
mborzeckihmmm Jul 20 07:43:15 galeon kernel: BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 000000000000000805:45
zygapedronis we need your powers to force merge https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9037 and a few related master fixes07:29
mupPR #9037: tests: adjust xdg-open after launcher changes <Simple 😃> <⚠ Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9037>07:29
mborzeck1zyga: hi, and yeah pinged pedronis in 9037 and #903407:32
mupPR #9034: cmd/snap-seccomp/syscalls: add faccessat2 <Simple 😃> <⚠ Critical> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9034>07:32
zyga-mbphi, yeah, thank you for linking them from the other pr07:33
mborzeck1zyga: btw. pushed the base template tweak jdstrand suggested in 9034, can you take a look?07:33
zyga-mbpI had a good weekend, mostly sleeping but relatively little pain07:33
zyga-mbpsure, looking07:33
mborzeck1zyga-mbp: that's nice ;) glad you're in a better mood07:34
zyga-mbpyeah, just 8 days left07:34
zyga-mbpfeels like it's tomorrow07:34
zyga-mbpone day will be painful as I cannot take meds for testing07:35
zyga-mbpbut I'll manage07:35
zyga-mbpmborzeck1 perhaps we could merge all fixes into one PR07:37
zyga-mbpto ensure nothing is still broken07:37
mborzeck1zyga-mbp: mhm, can try, let me open one07:37
zyga-mbpgreat, thanks07:37
* zyga-mbp quickly pays taxes07:38
pedronisI just merged #903707:38
mupPR #9037: tests: adjust xdg-open after launcher changes <Simple 😃> <⚠ Critical> <Created by zyga> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9037>07:38
mborzeck1pedronis: cool, thanks!07:38
mborzeck1pedronis: can you also land 9034 when the spread job finishes?07:38
pedronismborzeck1: yes07:38
mborzeck1pedronis: and good morning :)07:39
pedronismborzeck1: there was a weird core 20 prepare failure though07:39
pedroniswe'll need to see the state of things07:39
mborzeck1pedronis: the one i looked at before seemed to be a result of missing #888307:39
mupPR #8883: packaging: stop snapd early on purge <Test Robustness> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8883>07:39
zyga-mbpmborzeck1 perhaps after the critical fixes land we can look at the purge problem again07:39
zyga-mbpha :)07:39
=== mborzeck1 is now known as mborzecki
zyga-mbptaxes paid07:41
mupPR snapd#9037 closed: tests: adjust xdg-open after launcher changes <Simple 😃> <⚠ Critical> <Created by zyga> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9037>07:41
pedronismborzecki: zyga-mbp: anyway we should try to focus on landing PRs for a bit, we definitely have too many open atm07:41
mborzeckipedronis: do you think we should have a chat about https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/installation-of-snap-with-content-snap-as-dependency/16103/11 ? looks like preqrequisites are only waited for in auto-connect, so link snap runs before and it is possible to start applications too early07:42
pedronismborzecki: if we waited in link snap we could get mutual blocked things07:43
pedronismborzecki: it's a big topic, it is kind of working as designed, in the sense that we don't have a concept of mandatory interfaces07:44
mborzeckipedronis: as in task deadlock? link snap could accidentally keep waiting for another link snap?07:44
zyga-mbpmborzecki could the new inhibition lock be of use?07:45
zyga-mbpwe could inhibit startup until the dependencies are met07:45
zyga-mbpthough it's not exactly designed for that07:46
pedronismborzecki: yes, the logic if I remember works exactly because the waiting is assymmetric, but I would need to reload a lot of state07:46
pedronismborzecki: anyway implicitly the current design says that app should do something reasonable if plugs are not connected, in practice if the content is libs that's hard07:47
pedroniszyga-mbp: yes, the lock can probably help, if we decide to go that way07:47
mborzeckipedronis: could you add a note to the topic stating it's somewhat convoluted and maybe we could discuss it once the PR count is down? even if the end game is just adding some comments to the code07:48
pedroniszyga-mbp: we would need to be careful with hooks though07:49
zyga-mbpyeah, I think it's not a perfect fit07:50
zyga-mbpbecause things appear to run, just stall07:50
pedronisI think that might be fine07:50
pedronisbut anyway this is too complex to deal quickly right now07:50
pedronismborzecki: I put it in my queue07:52
mborzeckipedronis: thank you!07:52
pedronisit also really relates to the desktop icon07:52
pedronisin practical ux terms07:52
mborzeckipedronis: yeah. perhaps it's a simple as making the desktop file appear later07:58
zygajamesh https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8861#pullrequestreview-45137901008:01
mupPR #8861: data,packaging,wrappers: extend D-Bus service activation search path <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8861>08:01
jameshzyga: looking08:01
zygajamesh note that master is not fixed yet08:01
zygagood morning :)08:01
zygabut should be later today08:01
jameshzyga: thanks.  That should get the wrappers PR unblocked08:02
pedronisgah: the last XXX in osutil became the package doc :/08:03
zygapedronis please merge https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9034 as well08:16
mupPR #9034: cmd/snap-seccomp/syscalls: add faccessat2 <Simple 😃> <⚠ Critical> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9034>08:16
zygapedronis I can send a quick PR correcting the XXX after master is fixed08:17
mborzeckizyga: i think centos-8 spread job is still running08:17
zygaoh, sorry, didn't see that08:17
pedronisyea, is still running something08:17
pedronisI'll do once it's done08:17
mborzeckipedronis: all spread jobs are done now08:32
zygaI've upgraded github actions on a single runner to see how they behave08:33
zygaI'll be monitoring that runner today08:33
zygathe new release brings a whole bucket of fixes over what we hav08:33
mborzeckiheh the tests/main/interfaces-process-control test is flaky08:35
mborzeckiand failed in a funny way08:35
zygaoh, can you paste the link to the failure please08:36
mborzeckihttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kXKbbzgzwZ/ the test was verifying that pid 2499 does not exist, which is ok, but grep did not account for pids that start with 2499 (eg 24998)08:36
mborzeckionce 9034 lands i'll open a fix, should land quickly08:38
pedronismborzecki: I landed 903408:44
mborzeckipedronis: thanks!08:44
pedroniscentos exploded in a lot of funny ways fwiw08:44
mupPR snapd#9034 closed: cmd/snap-seccomp/syscalls: add faccessat2 <Simple 😃> <⚠ Critical> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9034>08:46
zygamborzecki I've fixed the test08:50
mborzeckizyga: hm? process-control one?08:51
mborzeckiah, ok, my local spread run has finished and was about to push a branch08:51
zygahow did you fix it?08:51
zygaI used kill with signal 008:52
mborzeckizyga: your fix is better, i tweaked the grep pattern to "$pid "08:55
zygaI'll rebase it on top of the fixed master and send the patch when that's possible08:55
zygapedronis btw, not sure if you noticed this before09:06
pedroniszyga: yes, I noticed but didn't look at it closely yet09:09
pedronismborzecki: I reviewed #903009:18
mupPR #9030: bootloader/assets: helpers for registering per-edition snippets, register snippets for grub <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9030>09:18
mborzeckipedronis: thanks, i'm tweaking 9033 and will fix that one next09:20
mupPR snapd#9038 opened: tests: check for pids correctly <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9038>09:21
zygamborzecki ^09:23
=== pedronis_ is now known as pedronis
pedroniszyga: I pushed some small adjustments to #9028, could you double check them?09:51
mupPR #9028: interfaces: new helpers to get and compare system key, for use with seeding debug api (1/N) <Needs Samuele review> <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9028>09:51
zygatime for meds10:27
mborzeckizyga: hmm https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6h9PQm5QSK/ wierd, did /boot/efi just go away?10:56
zygait seems we are no longer booting in EFI mode?10:57
mborzeckizyga: idk, why would that change?10:57
zygaI have no idea10:58
zyganew image?10:58
zygasome tweak to some panel I never saw10:58
mborzeckisame question, why would that change? :P10:58
zygaI think that's a question for cachio10:58
zygahe has more visibility into that layer10:58
zygaI just don't know at all10:58
zygathere's no trace of image updates that I know of10:59
mborzeckihmm store throwing 408 too10:59
zygaoh, thunder11:00
zygabut the sky is blue11:01
* zyga looks11:01
* zyga sent more reviews for the point release break-out PRs11:07
mupPR #9024: sysconfig/cloudinit: add RestrictCloudInit <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9024>11:10
pedronismborzecki: this is fix committed:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1857128 because the portal stuff was landed?11:43
mupBug #1857128: Missing configuration option to allow a snap to openFile without prompting <desktop> <Snappy:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1857128>11:43
mborzeckipedronis: yes, it landed in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8289, so maybe even fix released11:44
mupPR #8289: xdgopenproxy: forward requests to the desktop portal <Squash-merge> <Created by jhenstridge> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8289>11:44
pedronisyes, it was in 2.4511:45
mborzeckipedronis: are you switching the status in LP or should I/11:46
pedronisI'm switching it11:46
mborzeckipedronis: thanks11:46
mupBug #1857128 changed: Missing configuration option to allow a snap to openFile without prompting <desktop> <Snappy:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1857128>11:48
mupPR snapd#9033 closed: osutil, many: add helper for checking whether the process is a go test binary  <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9033>13:18
zyga-mbpI'll be back in 513:26
zyga-mbpI installed the new leap release13:29
zyga-mbpit's interesting that it's not a sync of tumbleweed13:29
zyga-mbpit's a more conservative upgrade13:29
jdstrandzyga-mbp: hey, it plugs gtk2-common-themes. here is the full snapcraft.yaml: https://git.launchpad.net/~jdstrand/+git/hamster-jdstrand/tree/snapcraft.yaml. note, that version of the yaml has the layout at the bottom commented out, but when I pinged you, I was using that layout14:15
zyga-mbpjdstrand hey, let me look14:17
zyga-mbpjdstrand do you have the machine where this happened?14:17
jdstrandzyga-mbp: yes14:17
jdstrandit is my laptop :)14:17
zyga-mbpjdstrand can you check if the mount profile had the layout entries?14:17
jdstrandzyga-mbp: you mean the fstab file?14:18
pedronisijohnson: do you want to look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9028 before it lands?14:18
mupPR #9028: interfaces: new helpers to get and compare system key, for use with seeding debug api (1/N) <Needs Samuele review> <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9028>14:18
jdstrandzyga-mbp: well, like I said, I removed the layout. I did look at that file and I'm quite sure it had it, but mountinfo after nsenter didn't14:19
ijohnsonpedronis: sure let me quickly review it now14:20
zyga-mbpjdstrand mhm, the content interfaces there do not interact with /usr so I think we can rule out some bugs related to that14:21
zyga-mbpI cannot explain why that would happen14:21
jdstrandzyga-mbp: yeah, I don't really have enough info. I really just wanted you to know that I suspect it was happening after a refresh of the snapd snap14:22
zyga-mbpof snapd snap - hmm!14:23
jdstrandI can't say for sure though14:23
jdstrandzyga-mbp: but I moved to snapd from edge to get an interface that is only there, and I was seeing this issue daily. we know edge updates daily...14:24
jdstrandzyga-mbp: I don't know if it was coincidence or not though, but it made me suspicious14:24
jdstrandlet me try something in a vm14:25
zygare, sorry, even moving across vms suspens my laptop14:27
zyganot vms, rooms14:27
pedronisijohnson: the preseed test issue seems to be constant on 20.10, not sure what is going on, but is not related to cloud-init in particular14:32
mupPR snapd#9028 closed: interfaces: new helpers to get and compare system key, for use with seeding debug api (1/N) <Needs Samuele review> <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9028>14:33
ijohnsonpedronis: yes I will look into it shortly, just finishing up something else right now14:34
pedroniszyga-mbp: cachio: what is blocking #8950 ?14:50
mupPR #8950: tests: new to-one-line tool which replaces the strings.sh helper <Squash-merge> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8950>14:50
zyga-mbpnothing from my POV14:51
cachiopedronis, a second review?14:52
pedroniszyga-mbp: cachio: there is discussion about a shellcheck override, that isn't to me if it's nice to have or a blocker14:52
pedronis*isn't clear14:52
zyga-mbpah, that, we discussed that on mattermost and I'm +1 on the approach now14:52
cachiopedronis, currently we have a check in the unit/go test14:53
cachiowe discussed that with zyga last week14:54
cachioI'll prepare a pr to make a geniric shellcheck on each test this week, the idea is that each test defines which is the tool to test and that should be enought14:54
pedroniszyga-mbp: cachio: I'm landing it then, there can always be follow up but is been open for enough time14:56
cachiopedronis, tx14:56
mupPR snapd#8950 closed: tests: new to-one-line tool which replaces the strings.sh helper <Squash-merge> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8950>14:58
mupPR snapcraft#3223 opened: sentry: don't report tool missing errors <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3223>15:14
* cachio lunch15:29
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mupPR snapcraft#3224 opened: cli: provide option to install ca certs into build environment <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3224>18:00
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
jdstrandzyga: aha, here is your reproducer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/188830519:32
mupBug #1888305: layout lost after snapd refresh with long running content plugging snap <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1888305>19:32
ogra_jdstrand, hmm ... do we have any interface where we could add mailbox access ?21:59
ogra_Jul 20 21:55:38 pi4 kernel: audit: type=1400 audit(1595282138.714:760😞 apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.node-red-rpi.node-red" name="/dev/vcio" pid=24279 comm="python" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=0 ouid=021:59
ogra_(heh ... silly emoji plugin)21:59
ogra_vcio seems to be the device to access the VC mailbox in the Pi GPU firmware22:01
jdstrandogra_: yeah, we do not. that seems like perhaps an addition to the opengl interface22:05
jdstrandogra_: I added a todo to investigate for 2.4622:06
ogra_thanks !22:06

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