=== xiaofwan is now known as xiaofwan_pto === vrubiolo1 is now known as vrubiolo [14:04] Hi! Team, can someone point me to right VLAN configuration for Centos 8 by cloud-init 18.5? Currently, i get TYPE=Ethernet instead of TYPE=Vlan in ifcfg-bond0.3996 file. [14:04] Is this a bug or expected behavior? Tnx! [14:17] ftarasenko: can you try the latest, and see if it's the same issue? [14:18] meena: I see that there is unfixed bug with this problem, so latest won't help. https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1788915 [14:18] Ubuntu bug 1788915 in cloud-init "sysconfig renders vlan with TYPE=Ethernet" [Medium,Triaged] [14:20] ftarasenko: yeah, looking up on the bug-tracker, that's an option, too… whichever is faster, lol [21:10] powersj ... files a bug and isn't here ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1888298 [21:11] Ubuntu bug 1888298 in cloud-init "cc_timezone fails on Ubuntu Bionic and Xenial minimal" [Undecided,New] [21:11] what of Focal? does that fail as well, if so why not ?