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IrcsomeBotkemmydal was added by: kemmydal04:42
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pragomerhi. how can I edit this "open with list"? : https://i.imgur.com/nOwzR15.png06:12
pragomerOh, I got it by myself: under ~/.local/share/applications/06:18
IrcsomeBot<xappleGF> @pragomer, Y?06:19
pragomerI got another problem with opening a textfile from dolphin with nano: on 2 of my 3 pcs this works just fine.. when I double click on a txt file from dolphin, nano opens in terminal. On my 3rd pc nano opens just with an empty new file.. SAME(!) settings.. what could cause this?06:24
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=== MANIAC is now known as Guest84786
linuxuserftwtomreyn did update to 111, then tried with pci=noaer this leads to not showing errors, no advanced error reporting is happening, but it still hangs10:13
linuxuserftwwhen I then boot into recovery and there do dpkg and have some packages removed and then boot into system, i.e. vlc is not working, no video or audio can be played, vlc just quits, no error message10:13
linuxuserftwhad to use timeshift to get back to a working system with 11110:14
linuxuserftwtomreyn now giving https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack a try, either that or checking if there is a newer amd-pro package, though since things were running really smooth before the latest update I suspect something to be going on with that10:15
linuxuserftwtomreyn doing the LTSE update I can see these two warnings10:23
linuxuserftwW: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/amdgpu/vega20_ta.bin for module amdgpu10:23
linuxuserftwW: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/amdgpu/navi10_mes.bin for module amdgpu10:23
linuxuserftwtomreyn going to see if anyhting here helps for that https://askubuntu.com/questions/1124253/missing-firmware-for-amdgpu10:25
tomreynlinuxuserftw: did you add logs to the bug report, yet?10:33
BluesKajHowdy folks10:52
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
tomreynlinuxuserftw: i'd ignore the state of vlc for now, this is symptomatic at best. you system failing to boot is much more of a concern. my (rough) guess is that the new kernel image changes the kernel ABI somewhat and the amdgpu-pro driver overlay you have installed is not yet compatible with this, and so run into problems booting. i don't have experience with fixing amdgpu-*pro*.11:00
linuxuserftwtomreyn no logs added, apport-collect 188807011:12
linuxuserftwERROR: The python3-launchpadlib package is not installed. This functionality is not available.11:12
linuxuserftwthere is no navi10_mes.bin in https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/tree/amdgpu11:26
linuxuserftwbut I could find vega20_ta.bin and copy it to /lib/firmware/amdgpu/11:26
linuxuserftwtomreyn after installing the LTSE I see this error https://i.stack.imgur.com/3LE3H.jpg11:45
linuxuserftwVGACON disables amdgpu kernel - perhaps this could lead to a solution..11:46
linuxuserftwtrying this now https://askubuntu.com/questions/1166054/disables-amd-gpu-kernel11:48
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IrcsomeBotMaremruata_singson was added by: Maremruata_singson14:12
IrcsomeBot<Maremruata_singson> Fwd from Maremruata_singson: Thanks Everyone14:12
IrcsomeBot<Maremruata_singson> Fwd from Maremruata_singson: But I need a little help here from Mizoram14:12
IrcsomeBot<Maremruata_singson> Fwd from Maremruata_singson: I can install the . ppd file provided by TVS Electronic Printers Model MSP 240 Classic Plus and MSP 245 Printer on each and every test page the printer halt halfway. I retried for 5 times but the results still the same14:12
IrcsomeBot<Maremruata_singson> Fwd from Maremruata_singson: I want to dedicate myself and all of my business hardware's and software's to Foss, GNU and linux. But regrettably I failed I now wants for my Messiah to help and save to for this situation14:12
IrcsomeBot<Maremruata_singson> Fwd from Maremruata_singson: I failed on Debian, Ubuntu and its derivatives xFce, Kde, mate and lxqt, fedora and even in cent os with this ppd drivers to install my printer help wanted14:12
pragomersomehow my kubuntu open with list is broken. When trying to edit a file via a cli editor from dolphin, (nano or vim), the editor opens a new empty file, not the actual file. I have no clue how to fix this error15:03
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IrcsomeBotjelempho was added by: jelempho15:37
gregor3000hello, how do i get home and trash icons on desktop? Kubuntu 20.0417:06
IrcsomeBot<jelempho> Is it normal that on logout the x11 server dies? … `The X11 connection broke (error 1). Did the server die?` … A couple of processes/units log this. Kubuntu 18.0417:09
IrcsomeBot<jelempho> @gregor3000, Did you try dragging from dolphin or the destops context-menu (right click)?17:10
gregor3000no i haven't tried that. as i remember there was another way to just enable them to be seen on desktop in settings, but i can't remember where17:12
=== rebeccargh is now known as rebecca
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> Anyone has an idea why netflix might play in very bad quality on a clean install? I tried Firefox brave and even chrome, same result19:44
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> I tried the 1080p extension, didn't work. But it doesn't seem to be related at all because I can't even get anywhere close to 720p. It's probably like 360p19:45
diogenes_Opal6, maybe inet speed?19:48
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> @diogenes_, No, it works fine on windows20:10
diogenes_Opal6, what GPU?20:14
linuxuserftwtomreyn so how do I tell grub to boot with 109 instead of 111 kernel? nothings works any more, vlc, added LTSE, added amdgpu firmware, added the pic=noaer and amdgpu.dc=0, it always hangs when I do updates, but I need updates, so I need a way to tell it to start with an older kernel :)20:17
IrcsomeBot<JuliusXDA> any way to install fingerprint gui?20:23
linuxuserftwoh my box is shot.. also just picking 109, not the recovery mode, will show the errors and not let me boot into normal system, vlc at al all a mess... this is no fun20:25
linuxuserftwso having done the LTSE and all the other things, nothing helps20:26
linuxuserftwalso lost the image prior to the latest update so cannot go back to that20:26
diogenes_linuxuserftw, what's the issue?20:30
aienaCan some one recommend a good on screen minimisable keyboard apart from "onboard" looking for one which is more useful.20:30
diogenes_aleksander-M, florence.20:31
diogenes_aiena, ^^^20:31
aienadiogenes_:  can it minimise to the area near the times where the wifi icons etc are20:32
aienanot sure what that part is called i think the other part is the taskbar20:32
aienai am trying this one out20:33
diogenes_notification area and yes.20:33
aienahmm it crashes though on kubuntu if you press the maginifyer key20:34
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> @diogenes_, Integrated i7-1020:35
diogenes_aiena, xvkbd is another one.20:35
diogenes_Opal6, run in term: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 999920:38
diogenes_share the url.20:38
diogenes_aiena, it was for Opal6 )20:39
tomreyndiogenes_: linuxuserftw is using amdgpu-pro on 18.04 LTS, and apparently the desktop wont start with it with the latest 4.15 kernel image. linuxuserftw also sees several PCIe errors on their screen and log (i suggested bios upgrade but this was considered too dangerous), use of amdgpu-pro was only mentioned after a good while of debugging.20:45
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> @diogenes_, https://termbin.com/7z1520:45
tomreyn(just in case they'll return)20:45
tomreynand i had pointed out amdgpu-pro is only supported by amd.20:46
diogenes_tomreyn, yeah and i've heard not tha great stuff about the amdgpu-pro driver.20:47
tomreynthey seem to not do a great job at remaining compatible with abi changes20:48
tomreynfortuantely you can use most if not all its added features (where those are really needed) without using their distribution of it, and thus get a much better experience.20:49
tomreyneither way, not trying to support it in its current state seems like a good idea. although it would probably take less efforts than making nvidias drivers useable.20:51
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> @diogenes_, I also have an Nvidia GeForce mx250. I tried turning it on, doesn't seem to make a difference20:52
diogenes_Opal6, ls /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/20:53
diogenes_do you see intel_drv.so?20:54
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> @diogenes_, Yes21:01
diogenes_Opal6, ok then we can try to load intel driver instead of modesetting.21:03
diogenes_run: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf21:05
diogenes_paste the following: https://dpaste.com/8Q355RTYY21:06
diogenes_save, close: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf21:06
diogenes_see if it matches the link i gave, reboot.21:07
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> error writing, no such file or directory21:09
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> should i create it?21:10
diogenes_yes create it.21:11
linuxuserftwthank you diogenes_ and tomreyn - just read the saved log and that you gave a quick summary of what is going on - so to recap - what options do I have left?21:26
tomreynlinuxuserftw: as long as you'll use amdgpu-pro, you will need to comply with their system requirements (for example, I'm not sure they're meaning to support LTSE), and will need to turn there for support. i recommended a bios upgrade. and you could indeed try to pin your kernel package for a while, but that'd be unwise in terms of security.21:30
tomreyn(it would also mean a recurring task, things would keep breaking occasionally)21:31
tomreynit's also a good idea not to leave the chat immediately after askjing a question.21:31
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> @diogenes_, So now the ui is glitchy and unusable21:32
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> Gnome with Wayland is still fine though21:32
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> Netflix is still the same21:32
linuxuserftwthank you, so do I have an alternative to amdgpu-pro?21:32
diogenes_he could also install windows, upgrade BIOS from there (if the manufacturer provides an .exe) then reinstall linux.21:33
linuxuserftwI have dual boot, can boot into Windows, but is that the way to go I wonder?21:33
linuxuserftwyeah I was reporting, then tried something new, but thanks to the logs I can read the replies..21:34
tomreynyes, is this the way you will go, i wonder, too21:34
linuxuserftwi'd rather stay on kubuntu 18.04 and not have to re-install anything system side21:35
linuxuserftwwould like to keep working on a daily basis and just code really21:35
linuxuserftwis there something like a generic driver for the graphics card I have that works with the updated kernel?21:36
diogenes_Opal6, if it's glitchy then remove Option "TearFree" "true" change Option "AccelMethod" "sna" to Option "AccelMethod" "uxa" and reboot.21:36
valorieI think that the LTS upgrade is available now21:37
valorieany reason you don't want 20.04 ?21:37
linuxuserftwvalorie could updating to 20.04 get rid of the error, are you referring to the issue I have?21:38
tomreynlinuxuserftw: if you don't need the -pro features, then there's the amdgpu open source driver in kubuntu by default. the one you had before you installed the -pro driver21:38
valoriesome people get rid of issues by upgrading21:38
valorieand of course others lose access to old software they wanted21:38
valoriealways a balancing act21:39
diogenes_linuxuserftw, you can also give this a try: https://xanmod.org/#install_via_terminal21:39
valorielinuxuserftw: you can always download the ISO and try it out in live session21:40
valorieif there is a show-stopper for you, don't upgrade21:40
linuxuserftwI am not really using any software that I don't think would not work on 20.0421:42
linuxuserftwi don't game etc21:42
linuxuserftwjust code with VS Code and use VLC to watch tuts, libre to write offers, that is it really21:42
tomreynso you don't need amdgpu-pro. uninstall it, do the bios upgrade, and you'll likely be fine.21:43
linuxuserftwbut I love the fact I can turn on the box and it just works, have my .zshrc alias' setup and done21:43
tomreynbut then... you can't21:44
linuxuserftwI was considering doing some screen recordings but my box is too slow for that anyways so gave up and managed to get the stream with a browser addon21:44
linuxuserftwyeah, right now I can't..21:45
oerhekslinuxuserftw, solutions may work with an updated bios21:45
linuxuserftwgood, ok.. that means I have to search the vendor website for it?21:46
linuxuserftwfor the BIOS I mean21:46
linuxuserftwit is an lenovo thinkpad e58021:46
valorie20.04 Just Works for me21:47
valoriewithout a stutter since upgrade some months ago21:47
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/6Xb15a0Z/file_33837.jpg Won't boot now21:47
diogenes_Opal6, ok then hit ctrl+alt+f121:49
diogenes_see if it shows the tty.21:50
linuxuserftwso one thing after another a) remove amdgpu-pro b) try 20.04 if that then does not work c) upgrade BIOS?21:52
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> @diogenes_, It does21:53
diogenes_Opal6, ok login and run: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf21:55
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> @diogenes_, Yep boots now21:56
diogenes_Opal6, that's pretty much it for today, you can also try the xanmod kernel and see if you get any improvements.21:58
linuxuserftwtomreyn ah, just read your message about the default amdgpu driver.. so will try and remove the amdgpu-pro driver now..21:58
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> @diogenes_, You think it's gpu related?22:02
diogenes_Opal6, i suspect yes.22:03
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> Interesting, I'll try messing around with it and see if something works. Thanks22:04
diogenes_no problem.22:05
IrcsomeBot<Opal6> @diogenes_, Does it conflict with TLP?22:05
diogenes_Opal6, i don't think so.22:06
linuxuserftwthank you for the help and pointers, I will try them and come back here to report back, thank you22:15
linuxuserftw(y) (y)22:15
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest61104
linuxuserftwtomreyn ha, back in action, all I did was amdgpu-uninstall, since when I tried amdgpu-pro-uninstall it told me that command is not found, though when all the verbose output went through I could see that at some stage it said amdgpu-pro pin or something amdgpu-pro *PIN uninstalled22:44
linuxuserftwtomreyn so I must have had it but find it strange I could not uninstall it over amdgpu-pro-uninstall22:45
tomreynlinuxuserftw: AMD support is at amd.com22:45
linuxuserftwtomreyn and vlc also works again, same with code and libre, all good22:46
linuxuserftwtomreyn I was looking here https://amdgpu-install.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install-installing.html22:46
linuxuserftwregardless, I now have the LTSE installed as well, that is a good thing to have, right?22:47
tomreynit shouldn't hurt.22:47
linuxuserftwand how would I find out what current graphics driver I have that runs with the graphics card? in system info?22:48
tomreyni don't know about the GUI on xubuntu. (gnome) ubuntu would show it in settings -> about22:50
tomreynor you can do this   lspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA22:50
tomreyni assume it wouldn'T show differently for amdgpu-pro, though22:51
linuxuserftwand last thing, perhaps this is not for here, if not, I am fine researching this, if and when I update to 20.04, is there a way to keep the settings and software I have at the moment? I assume there will be some sort of modal asking me if I want to keep this, right? OR is there a package I could use to make a backup of the settings, that is the22:51
linuxuserftwsettings for the installed software and then just put those back in place?22:51
linuxuserftw00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation UHD Graphics 620 [8086:5917] (rev 07)22:52
linuxuserftw        Subsystem: Lenovo UHD Graphics 620 [17aa:5069]22:52
linuxuserftw        Kernel driver in use: i91522:52
linuxuserftw        Kernel modules: i91522:52
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:52
tomreyneither the output is incomplete or your amd graphics card was not detected, or you have none.22:53
linuxuserftwyeah I see what you mean now..22:53
user|marcmuhola, soy usuario nuevo y estoy fascinado pero no he podido migrar por completo ya que no he sabido como instalar mis aplicaciones MICROSTATION de BENTLEY, alguien me podra ayudar y asi cambiarme por completo a Kubuntu22:54
tomreyn!es | user|marcmu22:54
ubottuuser|marcmu: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:54
linuxuserftwjust shows the card that is directly in mboard22:54
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
tomreynwhen you do a release upgrade, the software you had installed from the ubuntu repositories will be upgraded automatically. some software may need to be removed (you *may* be able to install it after upgrading), other may be additionally installed. the CLI based release upgrader (do-release-upgrade) will show thse changes needed to be applied before carrying out the upgrade.22:56
tomreynmaybe the GUI one, too, i don't remember22:56
tomreynyou need to uninstall any non ubuntu packages and package versions you currently have installed before starting the upgrade, or it may fail.22:57
user|marcmuHello, I am a new user and I am fascinated with kubuntu but I have not been able to migrate completely since I have not known how to install my MICROSTATION applications from BENTLEY, can someone help me to do this22:59
linuxuserftwok thank you tomreyn22:59
oerheksMICROSTATION applications from BENTLEY, that is windows software, check out #winehq and their database https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=161323:02
tomreynuser|marcmu: this software developer does not seem to support their software on linux23:02
user|marcmuok, thanks23:03
tomreynyou could also run it in a VM, but performance would suffer.23:03
tomreyn(not necessarily too much)23:03
tomreynthere's CAD software which runs natively on linux, too, of course.23:04
linuxuserftwsince it does not show the driver for amd card I am now going there to see what I could use, it seems I have uninstalled the generic driver that comes with kubuntu when I did amdgpu-uninstall, perhaps it then also took that away, regardless, thank you heaps for your help, I will also try and update the ticket with more findings as I reach the end23:05
linuxuserftwof this issue, thank you tomreyn for your help and support (y)23:05
tomreyngood luck linuxuserftw23:06
linuxuserftwtomreyn reading this I learn about default Mesa drivers https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-latest-amd-radeon-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux How can I "activate" those for the card without using the amd drivers. It says there "The open source drivers that come with Ubuntu are probably better for gamers, though. They're already23:09
linuxuserftwinstalled, and you can configure your system to receive constant performance-boosting upgrades from the latest Mesa releases. "23:09
tomreynlinuxuserftw: which hardware do oyu have there anyways?23:11
tomreynit's been a day or so and you haven't provided basic details23:11
linuxuserftwhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VwVj3FJP8b/ is this ok or how could I provide more info?23:14
linuxuserftwlike I said, I dont game, but if it already says in that post that I can have all the perf boosting upgrades with the Mesa releases I am up for it. Mostly also because, with this issue, I see that AMD might not be on par with Linux kernel updates and then I have issues, so I am more than happy to keep it Linux all the way ;)23:20
tomreynlinuxuserftw: normally i'd expected to see similar output on   lspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA | nc termbin.com 999923:20
tomreynthat's the same command i provided earlier. both the lspci and lshw commands should gather their information from the same source, so it's strage that one lists the amd graphics card and the other doesn't23:22
linuxuserftwperhaps a reboot? but I already did that after uninstalling the all-open amd drivers..23:22
tomreynor maybe lspci also listed it, and the relevant output was cut off because you posted to the channel directly23:22
tomreyna reboot shoud not cause problems if the amdgpu-pro overlay was uninstalled properly23:23
tomreynusing the amdgpu driver for an AMD Radeon RX 550/550X would be correct.23:24
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> Did someone say 550?23:25
linuxuserftwlooking at the comment section of that post there is quite a few ppl that seem to have this bug23:25
linuxuserftwmeaning it is amd related23:25
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> I had drivers for 560x installed and working fine23:25
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> Need to install with --legacy --headless23:26
linuxuserftwsorry I misread that, that is from 201823:26
linuxuserftwwill try and add the open source ppa and report back, brb23:31

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