
SrPxI'm trying to launch Lemonbar on Ubuntu with BSPWM, but the font is too small on my 4k screen. Is it possible to increase the font size? What exactly do I need to type to do that? Someone suggested to change the font, but I have no idea what the proper syntax is. 'lemonbar -p -f "Ubuntu Mono"' says "Could not load font".00:05
OnkelTemHi all. Is there a GUI-way to encrypt my home after installing Kubuntu?00:16
OnkelTemSay I don't want to bother with command line right away...00:16
oerheksOnkelTem, not that i know off ..00:19
masonOnkelTem: GUI, no clue, but if you used LVM, you can probably slice off some space and encrypt it, and slide it into place as your home.00:20
masonOnkelTem: If you didn't, you can still do it, but it's a little more involved.00:20
oerheksa guide; https://www.howtogeek.com/116032/how-to-encrypt-your-home-folder-after-installing-ubuntu/00:21
OnkelTemyeah, I saw that article. Was not sure however how is it up to date. I'm installing 20.04 now00:21
oerhekscreate new user, perform encryption on the 1st user, done00:21
oerheksone better doe this with from the installer .. but you can, afterwards00:22
OnkelTemI forgot to do it during installation :)00:22
tomreynmy understanding is that ecryptfs is no longer recommended00:22
SrPxif anyone has any clue please let me know, I've spent the last hours trying to adjust the size of lemonbar to no success :(00:23
oerhekstomreyn,  ah, fscrypt , https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecryptfs-utils/+bug/175684000:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1756840 in ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu) "Buggy, under-maintained, not fit for main anymore; alternatives exist" [Undecided,Fix released]00:37
tomreyni'm not sure how well tested fscrypt is at this point, but generally, yes.00:38
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WaVpavlos: I installed tigervnc briefly and it worked fine in regards to the problem I was having with Vino, both on the Internet and locally; however, I had screen repainting issues and got rid of it. With that said, the issue appears to be isolated to Vino itself.01:56
WaVtomreyn: ^ FYI just because you were assisting as well.01:57
pavlosWaV: good to know but I have no idea why vino-server acts like that.02:01
WaVMe eihter. Quite honestly, I don't think it's worth messing with anymore. There aren't going to be many cases where I absolutely NEED to VNC while here locally. Just something I noticed and unfortunately went down a rabbit hole for a good portion of the day.02:02
pavlosWaV: well, it was a good troubleshooting session ...02:04
=== NorKle is now known as roba
=== roba is now known as rona
pavlosWaV: there is a vncviewer .deb file from here https://www.realvnc.com/en/connect/download/viewer/linux/ can you install that on your client and try to connect to the vino server w/o ssh since you're on the same network?02:39
snadgeso i just embarassed myself in a webcam meeting, because updating the default audio device using the settings -> sound configuration, doesn't update the default audio device02:40
WaVpavlos: Actually I was just about to update you02:40
snadgewhen i hit "test" on the output device, pavucontrol shows it coming out the onboard audio, instead of the selected device (either my usb headset or my usb soundcard)02:40
WaVpavlos: I did without ssh tunnelling and it is working fine02:40
pavlosWaV: are we missing some parameter on the tunnel??02:41
WaVpavlos: For about 4 minutes now which is longer than ever before.02:41
snadgeim wondering if i've installed an update which has broken something with relation to my sound settings (ubuntu 20.04)02:41
WaVpavlos: If we are, then why would it work fine over the Internet?02:42
WaVpavlos: Nevermind it just closed.02:42
pavlosWaV: this is spooky ....02:42
WaVLol. Oh well I'm going to bed02:42
pavlosok, g'night02:43
snadgeis anyone else on 20.04 having issues with default sound device selection? or could at least point me in a direction for what to look at?02:44
Carmageddonhey, I downloaded Ubuntu 18.04 LTS through Vagrant, running via Virtual Box - but there is no information how to login? ubuntu/ubuntu is not working03:23
Carmageddonhow do I login and reset the root pass?03:23
tatertotsCarmageddon: consult your VPS/hosting vendor03:23
Carmageddontatertots: I am running on my own desktop machine..03:24
tatertotsCarmageddon: your ubuntu virtual appliance was created for you03:25
tatertotsCarmageddon: you did not install it from the ISO03:25
tatertotsCarmageddon: if you had, you would have created your own passwords03:25
Carmageddonyeah thats true.. alright, thanks03:26
tatertotsCarmageddon: so you should ask the entity who created your virtual system03:26
oerheksthere must be info at that vagrant site03:27
oerheksvagrant/vagrant perhaps?03:28
vlad88svHello can I get please get some help with a odd behavior in a Spanish keyboard?04:46
tatertotsvlad88sv: have you tested a known good keyboard?04:48
vlad88sv@tatertots: yes I have, actually the issues is this: I set the keyboard as Spanish-Latam, a the greater-than Key works perfectly in a TTY but under KDE is only allows me to use the variant as if I have Shift pressed all the time, but only on this key04:55
tatertotsvlad88sv: was it the same with the known good keyboard? yes/no04:56
oerheksyou want to know howto switch on Gnome?04:57
oerheksor disable that shortkey?04:57
vlad88svoerheks: I just want to have that key working as it was in 19.04, 19.10, etc.04:58
vlad88svBut it seems that after 20.04 that specific key doesn't work on KDE, but on the same PC if I switch to a TTY then it works04:59
vlad88svI'm talking about the keyboard key that has < and > in an Spanish-latam keyboard05:00
vlad88svLike this one https://sites.google.com/site/brightmeasurement/_/rsrc/1365451953681/Home/keyboard-for-english-around-the-word/kb04%20mex%20columbia.JPG05:01
oerheksvlad88sv, you might want to reask in #ubuntu-es05:04
vlad88svthanks! - I think I got it fixed, probably it was a glitch with the upgrade05:04
vlad88svI deleted all the layouts and re added them, now it works :)05:05
vlad88svThank you for your time05:05
oerheksgood find, have fun!05:05
=== kostkon__ is now known as kostkon
=== William is now known as Conna
jussssince when ubuntu won't release 32bit iso file?05:50
jusssI have an old device, 2G RAM, intel baytrail cpu, I tried 20.04 amd64, not smooth...05:51
jusssit has a freeze when running firefox05:51
M_aDjusss: they dropped it a while ago, this was know to happen05:52
jusssM_aD: ... what about that old devices05:53
M_aDover and done05:53
M_aD32 bit that is05:53
jusssM_aD: Debian and Archlinux have the same way?05:54
M_aDUbuntu requiers 4GB minimum05:54
M_aDarchlinux is 64bit only05:55
M_aDdebian still has 32 bit05:55
jusssbut debian lacks some drivers in its iso file05:56
M_aDjusss: there are also iso's with drivers and firmware05:56
jusssI saw there's `Ubuntu safe graphics`, what this mean?05:56
lotuspsychjejusss: lubuntu 20.04 to the rescue05:59
M_aDjusss: besides that... a lot of distro projects dropped or are dropping 32bit.05:59
AlecTaylorDebugging a friend's laptop that won't login X session on Ubuntu 20.04, just returns to the login screen. I went to a different tty logged in and startx then worked05:59
jusssaha, modesetting instead of intel i915 driver as default05:59
AlecTaylorHow do I fix it? - I also tried `dconf reset -f /org/gnome/`06:00
jusssAlecTaylor: gnome?06:00
AlecTayloryeah all defaults on a new Ubuntu 20.04 install06:00
tatertotsAlecTaylor: do you have access to the computer right now?06:01
tatertotsAlecTaylor: do you have network connectivity in tty?06:01
tatertotsAlecTaylor: you can ping something to test06:01
AlecTaylor(writing from my computer) - yeah it has network conn06:01
AlecTaylorlynx works06:01
tatertotsAlecTaylor: in terminal>     journalctl -p 3|nc termbin.com 999906:02
tatertotsAlecTaylor: share url/link here..if you do not get a url/link...say so06:02
AlecTaylorAHH, interesting06:03
jusssAlecTaylor: https://askubuntu.com/questions/788900/login-loop-on-ubuntu-gnome-16-0406:03
jusssAlecTaylor: try sudo chown ~/.Xauthority06:04
AlecTaylorI did already06:04
jussslotuspsychje: I don't find a lubuntu 32bit release iso file06:15
lotuspsychjejusss: there are no 20.04 32bits anymore, last was 18.04 to provide 32bit flavours06:15
M_aDjusss: is your old computer 32 or 64 bit?06:16
jusssM_aD: 64bit with 2GB RAM06:17
M_aDthen try lubuntu 20.04 64bit06:17
M_aDif that doesn't work your only options are either to drop the pc in the bin or go Debian06:18
jusssM_aD: I found there's also xubuntu06:19
M_aDtoo heavy for your old computer06:19
jusssit reqire 512M RAM06:19
M_aD2GB to run smoothly06:19
jusssM_aD: xubuntu is more expensive than lubuntu?06:20
M_aDthe site isn't up to date i guess06:20
jusssxfce and lxde IIRC06:20
jusssI see06:20
M_aDLXQt is what Lubuntu uses now06:20
M_aDfrom the xubuntu site : Recommended system resources    To get a smooth experience when running multiple applications parallel on the desktop, it is recommended to have a 1.5Ghz Dual Core processor with at least 2 GB of memory.06:22
M_aDbelieve me, even 1 GB isn't sufficient06:22
jusssM_aD: lubuntu use modesetting as default?06:23
M_aDi don't know06:23
M_aDnever used lubuntu myself06:24
jussshey, what about wayland, I heard it a few years ago, how it goes now?06:24
jusssthere's wayland, xwayland on archlinux06:24
M_aDthat's more offtopic banter06:24
jusssxwayland is just a layer which is still on xorg06:24
M_aDwayland still feels like alpha/beta after 11 years of development and still doesn't work as should. Fedora uses it as default on their Workstation with Gnome.06:26
M_aDanyway, i'm afk. Need to sleep.06:27
=== hendry1 is now known as hendry
SrPxHow do I change the mouse speed? I've ran xinput list-props 19 and  this is what I see:06:59
SrPxnothing related to mouse speed07:00
SrPxmy mouse is too fast07:00
AlecTaylorHow do I debug why an Ubuntu 20.04 computer logs out immediately after login? - Going to another tty, `startx` works. - I also tried `dconf reset -f /org/gnome/`07:07
AlecTaylorHere is the `journalctl -p 3` output as requested earlier by tatertots https://dpaste.org/GYQO07:07
jusssAlecTaylor: try to delete ~/.ICEauthority07:23
AlecTaylorTried that also07:23
AlecTaylorAlso tried removing ~/.Xauthority07:24
zambai have no idea what i'm doing wrong with my ubuntu installations, but all my installations has this issue that whenever there's a lot of disk i/o the whole graphical desktop environment more or less freezes07:33
zambathe mouse pointer freezes.. audio stops..07:33
jussszamba: what's your cpu type?07:53
jusssthen I don't know, I know there's a issue on intel baytrail, it needs to disable C-States07:56
jusssor set C-States to C1 to avoid random freeze07:57
zambawhat is c-states?08:05
tatertotszamba: something found in BIOS, which you probably aren't familiar with either08:11
AlecTaylorHow do I debug why an Ubuntu 20.04 computer logs out immediately after login? - Going to another tty, `startx` works. - I also tried `dconf reset -f /org/gnome/`08:11
zambatatertots: oh wow, ok08:14
SrPxany idea why lemonbar works if I write `~/launch.sh &` manually, but not if I place that line on bsprcwm?08:32
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andi_can i replace the localhost with ubuntu.example.com localhost ubuntu09:40
andi_i want to join a ADS domain, and i thought adding the line would be enough, but it seems like if i have ubuntu.example.com localhost ubuntu in another line it isn't working?09:41
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BluesKaj'Morning folks10:42
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tatertotsandi_: have you tried to join AD yet?10:59
elias_aWhat was the date where 18.04 Ubuntu installations should notify users about 20.04?11:07
elias_aBluesKaj: Good afternoon!11:08
ubottuRegular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d11:09
oerhekshmm any day i guess11:09
elias_aoerheks: Thanks!11:12
elias_aGuess it is not late July yet. :P11:12
BluesKajhi elias_a11:13
tomreynhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases states that 20.04.1 is scheduled for August 6th. In my experience, release upgrades are enabled within a couple days or weeks after the .1 point release.11:18
elias_atomreyn: Ok. Thanks. I had forgotten this practise.11:19
tomreynwhen this happens, http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts will list "Dist: focal" (20.04)11:19
oerheksgood thing to edit the factoid11:22
tomreyn(And this would trigger the "your system is up to date. A newer release is available." message on 18.04 after regular updates complete.)11:23
MacroManCan `dpkg` output the same results as `apt list --upgradable` as I need to use it in a bash script11:28
flingWhich tree is for 5.4 kernel now?11:28
MacroManI just want to check if there are any package upgrade pending11:29
flingIs eoan using 5.4 now?11:35
tomreyn!eoan | fling11:37
ubottufling: Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) was the 31st release of Ubuntu, support ended July 2020. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-July/005494.html11:37
tomreynMacroMan: dpkg does not know whats available via apt, so no.11:38
andi_tatertots: well i'm trying so far and the net ads command tells me that i joined the domain11:38
flingtomreyn: which version has 5.4 kernel now? :P11:38
tomreynfling: are you asking which ubuntu release provides a 5.4 kernel?11:40
flingtomreyn: yes11:40
flingI'm looking to extract shiftfs patches again11:40
flingbecause the ones I got a while ago are producing a warning with 5.4.5211:40
tomreynhttps://packages.ubuntu.com lets you view package versions on multiple ubuntu releases.11:41
tomreynso does the rmadison utility from devscripts11:41
bigggshi everyone, my size for / is only like 100gb but the drive is 250gb.. how do i extend it? i just installed a few hours ago and noticed it didn't use the whole drive11:41
bigggsits an lvm11:41
oerhekswe have a great wiki11:42
flingbigggs: lvresize11:42
tomreynbigggs: does    sudo vgs   state that the more than those 100GB is available in the volume group?11:42
bigggsah i got it lvextend and resize2fs did the trick11:44
bigggsthanks for that wiki11:44
tomreynyou can also do it in a single step with lvextend -r11:44
flingtomreyn: focal is at 5.4.4411:49
flingtomreyn: which package name do I enter on the site? ^11:51
tomreynfling: i don't know, i'm not monitoring your web browser.11:54
flingvmlinuz-5.4.0-40 is 5.4.40 ?12:00
herol3oy_hi. how to find a specific phrase inside a dir contain full of text files?12:01
flingherol3oy_: grep -R 'a specific phrase' /dir/contain/full/of/text/files12:01
herol3oy_fling, 👍12:02
* fling needs better fonts12:03
malwar3hun73ri'm running into a DNS issue with systemd-resolve and openvpn - my openvpn config pushes the right DNS config and "systemd-resolve --status" shows it set correctly... for 5 seconds12:13
malwar3hun73rand then it gets changed to an incorrect server12:13
BluesKajmalwar3hun73r, is this a home netowork ?12:18
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BluesKajmalwar3hun73r, if so, edit /etc/systemd/resolved.conf, DNS and Fallback DNS there.  Still, the best method is editing the DNS enties in your router though.12:24
braindead_if my application is running with php 7.3.20 as fpm application is this still the php7.0-fpm service?12:34
braindead_so, if # sudo systemctl status php7.0-fpm.service is active, it should work right? there is no, lets say php7.3.2-fpm.service12:35
tomreynbraindead_: if your application is running with php 7.3.20 then it doesn't do so on a supported ubuntu version, or using ubuntu supported php packages12:44
braindead_i dont understand what you saying there tomreyn12:51
tomreynbraindead_: this channe is about ubuntu. are you running ubuntu? which ubuntu release does your question refer to?12:52
braindead_yes i am using ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS12:53
tomreynubuntu 16.04.6 supports PHP version 7.0.33 (but not 7.3.20)12:54
tomreynso you must be running some php distribution, which is not supported here.12:55
braindead_thats not so nice. can you provide me a source for that tomreyn12:55
oerheksprobably this ppa > https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php?field.series_filter=xenial12:57
bipinI have been using Lubuntu for a while now , I could earlier connect to wifi networks/hotspots , but now I dont see any wifi networks on the list12:58
bipincould you help?13:00
tomreynwhich lubuntu release? run this in a terminal to find out:   lsb_release -ds13:00
bipinany response from anyone ?13:00
tomreyn!patience | bipin13:00
ubottubipin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/13:00
braindead_dont quite understand that sites you linked me. that pages dont show 7.3.20 at all. so no ubuntu version is supporting that? hard to belive13:01
bipinubuntu 20.0413:01
braindead_plus, i was running php7.2 before without issues. not quite convinced here13:01
tomreynbipin: do you know the wireless chipset?   lspci -knn | grep -EA3 '(Network|Ethernet) controller' | nc termbin.com 999913:01
=== William is now known as Conna
tomreynbraindead_: as a matter of fact this channel only supports the php versions which come with ubuntu releases. you are using some third party provided packages, and so are on your own. maybe you can get support from the same party which provides the packages you use.13:02
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bipintomreyn the output shows : https://termbin.com/5bn013:03
tomreynbraindead_: "apt policy" lists the apt repositories configured on your system. oerheks and i assume you are using third party packages by ondrej surey (who, i think, also provides commercial support for those).13:04
tomreynbipin: your wireless chipset is RTL8723DE, PCI ID 10ec:d72313:05
tomreynbipin: whats the output of    nmcli d | grep wifi13:07
bipinwlo1    wifi      unmanaged    --13:08
tomreynbipin: which software do you use to manage your wireless?13:08
bipinI dont really know , I just have nm-tray on the panel13:09
tomreynbipin: does  iwlist wlo1 scanning   return a long list of access points, or an error message? if an error message, which one?13:10
bipinwlo1      No scan results13:10
tomreynbipin: close all applications accessing / showing details about / managing the wireless device (you can keep the nm tray icon), then open two terminal windows and position them so that you can watch both at the same time. in the first one, run "journalctl -f" and keep it running. in the second, run    sudo rmmod rtl8723de; sudo modprobe -v rtl8723de    then press ctrl-c in the first, and copy and paste its output to https://paste.ubuntu.com13:14
braindead_tomreyn, i understand13:14
herol3oy_hi. how can i generate a lot of random nonsense text into a text file?13:15
tomreynherol3oy_: dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=1 | base64 -w0 > /tmp/randomtext.txt13:18
oerheksherol3oy_, buy a cat, or " base64 /dev/urandom | head -c 10000000 > file.txt "  gives 10 mb human readable stuff13:18
bipinhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MCKPNCnSTc/ done13:18
oerheksmany ways to the solution13:19
tomreynbipin: okay, but i think it didn'T work as planned. what was the output on the second window?13:20
tomreynuse the pastebin again13:20
bipinhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2GYmqyr2rW/ done13:21
tomreynbipin: strange, the wireless driver wasn't loaded. do you see acceess points listed now?13:22
tomreyni.e.: does  iwlist wlo1 scanning   return a long list of access points, or an error message? if an error message, which one?13:22
herol3oy_tomreyn, beautiful👍️13:23
bipini see this now : iwlist wlo113:23
bipiniwlist: unknown command `wlo1' (check 'iwlist --help').13:23
herol3oy_oerheks, tnx13:23
tomreynbipin: you missed "scanning"13:23
bipinwlo1      No scan results13:23
bipin , ( i get same message)13:23
tomreynbipin: hmm, okay. is rebooting an option for you currently?13:24
bipinyes , I can13:24
tomreynbipin: okay, so reboot, then when youR'e back, run    journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999    and post the url returned by this command here13:25
codedmartDoes ubuntu 18.04 kill cron jobs that run longer then a specified time? I see the cronjob show that it starts from syslog every 3 hours like I set, but it never finishes.13:36
codedmartThe script takes 15 - 20 mins or so usually.13:36
codedmartI can run the script fine manually. Not sure of the best way to debug.13:37
bipintomreyn here?13:37
tomreynbipin: yup13:37
tomreyncodedmart: i don't think cron jobs would ever be killed by crond13:37
bipinhttps://termbin.com/8r5h is output to journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999913:38
bipin after rebooting13:38
codedmartHmm... we had a 16.04 machine that never had this problem. We upgraded to 18.04 and now the cron job never finishes.13:38
tomreyncodedmart: you can add    set -x and set -e    on top of the cron job https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29141436/set-e-and-set-x-in-shell-script/5296167613:39
tomreynbipin: okay, i'll take a look, this will take some 5-10 minutes. in the meantime, tell me whether this is was fresh 20.04 ubuntu installation or whether you upgraded from an earlier ubuntu relase.13:41
bipinI installed ubuntu 20.04 a month ago , then i installed xfce xubuntu and lxqt lubuntu desktops , then i deleted xfce and gnome13:42
tomreynbipin: so it was a fresh 20.04 install, not an upgrade, right?13:42
bipinyes a fresh install13:42
tomreynbipin: is the system fully up to date?13:43
tomreynbipin: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade13:44
bipinyes , I have run these commands already today13:44
bipinbut, i havent done full-upgrade13:44
bipinonly upgrade13:44
tomreynplease do full-upgrade13:45
tomreynif any updates are installed, please report which ones.13:45
bipinI have run both commands , no new updates are installed13:46
tomreynbipin: ok. this is mostly unrelated, but a something you should consider: you're currently on bios version F.24, produced 09/25/2017. the current bios version is F.65: https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/selfservice/swdetails/hp-15q-bu000-laptop-pc/15551416/swItemId/ob-247137-113:49
tomreynbipin: i assume the list of access points is still unavailable?13:49
bipinyes same results , no access points13:51
bipinI should be downloading F.65 bios from the link which you sent?13:51
tomreynbipin: did you manually install the wireless driver, or did you use the one that was already there?13:51
tomreynbipin: the bios upgrade is probably unrelated, but i think it may be a good idea to install it since yours is a really early and outdated one.13:52
bipininitialy when the wifi worked , I didnt install any drivers , when wifi didnt work , i tried looking at few turtorials to download drivers , and I tried 2 of them but they didnt work13:53
tomreynbipin: unfortunately i don't know what exactly is the error with the wireless chipset, yet, because the logs i asked you to post are incomplete and miss the relevant part about the wireless driver loading.13:54
bipinalso I dont see wlan0 in ifconfig13:54
tomreynthat's not your fault, just bad luck. maybe we can post them again: journalctl -b > /tmp/logs; nc termbin.com 9999 <</tmp/logs13:55
tomreynbipin: your wireless device is called wlo1, not wlan013:56
tomreynat least it was before rebooting13:56
bipinyes , I dont see wlo1 in ifconfig13:57
bipinbut I do see wlo1 in iwconfig13:57
tomreynifconfig is deprecated, and for wired interfaces13:58
bipin journalctl -b > /tmp/logs; nc termbin.com 9999 <</tmp/logs , I should run this?13:58
tomreynyes, please13:58
tomreynuse ip, nm-cli instead of ifconfig13:59
bipinok , journalctl -b > /tmp/logs; nc termbin.com 9999 <</tmp/logs ;shows a input panel with >13:59
bipinnmcli shows wlo1: unmanaged14:01
bipin        "Realtek RTL8723DE"14:01
bipin        wifi (rtl8723de), 40:9F:38:EC:B9:FD, plugin missing, hw, mtu 150014:01
pavlosbipin: you need 3 <<<14:01
pavlosnc termbin.com 9999 <<</tmp/logs14:02
bipinok output : https://termbin.com/tndh14:03
tomreyntry this:   cat /tmp/logs | nc termbin.com 999914:04
tomreyn"plugin missing" from the message you quoted above means that your network manager somehow lost the ability to handle wireless interfaces.14:05
tomreynthanks for posting. i should have probably have asked for the latest x lines instead.14:07
tomreyni suggest you reinstall network-manager: sudo apt-get install --reinstall network-manager14:09
tomreynbut it's hard to debug this without actual error messages and without knowing what you did exactly (which how-tos you followed) after something stopped working14:09
tomreynsupport for this wireless chipset is quite new in ubuntu, see (solved) bug 1780590 for example14:10
ubottubug 1780590 in linux-oem-osp1 (Ubuntu) "Add support for Realtek 8723DE wireless adapter" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178059014:10
tomreyni need to take a it of a break now, maybe someone else can take over.14:11
bipindamn , Wifi is working now14:11
bipinThank you so much for helping me14:11
tomreynok, you're welcome14:11
bipinvery much Thankful to you , Good luck to you , and keep Helping people14:12
Tman41291I am having trouble getting my line out speakers to play. Headphones work fine. Any suggestions on what i may be doing wrong?14:14
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BluesKajTman41291, depending on your audio hardware you may have speaker volume ctrls in alsamixer that need to be increased, or pavucontrol as well14:27
nbusroneAnyone know how does power saving work on 18.04 ?14:28
Tman41291I think i figured out the issue. It is only noticing my headphone line from my front ports. In windows the audio driver software mutes the other when it isnt selected as the default output. Unfortuntely i think im going to have to unplug the headphones everytime i want to use my speakers14:29
nbusronePower saving reset brightness when active , I set the time , when power saving active , it reset the brightness and slowly dim the screen and turn off the monitor.At the moment it active , it reset the birghtness of nivida setting.14:30
OnkelTemHi all14:31
OnkelTemI have provlems with NM and OpenVPN14:31
OnkelTemDoes anybody know how this beast works?14:31
BluesKajOnkelTem, does your VPN provider have an gui/app available ?14:33
OnkelTemBluesKaj: nope. This is a company I work on. And they seem to have no idea how to connect Linuxes. Except of openvpn -c config.ovpn14:34
OnkelTemI tell them I have NM here and asked them to provide some sensible instructions but they cannot14:35
OnkelTemFrankly it's not a rocket science and I could of course configure it myself...14:35
OnkelTemBut I wonder why they have to provide they bloody routes right into that .ovpn files. Can't they do this at the server? A rhethorical question maybe14:36
OnkelTemBut what I don't get - is how NM manages routes and DNS14:36
OnkelTemWhere exactly should I put those routes which I see in my .ovpn file as: route
OnkelTemBecause I see two palces where where I can add them: https://i.gyazo.com/f281a42c7b6ac6c2017d7d3c7bb89322.png and the one which opens by the Routes... button14:38
BluesKajOnkelTem, you need to add the .ovpn file(s) to /etc/opevpn for starters then any .crt and .pem and a login.txt file containing your username and pw, files as well14:38
OnkelTemcount this is done14:38
tomreynyou want them on the ipv4 tab, Routes... GUI14:40
tomreynyou can also import .ovpn files to NM (at least partially)14:40
tomreyni mean openvpn.conf files14:42
tomreynbut that's probably what you havethere14:42
BluesKajOnkelTem, install network-manager-openvpn14:44
BluesKajOnkelTem, then sudo service network-manager restart14:45
OnkelTemtomreyn: yes, I've already imported the .ovpn file throught the NM UI. And it hasn't imported routes and DNS at all14:50
OnkelTemBluesKaj: let me try that approach14:50
dtomatoHello peeps! I've done a minimal install, and been adding things I've needed as time went on... I have on thing that I can't seem to find: when I use the compose-key for accented characters and such, I get some underlined odd symbol  instead of some form of underlined blank (and then accent char). Does anybody know what the proper font package I15:14
dtomatoneed to install to resolve this?15:14
lamiastellahey even though I have installed wx I still keep getting error could you please have a look at this log? https://pastebin.com/raw/LnS402nD15:18
lamiastella(base) mona@mona:~$ conda install wxpython //worked15:21
oerheksfix this first; 150 not upgraded.15:22
oerhekssudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade # reboot15:22
lamiastellauhow can I install tensorflow 1.14 on Ubuntu 20.04?15:29
dtomatolamiastella: how was it installed?15:34
oerhekswhy that specific version?15:35
oerheksa year old ..15:35
lamiastelladtomato: it is not installed I am asking how can I find it and install the tensorflow 1.14 package15:38
lamiastellaoerheks: because that's the latest version of tensorflow that deeplabcut supports https://github.com/DeepLabCut/DeepLabCut/blob/master/docs/installation.md15:38
lamiastella>>> import tensorflow as tf Segmentation fault (core dumped)  for https://pastebin.com/raw/BuDBwA3F not sure why15:46
dtomatolamiastella: if you are getting a segfault, something is probably installed15:51
vividhow do i go about setting up an x86 virtual machine of 20.04?  i need to build some things locally and i need both x86_64 and x86 packages15:52
lamiastelladtomato: I installed myself but doesn't work15:53
lamiastellacould you please have a look at this error here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1260607/import-tensorflow-as-tf-segmentation-fault-core-dumped-in-ubuntu-20-0415:53
quadrathoch2vivid I guess you would need to compile the packages yourself :/15:55
vividright but i need an x86 system to do this with15:55
vividand i cant seem to find an x86 installer15:55
quadrathoch2well x86 installer is not available (or even upgradable from 18.04)15:55
quadrathoch2vivid wouldn't it be possible to run that certain application in a chroot?15:56
quadrathoch2or container or sth15:57
vividok so what is the path of action to do this now, because i see there are x86 packages available there must be some way outside of launchpad15:57
vividi cant upload these headers for legal reasons15:57
quadrathoch2probably the easiest and official way, is to just containerize the application in docker,lxc,chroot,vm15:58
oerheksthere is no i386 iso, latest one is 18.0415:58
oerheksso, your users likely do not run 20.0415:59
OnkelTemOk, it's now more than clear to me that Network Manger is not an appripriate solution for OpenVPN. And the only solution is: DON'T USE IT16:04
OnkelTemSo glitchy, so unpredictable. Not a surprise you cannot even google for it effectively16:05
OnkelTembecause people just opt to: openvpn /path/to/my/jar/of/ovpnfiles/myprovider.ovpn16:06
OnkelTemand don't bother with NM16:06
BluesKajOnkelTem, did you disable NM?16:07
OnkelTemBluesKaj: no of course. It's very good for the rest :) For Wifi, wired, maybe others... But not for openVPN16:08
OnkelTembecause most of time you just receive an .ovpn file from a provider and there's basically no way to use it with NM. Which it its turn cannot even import it16:08
nbusroneWhat is  org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay ?  idle delay timeout gnome ? how does it trigger the power ?16:09
cthulchu_gnome is super stable on my old laptop. My wife, however, had to switch to KDE cuz gnome, apparently, poorly handled 4k resolution on her laptop16:10
OnkelTemhm... cthulchu_ that's odd, doesn't gnome support scaling?16:14
nbusroneanyone know where ubuntu run on power management file is ?16:18
oerhekslamiastella, interesting, 20.04 gives python 3.8.2  ..16:19
oerheks1info python3 focal16:19
oerheks!info python3 focal16:19
ubottupython3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.8.2-0ubuntu2 (focal), package size 46 kB, installed size 189 kB16:19
oerheksyou did not fix 150 not upgraded.16:20
lamiastellaoerheks: I want to use Anaconda Python16:20
oerheksi guess such setup outside our repos is not supported.16:22
oerheksgood luck16:22
oerheksignoring 150 updates will not help you..16:23
nbusroneunder /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-power what does it check before going to time out ?16:23
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beweeswhat packages do I need to run a gui app?16:47
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beweesi think i just need xorg16:52
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SrPxI'd like to make my desktop available to ssh access over the internet. What is the best way to always be able to connect to it? Is there an easy solution?17:06
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hggdhSrPx: yes, enable X11 forwarding in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, restart the SSH service (if needed) and the connect with 'ssh -X'17:21
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tomreynWhile it may be the easiest approach, X forwarding doesn't work with all applications nowadays. Firefox (and probably also Chromium) are said to cause problems. SSH tunneled VNC or x2go may be a better option.17:31
tarzeautomreyn: they work for me with remote x17:46
SrPxOkay, the SSH is open on port 12222 and I can access it on, I've forwarded the ports correctly on the arris router, but I still can't access it from its external IP from another network, it just says connection refused. I think my ISP blocks inbound connections, perhaps. If that is the case, is there any workaround? For example, an app that does the routing through some other server...17:52
tomreyntarzeau: oh? i didn't actually try, just read about it17:52
juniorrubyistTIL that Ubuntu 20.10 is coming out later this year. Didn't we just get 20.04?17:59
tarzeaujuniorrubyist: which is already horribly outdated :)18:01
tarzeautomreyn: i'm using it as my work vpn is horribly slow/unreliable18:01
EriC^^juniorrubyist: 20.04 is 2020 april, 20.10 is 2020 october18:02
EriC^^they always come out in this pattern, with the lts release every 2 years, so 22.04 will be a lts18:03
tarzeauhttp://bootes.ethz.ch/bts/ see the remaining days in a nice overview18:03
pavlosSrPx: check your /etc/ssh/sshd_config, do you have GatewayPorts yes18:08
juniorrubyistahh. seems pretty fast18:09
SrPxpavlos: no, it is commented with "no" as default18:09
looting101ubuntu 20.04 is really nice. grats.18:09
SrPxpavlos: on the host you mean, right?18:10
pavlosSrPx: yes, I think you need to uncomment and make it yes, then try the ssh from the outside again18:10
SrPxstill no connection18:12
pavlosSrPx: from the outside, you ssh public-ip port 1212, your router has rule fwd port 1212 to 1212 and then .24 is listening to port 1212 (netstat -plant | grep 1212)18:16
pavlosSrPx: I used 1212, easier to type :)18:17
SrPxpavlos: not sure if this was a question, but what you said looks right. I'm accessing it via `ssh my_ip -p 12222` from my macbook connected on a different network. The .24 machine has a ssh service listening on port 12222, as confirmed by the command you sent me.18:19
pavlosSrPx: just describing your setup, my_ip is the WAN ip of the router, right?18:23
SrPxpavlos: yes, it is the "IP Address" listed on the "WAN Setup" page of the router: https://imgur.com/a/aIK5CEM18:24
pavlosSrPx: do you have another system .25 on the same subnet as the .24? can you test ssh from there? that is, from the .25 system ssh to .24 (within the same network, it should work)18:33
pavlosSrPx: also, AllowTcpForwarding should be yes in your sshd_config18:36
SrPxpavlos: it is18:37
SrPxtrying to locate if there is a .25 machine but I don't think so18:37
pavlosSrPx: the .25 is an example, any machine in the 192.168.0.* will do (they are on the same network as the .24)18:38
SrPxpavlos: ah I see lol. Sorry.18:45
SrPxI can connect to the machine with `ssh -p 12222` from any other local machine. But not using the external IP, either on the same network or another network.18:45
pavlosSrPx: see private window18:49
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yatesis there a way to have a system boot and install an ubuntu .iso on the system's hard drive?19:22
yatessomeone mentioned using grub19:23
yatesthe system has f33 installed so grub is available19:23
yatessorry, f3219:23
EriC^^yates: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot19:24
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nbusroneAnyone know what is power saving mode ? how do i edit it to disable the check for color profile ?19:47
lamiastellahow can I convert a wmv to mp4 with no loss using command line?19:49
SrPxI'm following this guide about GPU passthrough: https://mathiashueber.com/pci-passthrough-ubuntu-2004-virtual-machine/20:38
SrPxOh; was about to ask a question about one line but it was an incorrect character. My bad20:38
* SrPx is tired perhaps20:39
maxzorHello. I have an old issue when trying to log my laptop back in. Computer is frozen, can only (REI)SUB, like two thirds of the time. Most often when I close the lid and os goes sleeping. I dual boot windows10 and never have such issue on it. Any clue?20:46
maxzorDid not remember having the issue with 16.04, had it from then in 18.04 and 20.0420:46
AbdullahI have some old packages which I need to keep as older versions. but now when I try to install another package, I get weird errors.20:55
Abdullahapache2 : PreDepends: dpkg (>= 1.17.14) but 1.17.5ubuntu5.8 is to be installed20:55
Bashing-om!info dpkg xenial | Abdullah21:01
ubottuAbdullah: dpkg (source: dpkg): Debian package management system. In component main, is required. Version 1.18.4ubuntu1.6 (xenial), package size 2035 kB, installed size 6656 kB21:01
Bashing-omAbdullah: ^^ What release are you running ?21:01
peter22222 hi folks, after upgrading from from 18.04 to 20.04, i get on startup a message "initramfs unpacking failed: Decoding failed". I have an encrypted harddrive. The issue is only the message... it is shown, but the pc boots like normal. i researched a bit and found that ubuntu20.04 base compressed the kernel in another wa21:24
peter22222I found that: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=LZ4-Initramfs-Ubuntu-Go-Ahead21:24
peter22222and i found that solution: https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxmint/comments/honux6/initramfs_unpacking_failed_decoding_failed_fix/21:24
peter22222since i only found this source i d like to kindly ask you if you think this is the right way21:25
quadrathoch2peter22222 did you try to rebuild your initramfs?21:27
peter22222quadrathoch2 nein, noch nicht.. wie mache ich das?21:28
peter22222update-initramfs -u   ?21:28
quadrathoch2yeah try that or update-initramfs -ck all21:28
peter22222i suppose with sudo or as root user?21:29
tomreynthe easiest way to handle the message is to ignore it21:30
quadrathoch2sudo peter2222221:30
texlaUbuntu 20 lts What numbers do I use to enlarge the grub menu I have tried 600x800 and 1024x768 with no success I have the blue and white menu now want to enlarge like 18.0421:30
tomreyntexla: blue and white? sounds like debian.21:32
peter22222quadrathoch2 trying that and rebooting now21:32
thyriaenHi, i am running 20.04 default kernel, fresh install and when i try to shutdown my laptop i get the following error and it never fully turns off the pc: https://imgur.com/a/B36FUzd any idea ?21:32
tarzeauthyriaen: who mountes /oldroot ? some other software with chroot ?21:33
texlatomreyn, yes it is debian21:33
thyriaentarzeau, i don't know where oldroot comes from to be honest, i have no directory at /oldroot21:33
tarzeauthyriaen: if you umount all in /oldroot that mount |grep oldroot shows you before the shutdown, it should work21:33
tomreyntexla: you just said it was "ubuntu 20", though.21:34
sarnoldthyriaen: I believe the /oldroot stuff predates shutdown21:34
peter22222quadrathoch2 It worked! Thank you very very much for your help! :-)21:34
tarzeauthyriaen: so ls -la /oldroot shows ls: cannot access '/oldroot': No such file or directory ?21:34
quadrathoch2peter22222 great :)21:34
TheWildUbuntu 18.04.4 LTS. I created a wifi hotspot connection but I don't see a way to enable it.21:34
peter22222you guys here are awesome! :-)21:34
thyriaenyes "ls: cannot access '/oldroot': No such file or directory"21:34
tarzeauand sd-ummou[ looks like some retarded software is cutting the t away?21:35
tomreyntexla: anyways: wrong support channel, once again21:35
texlatomreyn, Yes a fresh install of ubuntu 20.0421:35
thyriaentarzeau, what do you mean ? :p21:35
tarzeauthyriaen: i can successfully poweroff all my machines with poweroff21:35
Bashing-omtexla: From a grub prompt  - if MBR: vbeinfo - else EFI: videoinfo to know the supported grub resolutions.21:36
thyriaentarzeau, poweroff ?21:36
tarzeauthyriaen: the command, instead of shutdown, yes21:37
thyriaentarzeau, when i click on the shutdown button in the gui, does that trigger "shutdown -h now" ?21:37
thyriaenwhat is the difference to poweroff ?21:37
tarzeauwhat gui? i use amiwm or wmaker/gnustep, and i don't have such a button21:37
texlaBashing-om, have not tried mbr or efi but vbeinfo at ask ubuntu gve me the two I have tried21:38
tarzeau/usr/sbin/poweroff just works?21:38
thyriaentarzeau, gnome21:38
tarzeaunow systemd broke everything both are just symlinks to /bin/systemctl21:38
thyriaentarzeau, ill give it a try, brb21:38
tarzeauyou'd have to check the source code what it tries to do when it's called one or the other21:38
Bashing-omtexla: All machines are different - what says your grub prompt for the type of system you have ?21:39
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thyriaenStill get the same error message on shutdown, and get stuck there: https://imgur.com/a/B36FUzd21:40
thyriaeneven with poweroff command21:40
tomreynTheWild: settings -> wifi -> hamburger menu -> Turn On WiFi Hostspot...21:40
texlaBashing-om, I am running gnome xorg on this distro21:40
TheWildtomreyn: well, it's i3 so I don't have this feats21:42
tarzeauthyriaen: what says mount |grep dev/ ?21:43
tomreynTheWild: nm-connection-editor should work, though, if you have gnome libs21:43
tarzeauthyriaen: do you have sd cards, usb storage devices that are removable?21:43
thyriaentarzeau, https://hastebin.com/vubomufonu.bash21:44
TheWildtomreyn: yeah, I added the connection via nm-connection-editor and that's it, nothing really seems to happen21:44
thyriaentarzeau, not currently connected, no21:44
tarzeauthyriaen: really strange, i can't help sorry :( i have a special trick to reboot (when reboot fails)21:45
thyriaentarzeau, thanks for trying tho21:45
tomreynTheWild: nm-cli to bring it up, i guess. i never tried it this way21:46
Bashing-omtexla: ok -in small steps here. Literally running "[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS" will tell you if you're booted via UEFI.21:46
tomreynTheWild: if the connection profile you created is called 'ap1', then, to bring it up, use    nmcli connection up ap121:47
tomreyn(i just tried, works on 18.04.4 for me)21:47
TheWildokay, let's try21:48
TheWildConnection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/30)21:48
TheWildlet's see if other computer sees it21:48
texlaBashing-om, Not booted uefi booted legacy21:49
TheWildMy computer clearly got IP but the other one can see other router but not network provided by my computer.21:50
TheWildand Wi-Fi is enabled21:50
TheWild(wait, maybe I disabled SSID broadcasting by accident)21:50
Bashing-omtexla: Hokay . then next is to boot to the grub mneu - here to talk to grub press the c key -> grub prompt, what now shows ' vbeinfo ' ?21:50
TheWildcorrection: the other computer has just big latency21:51
TheWildhaha, works!21:52
TheWildthank you tomreyn21:52
tomreynyw, hope you set a good password21:52
tomreynthyriaen: you could    sudo grep -rF 'oldroot' /etc     and see whether it is configured somewhere21:53
thyriaentomreyn, no output21:54
tomreynthyriaen: try your /home next, but this could take a good while21:55
thyriaenno, its a fresh install21:55
thyriaenso it is finished21:55
thyriaenand i got a lot of stuff21:55
thyriaenill post it21:56
tomreyni don't think i understand, but will see what you post. i don't see how you could have a directory "/oldroot" on a fresh installation. unless it's really on detachable mesia, such as a usb stick.21:57
thyriaentomreyn, https://hastebin.com/letoworisu.sql i dont think there is any promising info there21:57
thyriaentomreyn, i have no folder oldroot or any usb device attached21:58
tomreynthen i suspect this screenshot https://i.imgur.com/wZpKQuF.jpg was taken right after you installed, before you first booted in to the installed system21:59
tomreynand this error message is no longer present when you reboot now21:59
thyriaentomreyn, whenever i reboot, i get the error22:00
tomreynthyriaen: and the installation finished without errors?22:00
thyriaentomreyn, someone just told me that /oldroot might be part of shutdown-ramfs which is a systemd task22:01
thyriaentomreyn, yea22:01
tomreynyes, i should have done a web search for it.22:01
zevenarwhy is gnome the default de22:02
zevenaris kind of laggy and bloated22:02
thyriaenoops, im back22:02
zevenarand seems adapted to mobile devices22:03
tomreyn!discuss | zevenar22:03
ubottuzevenar: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!22:03
tomreynthyriaen: this error message about failung to unmount /oldroot... seems to be non-harmful, we should focus on the other ones22:04
thyriaentomreyn, yea i had an similar train of thought - to figure out first what stops the shutdown process22:04
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tomreynthyriaen: can you reboot and post a full boot log?    journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999922:05
tomreyni'm wondering whether you're having bios + acpi + pcie problems22:06
thyriaentomreyn, what does that command do ?22:06
thyriaenah ok22:07
tomreynit takes the output produced by  "journalctl -b" and posts it to a paste-like website named termbin.com, and then returns a url to where it's piosted22:07
thyriaenjournalctl is just the log of system d ?22:07
tomreynit's systemd-journald, a system logging service, yes22:08
thyriaenok gonna reboot brb22:08
zevenarhow to delete my journctl shit22:15
tomreyn!language | zevenar22:15
ubottuzevenar: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList22:15
thyriaentomreyn, okay, that was strange - maybe i can add some insight into more whats going on22:16
tomreynfeel free to do so22:17
thyriaentomreyn, unforunatly, it shutdown and rebooted just fine this time - and to my surprise - my USB-C to Ethernet adapter works now - lsusb gives me the correct output for my Bus 004 Device 002: ID 0bda:8153 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8153 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter22:17
thyriaenwhich previously never get reccognized as such22:17
thyriaenthe thing is 10 minutes ago ( when i tried to reboot with you earlier ) i got the problem and usually it does not shutdown every time22:18
tomreynchances are that updates got installed22:18
thyriaendo you still want the output of the "working" reboot ?22:18
Jordan_Uthyriaen: I only saw your last two comments, but with intermittent hardware problems it's often good to check your power supply.22:18
tomreynjust if you want it reviewed22:18
thyriaentomreyn, it doesn't hurt :p22:19
thyriaenJordan_U, i am on a laptop with full battery - no difference if i am connected to the outlet or not22:19
tomreynplease come back when you run ubuntu22:19
thyriaeni tried ubuntu yesterday with the same error22:20
thyriaentomreyn, but i can put it on again and we can continue debugging22:21
tomreynup to you22:21
tomreynbut please don't mislead about running ubuntu when you're really running something else in the future22:21
thyriaentomreyn, but to my understanding i am running an ubuntu-20.04 derivate, no ?22:22
tomreyni think so, but this channel is about ubuntu support, not ubuntu derivative support22:23
thyriaeni am just trying to find any os that doesn't have the issue :p22:23
thyriaentomreyn, okay will keep that in mind22:23
thyriaenill come back when i have ubuntu fresh setup22:23
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lewie67[p]anyone experienced issues with a client having to run dhclient on boot up after preseeding?23:41
lewie67[p]I know i can set an rc script to do this, but it seems like something that should just work...23:41
TJ-lewie67[p]: the question doesn't make a lot of sense - it is missing key info about the system, config, network management tool, and more23:42
TJ-lewie67[p]: desktop or server? using netplan, systemd-networkd, or NetworkManager?23:42
lewie67[p]TJ-: fair enough, sorry. I'm using foreman to preseed desktop systems23:43
TJ-lewie67[p]: and is it for a Wifi or wired Ethernet ?23:43
lewie67[p]I'm a redhat guy by trade so some of the configuration stuff especially on the network side are a bit foreign to me23:43
lewie67[p]right now i'm just proof of concepting with a KVM/libvert VM23:43
lewie67[p]so it's wired23:43
zevenarubuntu is the newusers best distro23:44
lewie67[p]do you want to see what I have in my preseed file re: networking?23:44
TJ-lewie67[p]: so wired ethernet and a GUI desktop system?23:44
lewie67[p]TJ-: correct23:44
TJ-lewie67[p]: right; known annoying issue! NetworkManager is the tool and the config it is shipped with tells it NOT to manage wired ethernet !23:45
lewie67[p]I looked at the netplan stuff and the weird thing is that NetworkManager is configured to start but can't seem manage it due to the netplan config23:45
lewie67[p]so i tried changing the netplan config to NetworkManager...but still no dice23:45
TJ-lewie67[p]: you should see there's a file "/usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-globally-managed-devices.conf" that contains "unmanaged-devices=*,except:type:wifi,except:type:gsm,except:type:cdma" - this tells NM NOT to manage ANY (*) devices EXCEPT those listed, and wired aren't listed23:46
TJ-lewie67[p]: the workaround is to install a null-length file "/etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-globally-managed-devices.conf" which'll override the distro file23:47
TJ-lewie67[p]: so "sudo touch /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-globally-managed-devices.conf" and then "sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager"23:47
TJ-lewie67[p]: or, seed that file23:48
lewie67[p]TJ-: thanks, lemme give that a run23:48
puffGood evening, I'm on ubuntu 18.04 LTS.  I don't like the way virtual workspaces work on 18.04, is there a way to make them work more like they worked in older versions?23:49
lewie67[p]TJ-: no luck...same status, enp1s0 shows DOWN23:51
TJ-lewie67[p]: can you bring it up manually? "sudo ip link set up dev enp1s0" ?23:51
lewie67[p]TJ-: yup...and if i just run dhclient it comes up too with no issue23:52
lewie67[p]TJ-: on boot if i check NetworkManager status there is a conspicuous warning, but not sure if it is important, "<warn>  [1595289015.9314] Error: failed to open /run/network/ifstate"23:53
lewie67[p]TJ-: /run/network/ifstate does not appear to exist...23:53
puffI used to run xubuntu 16.04 LTS.  The big difference there was that  alt-tab only showed me the apps/windows on the current workspace.  In vanilla ubuntu 18 it shows me all of theapps and windows.23:53
TJ-lewie67[p]: which version of Ubuntu is that?23:54
lewie67[p]TJ-: 20.0423:54
TJ-puff: I think that is a Gnome thing23:54
TJ-lewie67[p]: got same here; don't see that directory nor that message23:55
lewie67[p]i'm assuming its got something to do with my preseed, but the settings available seem pretty vanilla...not a lot of opportunity for mucking around23:55
kenwoodfoxCan somebody translate this error for me? trying to mount a cifs share :c https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/505468673754923049/734921430835265576/unknown.png23:55
puffTJ-: So there's no way to make it work like that in Unity? OR is 18 even still using Unity?23:55
lewie67[p]is there some "hidden" list of options you can give a preseed file?23:56
TJ-lewie67[p]: actually... I do see the message... it's not a problem - it is checking in case the other (Debian originated) legacy deprecated network management tool ifupdown is operating23:56
TJ-lewie67[p]: first let's ensure NM now does try to manage enp1s0 -- because I suspect it still isn't doing that23:57
sarnoldpuff: iirc 18.04 is using upstream gnome; you could of course try 20.04 or xubuntu or lubuntu or kubuntu or similar if you'd rather not use gnome23:57
kenwoodfoxwhat does the -22 mean?23:57
kenwoodfoxor where could i find out23:57
lewie67[p]TJ-: fair enough, i created the touch file and tried restarting NetworkManager and rebooting, but both same result as before23:57

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