
sandroestaprobanalguien aqui00:02
Munskosandroestaproban, try #lubuntu-es00:04
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Munskopon ese codigo son las comillas00:04
Munskoen el cuadro00:04
=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF
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santimir[m]hey guys, wifi is disconnecting every 20' or so, unless I manually `run sudo service network-manager restart`15:42
santimir[m]I'm pretty sure that's not the way to go. Any ideas?15:42
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest33185
tomreynsantimir[m]: check your logs about it:     journalctl -b     are the full logs since boot (maybe start at the bottom there),    journalctl -k    are just kernel events. press q to quit. you're looking for something about network-manager (abbreviated 'nm'), or something specific to your wireless driver. which driver you have dpeends on which hardware you have. you can determine the hardware using    lspci -knn | grep -EA3 '(Network|Ethernet)17:10
tomreyncontroller' | nc termbin.com 999917:10
tomreynsantimir[m]: the last bit again (it hit the line break): you can determine the hardware using    lspci -knn | grep -EA3 '(Network|Ethernet) controller' | nc termbin.com 999917:10
chietahow to turn off the monitor after xtrlock ? try using xset dpms force off but still the monitor up in a while https://askubuntu.com/questions/7295/how-to-turn-off-the-display-via-the-command-line18:19
writerlifealgum sobrevivente da brasnet aqui?19:19
lubotits_Kyle was added by: its_Kyle20:32
santimir[m]<tomreyn "santimir: the last bit again (it"> termbin.com/23kh22:31
santimir[m]thanks, magic command22:32
tomreynsantimir[m]: so, looking at it, which one do you seem to have, and what seems to be its driver?22:47
santimir[m]I don't quite follow what we're doing. I know we listed the pci devices, and I guess we need a driver/program that communicates the network card with something else?23:06
santimir[m]but I believe this will be useful...23:06
santimir[m]Jul 19 16:39:59 eoan NetworkManager[13758]: <info>  [1595173199.2197] rfkill3: found Wi-Fi radio killswitch (at /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.3/0000:01:00.0/ieee80211/phy0/rfkill3) (driver rtl8821ae)23:06
santimir[m]i.e  is the option 123:06
santimir[m]But i don't get why we listed ethernet as that's related to cable connections? (apologizes for the ignorance(23:07
tomreynsantimir[m]: so looking at https://termbin.com/23kh you seem to have two network communication devides.23:16
tomreynone of them is an ethernet device, so for wired networking. then the other one must be the wireless one, which is causing problems.23:16
tomreynthe wireless one is a "Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8821AE 802.11ac PCIe Wireless Network Adapter [10ec:8821]"23:17
tomreynthe driver being used for it is rtl8821ae23:17
tomreynon some kernel versions, and sometimes on most kernel versions, some wireless chipsets do not work well, or at all.23:18
tomreynyours seems to not work well. maybe this is a generic problem with your driver on this kernel version. which ubuntu and kernel version are you running there?23:18
tomreynnc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "Session: $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";echo Shell: $SHELL)23:19
santimir[m]20.04, and uname -r outputs 5.4.0-40-generic23:20
santimir[m]I can run the command if it's necessary23:21
santimir[m]found this post: https://medium.com/@elmaxx/rtl8821ae-wifi-drivers-in-ubuntu-16-04-4c1286524afa23:22
santimir[m]but they the git repo isn't there anymore23:22
tomreynsantimir[m]: i can't seemto find a better driver than the one integrated into your linux version. if you like, post the logs and i can have a look at what's failing.23:32
tomreynthe log line you posted earlier does not help23:32
tomreynjournalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999923:32

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