping to put it in settings manager22:03
jphilipsi think i remember using it in 18.0422:03
jphilipsbrainwash: any thoughts how to find out what is causing the segfault so it could possibly be fixed?22:06
jphilipsbrainwash: how do i capture the debug output. its been forever since i last used gdb :D22:13
jphilipsclosed my duplicate and copied and pasted the gdb output into the bug.22:35

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