[00:03] tomreyn after getting rid of the amd driver I did sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers and then sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade and it all works, no pcie errors, all fine, [00:04] so a) this is clearly an amd error like you said from beginning onward b) I now have a much better idea of what failed and c) I can think about upgrading to 20.04 when I have backed up my software and d) (though still fearing this) I could give the BIOS an update ;) [00:06] tomreyn will add more info to the ticket and perhaps how I resolved it, or even close it, since this might not even be a kernel issue, not sure, but will for sure update the question on askubuntu, all good and thank you heaps for your help and guidance [00:35] can anyone help me with this. Im on kubuntu 20.04 using nvidia driver 450. I have noticed that none of my deskop widgets with graphs/charts show them. For example, the cpu load widget only shows the text and not the associated chart [00:36] I suspect it has to do with the qt settings but im not sure === Roey is now known as KoofBucket === KoofBucket is now known as KoorfBurcket === KoorfBurcket is now known as Roey === vivek is now known as cdekvb [06:53] AlexeyNikitin01 was added by: AlexeyNikitin01 [06:56] Hello friends! … missing microphone from kubuntu 20.04 … How to return the microphone. [07:02] whats up peeps! :) === saigel_ is now known as saigel [09:08] salut a tous :) === kubuntu is now known as Guest12146 [10:42] 'Morning folks === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [12:02] bonjour [12:02] quelqu'un est la? [12:04] pute [12:04] !fr | c1f [12:04] c1f: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [12:04] ha nickel lol [12:04] thanks [12:06] yw === mahbub is now known as rasel === rasel is now known as mahbub === dstanimirov is now known as dstanimirov_ === dstanimirov_ is now known as dstanimirov__ === dstanimirov__ is now known as dstanimirov [14:50] Kai was added by: Kai [15:02] Hi, can someone confirm that ring-kde is not packaged for (K)Ubuntu? That would explain https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=424469 [15:02] KDE bug 424469 in general "Install through Discover fails" [Normal,Resolved: downstream] [15:03] nicofee-M, never heard of ring-kde [15:06] BluesKaj: https://github.com/KDE/ring-kde [15:08] M_aD, we're more concerned with default packages from the repos here [15:09] or any package avaialble in the repos [15:09] you said you never heard of ring-kde so i provided you a link to it [15:09] as for the rest, idc [15:10] and I replied that if it's in the repos then we can deal with it [15:18] nicofee-M: it is not packaged. [15:18] BluesKaj: misunderstood [15:22] RikMills: Thanks for confirming :) [15:22] don't think many distros have! [15:22] Hi , i need help to resolve the display issue on kubuntu 20.04, i am using hp prodesk 600 g3, i5 6500T, intel HD graphics 530, the problem is i can get only 4K at 24 and 30hz...i have dual boot windows 10 and i can get 4k 60hz on the same setup....i verified and found that the driver is installed on kubuntu but no 60hz....please help === beowuff1 is now known as beowuff === rangergord_ is now known as rangergord [16:05] Kubuntu 20.04. Recognizes my headphones but no sound is coming out [16:11] I just remembered I didn't check install third-party stuff when I installed, could this be the reason and if so can I do it after the fact? [17:20] @jelempho, Doing `alsactl restore` works but I figure is a temporary fix. Any ideas on a fix? === MANIAC is now known as Guest56276 === saigel_ is now known as saigel === kubuntu is now known as Guest41652 === Guest41652 is now known as Erdem-KDE [18:48] What do people here do for colour management on 20.04. I see displaycal was dropped because of a python2 dependency. [18:50] Toast, on XFCE it's colord, not sure about KDE. [19:03] diogenes_: Thanks. [19:03] yw [19:05] OK, I needed colord-kde. I already had colord, but the colord-kde package enabled the settings gui. [19:06] That will allow me to load my previously generated profiles at least. [19:57] On kubuntu often my desktop becomes completely black (only taskbar no wallpaper etc). Usually deleting the plasma-rc fixes it. But I do not understand why it happens. [19:59] I am on kubuntu 20.04 LTS. Completely fresh (reformatted root partition no third party repos) [20:01] hmm got it. Its something to do with screen switching. [20:02] How do I get the KDE screen switch option when I dont have the button (CUrrently it works if I press the combo on the laptop keyboard) but most usb keyboards dont have that option. [20:03] I use my laptop like a desktop with an HDMI capble plugged in and a USB KB. === kubuntu is now known as Guest23521 === ilbelkyr is now known as nicole