
bradmis there any way to configure lxd when you're using juju on a maas cloud?  particularly I'm thinking of targetting storage for lxd containers, rather than using a pre-definied directory.  I could just mount the space on /var/lib/lxd, but seems a bit of a copout.03:48
bradmhmm, perhaps https://jaas.ai/lxd/27 could work, there's nothing specific to nova-compute lxd there from a brief look04:19
iceybradm: charm-lxd is absolutely intended for use with openstack; there has been some discussion about migrating it to a generic LXD charm but that's never gotten to a high priority07:05
bradmicey: jamespage said it was deprecated tho? woukd it be a reasonable charm to use for openstack to configure lxd? looks like its called charm-nova-lxd now07:39
iceybradm: yes, it got moved to charm-nova-lxd to ease access to the lxd name and to clarify that the charm _is_ for nova-lxd, not just to configure lxd; that said, nova-lxd is also deprecated at this point07:40
jamespagetl;dr this is not the charm you are looking for07:40
jamespagebradm: I'm guessing that you want something to deploy just LXD using the MAAS provider07:41
jamespageor are you looking for a way to manage the LXD containers that Juju creates in that scenario?07:41
stickupkidmanadart_, achilleasa CR --> fixes the smoke tests https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1184410:14
bradmjamespage: the latter, I want to manage the storage pools for lxd, I want to put tge lxd containers for openstack in a different filesystem10:19
stickupkidachilleasa, OUT=$(exit 1 || true); echo $?10:19
achilleasastickupkid: OUT=$(fgrep /dev/zero blah || true); echo $? ;-)10:21
achilleasaexit 1 is short-circuiting the or bit; it's cheating ;-)10:21
mirek186Hi, has anyone manage to deploy OpenStack placement with hacluster?10:54
stickupkidachilleasa, updated it, we just let it fail11:23
stickupkid@achilleasa, might need to grab your thoughts about something later!11:24
achilleasastickupkid: sure thing. Btw, I am a bit confused about the verbosity case statement11:33
jamespagemirek186: yep13:27
jamespagemirek186: -> #openstack-charms might be a better place to ask13:27
mirek186ok, thanks13:27
stickupkidachilleasa, updated my PR https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1184416:03

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