
bumblefuzzdisks' utility but it said error unmounting the partition00:00
oerheksone does that from a live iso, not when partitions are in use00:01
Bashing-ombumblefuzz: Depends entirely on "your" use case and which firmware the machine possesess. in ubuntu gparted is generally the recommended tool for partitioning.00:01
bumblefuzzBashing-om, I'm trying it in gparted but it either says partition in use or some other error00:04
bumblefuzzdo I have to boot from a USB stick to resize the system partition?00:04
oerheksyes, especially partitions in use by your system00:04
bumblefuzzand how do I ensure that I don't screw it up?00:05
bumblefuzzor should simple resizing work ok?00:05
oerheksresizing, update grub as it gets new UUID00:05
bumblefuzzupdate grub after I reboot?00:06
bumblefuzzor before?00:06
Bashing-ombumblefuzz: Singe drive system ? then yes gparted from a liveUSB.00:06
bumblefuzzand how do I ensure I don't screw up the system?00:06
oerhekshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MovingLinuxPartition  and articles like https://askubuntu.com/questions/1200739/moving-root-partition-fstab-mounting-old-partition00:06
oerheksread first, it is not that difficult.00:07
bumblefuzzok but if I get it wrong and can't boot into my system, I have no backup laptop that I can use for troubleshooting00:09
Bashing-ombumblefuzz: ^ Tht is one function of the liveUSB :D00:10
bumblefuzzalso, I have an SSD and an HD and I'm trying to set up the HD as a storage backup and cannot mount itr00:10
bumblefuzzwhy can't I mount the HD?00:11
Bashing-ombumblefuzz: What is the file system on the propsed back-up drive ? IF Windows you do need to tell the kernel.00:12
bumblefuzzI want it to be a storage drive that works on linux and windows00:12
bumblefuzzright now it's empty but I can't even mount it to do a backup00:12
Bashing-ombumblefuzz: If there is no file system on the empty drive there then is nothing to mount.00:13
bumblefuzzbut gparted says it's ntfs00:14
oerheksif ntfs is dirty/errors in the filesystem, yes, it won't mount automaticly00:14
oerheksrun a fsck on it00:15
bumblefuzz...I just created it00:15
bumblefuzznvm... so I have to boot from live usb and resize the partition00:15
bumblefuzzand I shouldn't have to fool with grub or anything?00:15
oerheksoh, then it makes no sense.. after creating it should show up on the panel of filemanager00:16
oerheksor in 'other locations'00:16
bumblefuzzI had to manually mount it 'sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt'00:16
bumblefuzzthat worked00:16
bumblefuzzstill doesn't show up in the file manager00:16
bumblefuzzis NTFS readable/writable on Windows and linux?00:17
oerheksmaybe your system wants a reboot, which is odd00:18
bumblefuzzeverything about this system is odd00:18
bumblefuzzthe ethernet goes out randomly 3, 4 times a day00:18
bumblefuzzprograms crash out of nowhere00:18
bumblefuzzand it's a brand new install00:18
bumblefuzznever had an ubuntu system act like this00:19
bumblefuzzthey've always been rock steady00:19
lotuspsychjedmesg to the rescue00:20
bumblefuzzI don't know how to read that00:20
bumblefuzzcan NTFS be read on windows?00:20
oerheksfilemanager + other locations ..00:22
cloudcellhello, how can i fix this? "W: Conflicting distribution: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease (expected bionic but got Debian_9.0)" I get this warning when I run sudo apt-get update...01:05
quadrathoch2could you paste your sources.list file on paste.ubuntu.com cloudcell01:06
quadrathoch2and any file in sources.list.d01:06
cloudcellok, need a sec01:06
oerheksmixing debian with ubuntu repos?01:07
lotuspsychjefrankenbuntu :p01:08
cloudcellim on linux mint but it's based on ubuntu (and my community is silent)01:08
oerheksthat makes it even weirder :-D01:09
oerheksmint has its own issues.01:09
RadSurferstill can't get 0.20.2 of Stellarium for ubuntu :(01:10
cloudcellok, here's the contents of sources.list:01:11
lotuspsychjeRadSurfer: wich ubuntu version are you on?01:11
RadSurfertecnically, this is 19.10, but I also have 20.0401:11
oerheks19.10 is EOL, dead, as of 17 juli01:12
RadSurfereither way, shouuldn't matter, its a Stellarium program!01:12
lotuspsychjeRadSurfer:19.10 is eol, move to the next asap01:12
lotuspsychje!info stellarium01:12
RadSurferI am still quite impressed @how well 19.10 holds up!01:12
ubottustellarium (source: stellarium): real-time photo-realistic sky generator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19.3-1build1 (focal), package size 6935 kB, installed size 17955 kB01:12
oerhekscloudcell, contact the mint channel01:12
oerheksor ##linux ?01:12
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lotuspsychjeRadSurfer: snap: stellarium-daily  v0.20.2  t4saha01:13
RadSurferThere are quite a few changes in 20.04, some subtle, some not01:13
RadSurferdidn't think to cheque snap01:13
oerheksor 20 stable https://snapcraft.io/stellarium-plars01:13
RadSurferStellarium is 20 years young! Imagine!01:16
lotuspsychjehappy bday01:19
illuminatedcan you use stellarium as a desktop background?  that would be sweet02:04
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scythefwd2using ubuntu 20.04.. cannot see my chromecast using chromium or chrome.. suggestions?02:06
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DrMaxhow do I check my ram under 20.04? memtest86+ apparently doesn't work with EUFI bioses02:15
oerheksDrMax, correct, use their iso that supports UEFI https://www.memtest86.com/download.htm02:16
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DrMaxI don't think I have any problems with my ram, but just to make sure02:18
DrMaxlet's try this02:18
Jordan_UDrMax_: Note that memtest86 and memtest86+ are made by different people, and unfortunately memtest86 (that supports UEFI) is proprietary. You can also use the userspace "memtester", (sudo apt install memtester). It can't test memory that's being used by other processes or the kernel, where memtest86(+) can test all of your RAM.03:01
kylekvkHello. I am running Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS, and today, seemingly from nowhere, I can't ping domain names. I get the error "Temporary failure in name resolution". IP addresses are fine, and I have internet. My /etc/netplan file looks fine and I haven't touched it since I installed this years ago. I'm at my wits end and I've tried googling and all03:02
kylekvkof the stackoverflow answers. Can someone help?03:02
oerheksah thank you, Jordan_U03:02
oerheksping what domain names?03:03
oerhekscloudflare had some issues, but that was yesterday..03:03
kylekvkI'm using google.com as a test but I can't ping any.03:03
kylekvkMy DNS *is* Cloudflare and it started yesterday but I only tried fixing it today03:04
kylekvkPlus they're fixed on their end, so I'm not sure what it could be03:04
kylekvkPlus it also happens if I change Cloudflare's DNS to google's03:06
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yatesapparently my bios is too old to boot off a live usb drive (ubuntu 20.04) - is there a way to install the iso more directly? it currently has fedora 32 installed.04:24
arbogtoptical is gross but no reason it wouldn't work04:25
arbogtwell, lots of reasons, but none you're running into now04:25
yatesgood idea04:25
oerheksyates, isoboot, now you have grub installed04:29
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DrMaxwell, that took forever04:47
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sorcererok uhm06:10
sorcererso when i hit the right arrow, it moves my window06:11
sorcererhow do i stop this06:11
ducassehi Rubato06:45
DrMaxsorcerer : probably a misconvigured keyboard short cut? settings->keyboard shortcuts->view split on ...06:47
DrMaxyou'll need to <backspace> it to un-configure the shortcut06:47
opDispatchwhere is the dynamic loader on ubuntu ? find -iname ld-linux.so 2>/dev/null or find -iname ld.so 2>/dev/null returns nothing06:53
Jordan_UopDispatch: It should be at /lib/ld-linux.so.2 .07:17
opDispatchit was "./lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2" actually. I dont know why is there the arch suffix, it's a gitlab runner.07:20
opDispatchthe little variations between the different distributions are somewhat annoying.07:21
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echoSMILEHi, is there any way to put a photo slide at ubuntu lock screen ?09:08
lotuspsychjeechoSMILE: use a screensaver?09:13
echoSMILElotuspsychje: yeah, I was thinking about that. Is there any by default ?09:17
lotuspsychjeechoSMILE: no, try xscreensaver instead of lock screen09:18
echoSMILEI will try. At https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Photos/Slideshows F-spot is mentioned09:19
lotuspsychjeechoSMILE: there are photo programs indeed with a slideshow feature09:21
echoSMILElotuspsychje: no, at that link we can read "Slideshow Screensaver09:26
echoSMILEUsing F-Spot09:26
echoSMILEbut is seems F-Spot is no support already09:27
echoSMILELet me try xscreensaver09:27
acerhi Any one around to guide me through a situation09:48
oerheksask, wait and see09:48
acerI am trying to install gdm3 on ubuntu recovery mode from the terminal: I connected to the wifi with wpa_supplicant : But to install I need to open another terminal: What are the key combination to do that?09:50
oerheksrecovery mode is single user, and a new tty  in a tty?09:54
oerhekswhy do you need a 2nd instance?09:54
aceri am  ruungi wpa supplicant , its runs in the backend but doesn't make space for anothe terminal command. i need to apt install gdm309:57
acerthe wpa_supplicant process holds the terminal: I am almost noob , but trying to figure out ways by going trhough different search results. This one I couldn't figure out so dropped in here09:58
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Aryani can't install `nordpass` via `snap` , is there any way i could install nordpass ?10:43
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oerheksWhy cant you install it as snap? https://snapcraft.io/nordpass10:47
BluesKajHowdy folks10:52
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echoSMILEWhat's the daemon that boot xscreensaver ?11:22
echoSMILESomehow the new images files are not updated for xscreensaver.11:23
lotuspsychjeechoSMILE: you need to add a startup item in your list with command: xscreensaver -nosplash11:26
echoSMILElotuspsychje: when I started xscreensaver, he ask me something to allow fo it, but now I update the images at the directory but xs refuses to load the new images11:29
lotuspsychjeechoSMILE: not sure, i use matrix gl11:30
echoSMILElotuspsychje: the question is "the xscreensaver daemon doesn't seem to be running on display":0". Launch it now?"11:31
lotuspsychjeechoSMILE: yeah launch now, add the startup item and reboot11:32
echoSMILEBut the issue is that xscreensaver is trying to load old images and the new ones are ignored11:32
echoSMILEat the ~/.xscreensaver the directory is correct11:34
lotuspsychjeechoSMILE: wich xscreensaver version are you on?11:35
echoSMILE5.42 ?11:35
lotuspsychjeechoSMILE: can this help? https://labs.iamhamy.xyz/posts/ubuntu-add-lockscreen-screensaver-image-slideshow/11:40
echoSMILElotuspsychje: seems to be a bug somewhere, I changed the image directory, and the new images already load. And is a bug in the selection of the directory as well, was needed to type the directory path.11:50
amuroWhat is the difference between the software in apt and snap?11:51
lotuspsychjeechoSMILE: its not like there are some pics between with other extensions or so?11:51
lotuspsychje!discuss | amuro come join here please11:51
ubottuamuro come join here please: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!11:51
echoSMILElotuspsychje: only png and jpg11:52
amuroWhich one should I join?11:53
lotuspsychjeamuro: #ubuntu-discuss if you like11:53
amuroBecause I installed telegram-cli using apt, I got this error telegram-cli: mtproto-utils.c:101: BN2ull: Assertion `0' failed.11:54
amuroNow I remove it and install it using snap, I cant run the telegram-cli in terminal11:54
amuroIs this not ubuntu problem?11:54
RaqbitHi! I'm using a Bluetooth keyboard (which uses the hid_apple kernel module) and a Bluetooth mouse with Ubuntu (20.04). Sometimes, when I turn on my laptop & my mouse and keyboard both connect to my laptop, I get a weird issue where my mouse pointer is moving very slow and stutter-y, sometimes even stopping completely for a second. At first I though12:20
Raqbitthis might be some kind of interference, but after some testing it appears the issues disappear when I type on my keyboard! So if I for instance spam-tap my Caps-lock, my mouse-pointer moves normally. When I don't, my mouse starts to stutter again. I'd like to fix this problem, but I have no idea where to look. Could anyone give me a nudge in the12:20
Raqbitright direction?12:20
lotuspsychjeRaqbit: is that an apple mouse 2?12:25
pikapikanever noticed ubuntu had a sort of app store of its own before12:28
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Raqbitlotuspsychje, Nope, the mouse is a Logitech MX Vertical and the keyboard is a Keychron K4 (Which apparently uses the hid_apple driver)12:45
lotuspsychjeRaqbit: i had a bit of similar issue on a mac before on early 18.04 with apple magic mouse 2, see bug #182277012:48
ubottubug 1822770 in linux-signed-hwe (Ubuntu) "Apple magic mouse 2 does not work by default" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182277012:48
lotuspsychjeRaqbit: but my bug should be solved by now on current kernels12:49
lotuspsychjeRaqbit: are you using gnome BT or blueman?12:50
Raqbityeah, this bug appears to be a bit different. Mine is solved by turning my keyboard off and on again. The weird part is that when I do turn off my keyboard, my mouse pointer just stops moving so I have to turn my mouse off and on again too.12:51
lotuspsychjeRaqbit: wich ubuntu version and kernel is this please?12:52
RaqbitI'm using gnome's bluetooth, but afaik they both use bluez's DBUS API's12:52
lotuspsychjeRaqbit: you could try blueman, as with gnome's BT i wasnt able to make mine work12:53
RaqbitUbuntu 20.04 with a 5.4.0-40-generic kernel12:53
lotuspsychjeok ty12:53
lotuspsychjeRaqbit: feel free to journalctl -f and disconnect your BT devices and turn back on, and also a pastebin your dmesg, perhaps volunteers can notice something12:54
pikapikawoah I must say wine has gotten really good12:57
lotuspsychjepikapika: discussions in #ubuntu-discuss please12:58
pikapikaoh, sorry12:58
Raqbitlotuspsychje, journal: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7dtnkPh7bh/, dmesg: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VXz6nJT2jD/13:08
RaqbitWhat I did notice, is that the keyboard seems to register as a mouse too! (`XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Keychron K4" (type: MOUSE, id 11)`) This might be related somehow.13:09
beweesshould python point to python2.7 or python3.8?13:15
pikapikaseems to be 2.7 by default for me13:17
beweesfor me too, thanks! im going to try installing python-is-python313:17
pikapikaWhat is that?13:17
pikapikaI think changing python to point to anything other than the default is probably not a good idea in ubuntu13:18
pikapikasince there might be some os scripts that depend on it13:18
pikapikahave you considered virtual envs?13:18
beweespikapika: yeah using poetry to create virtualenvs, but poetry yielded a couple of python2.7 warnings, basically poetry picks up /usr/bin/python even though you run it with python313:24
compufreakif you're doing python dev you might want to use something like pyenv instead of relying on system setup13:25
pikapikawhat is poetry? I think I had used venv or something like that13:38
pikapikathere are a number of different virtual env solutions for python if I remember right13:38
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Guest88699I have a friend who is constantly updating a file on their computer. I need to have a local copy which gets updated periodically to reflect his changes. I also need to read it with my own script. We're on different networks. What could we use to acheive it? Dropbox doesn't seem to suit because his application & file have their own directory outside of ~/Dropbox (hes on Win, I'm on Ubuntu)13:51
lotuspsychjeRaqbit: can you provide full dmesg please, yours only had few lines13:52
lotuspsychjeRaqbit: this could be perhaps some bug on Keychron itself, as i found an older similar bug #181448113:56
ubottubug 1814481 in linux (Ubuntu Bionic) "Keychron K1 keyboard not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181448113:56
Guest88699Looks like syncthing is what I'm looking for13:59
geosmileIs there a python tool to maintain authenticated PPAs? Preferably something that can only be accessed if there is a key14:01
c001osHi!  need to restore from folder backup my mysql databases. I have a complete /var/lib/mysql folder backed up with all the files. I have a fresh install of mysql. I copied back from the backup the databse folders and all of the ibdata and ib_logfile files. I set up the permissions for the new files with chown -R mysql:mysql. The server starts without problems but cant "see" the databases copied from backup if i list the databases from mysql pr15:04
pikapikaIf I ever have a need to compile and install something, should it be preferable to first turn it into an apt package?15:17
geosmilepikapika, deb package you mean? Those are fast and easy to install, assuming they are tested and work of course.15:28
pikapikaYes deb first then a local repository to make versioning, uninstalling etc easy15:29
pikapika*local apt15:29
pikapikaie say some software is only available as a source tarball15:30
pikapikaWould it be better to first package it up as a deb then deploy to a local apt archive than to directly configure and make the thing?15:30
geosmilepikapika, I am looking for information on how to host a apt repo so that i can download and update packages from there15:31
geosmilepikapika, that way I can distribute software - I am looking for an authenticated way of hosting a ppa repo15:31
pikapikaYou mean make a relevant subset of ubuntu's repo on a local system then use it to install things?15:32
geosmileso far the tools I've found are not very well maintained/or easy to use15:32
pikapikaOr for your own software15:32
geosmilepikapika, I mean a url that you can add using add-apt-repo - for my own software15:32
pikapikaI don't know myself yet15:32
pikapikaOf course it is relevant to my issue too15:33
pikapikabut it is only something I'd need to do the time I have a need to install some tarball15:33
geosmilepikapika, https://medium.com/sqooba/create-your-own-custom-and-authenticated-apt-repository-1e4a4cf0b86415:33
pikapikabecause I'd rather not have a tarball shit out files willy nilly all over the system without any control of versioning, uninstalling etc15:34
geosmilepikapika, it still looks brittle and painful.15:34
pikapikaso I'd rather first turn it into a deb then an apt package15:34
geosmilepikapika, exactly my use case then - I currently use git clone to install things - not even tar15:34
pikapikaI see15:34
pikapikaBuilding and preparing packages for installation is such a hard and boring task. We can't thank the people maintaining Ubuntu enough for this task15:43
pavlospikapika: this may help ... https://linuxconfig.org/easy-way-to-create-a-debian-package-and-local-package-repository15:48
bumblefuzzzso, I was able to install windows alongside ubuntu in a different partition15:48
bumblefuzzznow, I want the grub bootloader to come up and give me the option of booting ubuntu or windows15:49
bumblefuzzzright now, I have to go into the bios and change the boot order in order to change the OS15:49
bumblefuzzzhow can I add windows to the GRUB options?15:49
pikapikagrub has a config file somewhere I believe15:51
pikapikaor do you mean grub isn't showing up at all at boot time?15:51
pikapikapavlos, wonderful thanks.15:53
pikapikabumblefuzzz, wait15:54
pikapikaWhy does changing boot order at bios work?15:54
pikapikaUnless your "different partition" really meant a different harddisk and you have multiple hard disks in your system15:54
pavlosbumblefuzzz: so, ubuntu is on /dev/sda and win on dev/sdb I assume grubloader on sda so "grub-install /dev/sda" should find all OS15:55
pikapikaLooks like someones rebooting :D15:55
pikapikapavlos, thats the thing though shouldn't a bios boot order change imply these are on two different physical drives?15:59
pavlosbumblefuzzz: no b/c you could install both win and ubuntu in one drive, half of it win, half of it ubuntu and a tiny bootloader at the beginning of the drive16:01
pikapikayes but at bios time it should not be possible to distinguish partitions16:02
pavlosbumblefuzzz: you could boot off a usb stick as LIVE and use boot-repair to fix your grub, I'll find the link16:02
pikapikapavlos, he's quit16:02
pavlosoh well ...16:02
pikapikaBut I hope you grokked what I meant16:02
pikapikaThe listing of possible bootable devices at BIOS boot time would be a listing of actual physical devices16:03
pikapikaand it won't have any idea of partitions at that time right?16:03
pavlosit boots off a device first (sda or sdb or sdc) then identify partition16:04
pikapikaSo if changing boot order at BIOS time changes the OS16:04
pikapikaeither he has multiple drives or he somehow hasn't actually installed ubuntu to the hard disk and is booting from the live usb16:05
pikapikapavlos, yes thats what the bootloader does16:05
pavlospossibly he had two grubs, one for ubuntu and one for win ... since he did not provide info how he install win alongside ubuntu, we just speculate16:06
pikapikaBut he claims instead that simply changing boot order at BIOS time selects his os16:06
pikapikaBasically what I am saying is16:06
pikapikaGRUB occurs *after* BIOS has done its work16:06
pikapikaIf an action at the BIOS stage is changing the OS booted, something seems a bit funky16:06
pavlosyou can config grub to boot ubuntu on sda and other OS on sdb ... we dont even know if he used EFI16:08
pikapikaYes and my point is GRUB comes into effect after BIOS not before16:09
pikapikaand he said changing boot order of devices at BIOS is changing the os booted16:09
pavloscorrect, did I write otherwise?16:09
pikapikaso what I am trying to say is i don't think its grub that is causing this16:10
pavloshe probably had 2 separate disks, tell bios to boot sda -> ubuntu, tell bios to boot sdb -> win16:11
pavloseach disk had their own mbr16:11
pikapikaYeah thats what I was guessing16:11
pikapikathat there must be two physical disks16:11
pikapikaWhat is the opinion here regarding a distro upgrade vs a fresh install?16:18
pikapikaI think I should start documenting all the changes to system configuration, custom scripts etc I have made16:22
pikapikaJust in case the upgrade causes problems and I need to do a fresh install that is16:22
pikapikasince we were speaking of bootloaders16:28
pikapikaIs there any way to copy over the system to an external hard disk and make it bootable from there, as a safety measure prior to upgrade/reinstall?16:28
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Raqbitlotuspsychje, that's a different issue I also had when using this keyboard, but it was solved by comment #19 in that thread. This issue is all about how my mouse starts stuttering when the keyboard is connected (And stops stuttering when I type on the keyboard)16:39
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pikapikaIt seems I wasn't the only one, apparently LTS to LTS upgrades have caused issues for others too16:50
beweeswhere are the logs in ubuntu windows subsystem?17:06
bewees/var/log is empty17:06
tomreyn!WSL | bewees17:11
ubottubewees: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide17:11
beweesthanks tomreyn17:12
tomreynif you have generic questions, here is fine, though17:12
tomreynbewees: this may actually be a generic question. since ~ ubuntu 18.04 LTS, a logging system was introduced, which is sytemd-journald. you can read its logs using the    journalctl    command.17:13
tomreynfor exmple, to get the fully logs of the current boot, use   journalctl -b     or, to get just the kernel messages, use    journalctl -k17:13
beweestomreyn: wsl doesn't ship systemd, i worry its a wsl specific question, because it misses some stuff17:14
tomreyni assume wsl2 does ship systemd, but have not checked. you're probably on wsl1 then, and then i agree.17:14
beweesthank you tomreyn! going to try wsl217:16
tomreynyou're welcome17:16
pikapikaUptill what point does journalctl store its logs? Current session? Current day? Last 1000 events?17:20
pikapikawell it definitely seems to be rather huge, pager took a lot of effort to show the last parts of the log lol17:30
tomreynyou don't usually want to look at everything at once.17:33
tomreynhere's the linuxatemyram.com equivalent for journald and disk space https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/179020517:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1790205 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd journals take up a lot of space, and it's not obvious how much is used, and what the upper limit is." [Wishlist,Confirmed]17:34
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cow0wHi, I had JetBrains Mono font installed in ubuntu16 which worked perfect, after upgrade to 20.04 for some reason I see it like in a unicode format, a box with numbers.. any idea why?18:15
tomreynmaybe the font is no longer installed, just the font manager isn't aware of it.18:25
tomreynthat or the font was in a format that's no longer supported.18:25
pavloscow0w: https://www.guyrutenberg.com/2020/01/29/install-jetbrains-mono-in-debian-ubuntu/18:25
cow0wpavlos, I copied the entire directory, though I've also did fc-cache -v -f.. is there a requirement maybe for some fonts? I see few other in font-manager that are like this.. also seems that the text is kind of blurry. I wonder if all is connected or different problems18:29
pavloscow0w: I did the wget, mv them to /usr/share/fonts/ installed font-manager, started font-manager, I can see the JetBrains Mono font ... all in ubuntu 20.0418:34
filohuhumhey guys, quick qustion.. is there any way of disable unity compiz plugin permanently in ubuntu 16.04?18:39
cow0wYeah I don't think it's an actual problem with the font.. I'll try to keep check this.. any way have to do.. and thanks pavlos! enjoy the font in the meanwhile;p18:39
regeditif i want to shred my hosting account / VPS but i'm not able to just write zeros all over the disk, is there a way to recursively replace every byte in every file in certain folders with 0s?18:52
regeditex. i dont want to just delete my files; i want to digitally shred them first18:53
npcdregedit: https://linux.die.net/man/1/shred18:59
npcdThough they probably used SSDs so it's a bit redundant18:59
illuminatedI have a loop device mounted that I did not mount19:01
illuminatedin /root/snap/core19:01
illuminatedshould I be concerned?19:01
regeditnpcd: cool lemme look into that. doesnt seem to have a recursive option.. does it operate only on a single file-by-file basis?19:02
npcdregedit: Yes but just execute it through find or something19:03
ducasseilluminated: that's a snap, they all use loop devices19:03
illuminatedducasse: how do I find out what is running in the snap?19:04
regeditnpcd: i see ok thanks19:04
Woetregedit: or just boot into a DBAN ISO.19:04
npcdilluminated: snap is a type of package manager, so those loopback devices are essentially self-contained programs19:05
ducasseilluminated: 'snap list' should tell you which are installed19:05
npcdI recommend switching it out for flatpak though19:05
regeditWoet: this is a semi-managed VPS from a hosting provider.. i don't have that kind of server access19:06
illuminatedthanks guys19:07
pavlosregedit: sudo apt-get install secure-delete19:08
=== halvors1 is now known as halvors
coconutHi. I added myself a .Xmodmap file for natural scrolling on both touchpad and mouse, but now my mate-terminal and tilda do not scroll that way, while all other apps do. Any way i can fix this?19:21
coconutIf i undo xmodmap and use the natural setting from control center > mouse, my terminal and tilda do work well, but then not which my mouse..19:23
coconutUnfortunately I do not see any way to fix this.19:23
xbfroghplip installed and officejet 6978 software. settings are set to print on both sides of the page short edge. but the second page is upside down. I cannot find any settings to change this. any ideas how?19:26
beweestomreyn: hm im now in wsl2, it says "system has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate"19:50
akikif wsl doesn't ship systemd, how is it running current distros?19:52
akikor is it just starting a shell for you?19:52
ducasse!ubuwin | bewees19:53
ubottubewees: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide19:53
ducasseakik: ^^ sorry19:53
WaVAnyone know why a vnc connection would close (regardless of vnc client) from within a local network after a brief moment of being connected? Any VNC connections attempted from outside the network work just fine. What's even more interesting is if I use a computer from within the same network to connect, it will not experience the connection drops if I connect to a VPN first (outside the network).19:54
makarahi. I can't update from, or ping, za.archive.ubuntu.com19:54
WaVVNC server is Vino if it helps.19:54
akiki just can't stand this channel's policies :)19:54
bewees(but nvm I found how to enable the syslog, had to run the service, didnt start automatically, so im fine with init)19:55
WaVVNC connections are initiated via a SSH tunnel whether within or outside local network.19:55
pavlosWaV: you're trying something like "ssh -L 5901: -N -f -l remoteuser remoteip" but if you do it outside your localnetwork, it fails?20:03
WaVSimilar command, but no - not exactly. From within local network, it connects for a brief period - usually no longer than 30 seconds (sometimes as little as 5 seconds) - then closes abruptly; however, from outside the network, any computer from the Internet connects just fine until that person closes the connection on their end.20:04
WaVthe local network is the problem, not Internet connections.20:05
tatertotsWaV: can you run a persistent ping then reproduce the VNC problem ?20:06
tatertotsWaV: go try that and report results20:07
pikapikaCan the output format of tools such as fdisk et al be assumed to be fixed in format for the purposes of scripting or can they change any time in some future version without warning?20:07
WaVtatertots: ping from where? vnc client to vnc server from within the local network?20:07
tatertotsWaV: if you have to ask that , it may not be worth investigating20:08
tatertotsWaV: can the two computers involved ping successfully when this VNC issue occurs?20:09
tatertotsWaV: i'm running out of other ways to say that20:10
pavlosWaV: have you modded timeout parms in ssh / sshd ?20:10
WaV0% packetloss from client to server. 3-5ms response time20:11
WaVtatertots: ^20:11
tatertotsWaV: can the two computers involved ping successfully when this VNC issue occurs?20:12
WaVpavlos: I don't believe so, no. Let me investigate sshd_config20:12
tatertotsWaV: ideally your answer is a clear yes or no20:13
WaVtatertots: yes. I just replicated the issue and ran consistent ping while happending.20:13
tatertotsWaV: and ideally you understand that what that means is the computers maintain communication with one another when this "VNC" issue occurs20:14
tatertotsWaV: you should now check your logs related to the "application" (in OSI model context) VNC20:15
tatertotsWaV: check your VNC related logs20:15
WaVtatertots: thanks20:16
WaVpavlos: ClientAliveInterval and ClientAliveCount are commented out in sshd_config20:16
pavlosWaV: I think ssh works fine (local/remote), the issue seems to be with vino-server20:18
WaVWhenever the client closes, the only log available on the server side is "Client localhost gone"20:19
Aavar_I am trying to run x-programs via ssh. I had this issue earlier, but I dont remember the solution :( I have tried to run ssh -x and ssh -X with the same result.20:20
pavlosssh -X remoteip xclock works fine20:21
tatertotsWaV: did you look at logs on BOTH sides?20:23
Aavar_pavlos: "Error: Can't open display:"20:23
Aavar_pavlos: works fine against a 18.04 server I have, but not against this 20.04-server20:24
pavlosAavar_: you need to export DISPLAY=ip:0, maybe the 18.04 has xhosts + to allow anyone to connect20:25
pavlosI always try with xclock then continue with other Xapps20:25
Aavar_pavlos: there it worked for some reason... don't know why... weird20:26
WaVtatertots: Vino doesn't report very much of anything other than the connection was terminated. Also, neither the app on my phone, nor the program on the other computers that I'm testing from are providing logs.20:26
pavlosso xclock works but the other app does not?20:26
Aavar_pavlos: now everything works... did the exact same again and it worked...20:28
pavlosok, good deal.20:28
tomreynbewees: so i was wrong about assuming wsl2 would use systemd. thanks for letting me know.20:33
beweestomreyn: yeah, also i read something about it missing on its github issue page. but my actual issue was that I didn't find any syslogs. found the cause, rsyslog wasnt started automatically :-)20:35
tomreynbewees: maybe for lack of a compatible init system. ;-)20:35
pavlosWaV: on the remote system, netstat -plant ... does it show vino-server on port 5900 listening?20:47
WaVpavlos: yes.20:54
WaVpavlos: shows it listening on interface as expected so that only access is via ssh tunnell20:56
pavlosWaV: my line is tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1316/vino-server20:57
WaVpavlos: Yours must be facing the Internet20:57
pavlosWaV: just my local network, nothing is exposed to the Internet except the firewall20:59
WaVpavlos: I just set vino up the way yours is setup (to listen on any interface as opposed to the loopback interface), and it is still closing unexpectedly on the client side.21:05
pavlosWaV: is the client to blame? can you try your test via another client (computer/laptop/etc)21:07
pavlosjust thinking out loud where the issue is ...21:07
WaVpavlos: I've tested 3 different clients on 3 different computers21:07
WaVI'm about ready to just say screw it tbh21:07
WaVLike I said, via the Internet the clients don't drop. But from within the local network is when the problem occurs.21:08
zealshamdoes anyone know how i can out N number of lines from a file and also delete those lines from the file ?21:09
pavlosWaV: an you try "tcpdump port 5900" on remote and see the chatter?21:13
=== Barebone is now known as Amun
tomreynWaV: the symptom you're describing could be caused by a badly configured NAT gateway dropping some TCP packets. you would see this in a teaffic dumpt.21:13
tomreyn* packet dump, i.e. tcpdump, as pavlos just suggested21:14
pavloszealsham: sed -e '/pattern/,+5d' file.txt will delete 5 lines AFTER pattern match21:15
WaVtomreyn / pavlos: tcpdump produces a bunch of chksum incorrect messages21:22
WaVtomreyn / pavlos: But it also does the same exact thing for connections that are working as intended.21:23
pavlosWaV: is this an example of what you see, cksum 0xc6b8 (incorrect -> 0x1785), seq 101136035:10115602721:26
WaVpavlos: ^21:27
pavlosWaV: there seems to be an issue with the NIC on the remote system, one suggestion is, "sudo ethtool -K eth0 rx off tx off" (turning off hardware checksum offloading)21:35
WaVpavlos: I believe I overlooked something in tcpdump that may be of some importance. One moment. Trying to replicate.21:38
WaVnevermind. I saw packets dropping, but packets also appear to be dropping on connections that aren't experiencing issues.21:40
pavlosWaV: I have sudo tcpdump -XX port 5900 from an ssh session and I vnc to that remote, I see packets flying, no checksum errors21:42
pavlosWaV: this will show hex/ascii output21:42
WaVpavlos: I temporarily turned off offloading and that didn't make a difference in rectifying the perceived problem nor did it stop packets from dropping.21:51
pavlosWaV: ok, I'll research more ...21:53
WaVpavlos: Only if you have nothing better to do. I'm taking a break.21:57
tomreyni'd just setup a simple tcp connection between both ends using netcat, and see whether this also drops.21:58
tomreynif you have no firewalls restricting traffic between those systems / networks: (a) on the host (where the vnc server runs): nc -vvl 1234   (b) on the client (where the vnc client runs): nc -vv HOST_IP 1234    (c) then type a bit on the client window and on the server window and see how what you type arrives on the other end. and keep both running for a bit longer than it normally takes for the conneciton to drop.22:01
tomreynfinally ctrl-c to quit (on either side).22:02
tomreynif the connection is intially established, then fails unexpectedly, you most likely have a networking problem.22:03
WaVtomreyn: Not sure if its worth mentioning, but ssh sessions from within the network last infinitely long until the client disconnects. But I'll try your suggestion and leave the connection open22:04
tomreynWaV: it can matter whether traffic actually flows over the link or you just have the connection open22:05
WaVtomreyn: I have the connection open and have typed over 200 lines of random letters and characters with no issues, lol.22:09
SrPxI'm trying lemonbar, but it doesn't respect the DPI config and thus appears to small on my screen. How can I make it bigger?22:41
=== jess is now known as j
pavlosWaV: the problem occurs within the local network. So, lets assume your network is (client) and .20 (vino-server). Is there a bunch of switches connecting those systems? you can try, iperf3 -s (on vino), iperf3 -c vino-ip (on client) which will transfer 1.08 GB. Do you get about 932 Mbps?23:21
WaVpavlos: It is just one Linksys 8-port wifi access point/router23:24
WaVpavlos: Transferred 1.10GB @ 941Mbits/sec23:27
=== probablymoony is now known as moony
=== jonas1 is now known as jonux
ZPQdo anyone know a good gfx benchmark program for Ubuntu?23:42
pavlosWaV: I dont know if some setting in the Linksys router muddies up the internal network traffic. Getting checksum errors does not make sense.23:42
ZPQUbuntu 16.04, even23:43
quadrathoch2ZPQ something like this? https://gfxbench.com/result.jsp?benchmark=gfx4023:45
ZPQquadrathoch2: yes, but I would prefer a .deb23:46
ZPQquadrathoch2: but I that may be the thing a looking for23:47
abdulhakeemIf I have a boot ssd and then separate HDDs that are part of an LVM LV, and then I reinstall Ubuntu on the boot drive, is the LVM pool still intact? Is the data lost?23:47
tomreynZPQ: glmark2 is very simple, but depending on what your goals are, might suffice.23:48
tdsabdulhakeem: is this VG only on the HDDs?23:49
tdsit's likely not lost, but `pvs` would be a good starting point to see what's going on23:49
abdulhakeemyeah its only on the HDDs23:52
abdulhakeemboot SSD  is completely separate23:52
ZPQtomreyn: testing now... :-)23:52
tomreynZPQ: what's your goal in testing this, which hardware do you have, and don't you expect better performance on a newer ubuntu release?23:55
ZPQtomreyn: just test if the driver for my nvidia-gfx card works as it should, I had som issus with it in my laptop23:56
tomreyni see23:56
ZPQtomreyn: I need to run 2 rounds, one with internal gfx and one with nvidia gfx to see if it's faster. nvidia gfx was feeling sluggish23:58
tomreyni see more now.23:58
ZPQtomreyn: but the have to wait, I watching F1 right now :-)23:59
ZPQthat, even23:59

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