
OvenWerksEickmeyer[kde]1: does this look too convoluted:03:35
OvenWerksif (not nzd in blacklist) and ((def_config['DRIVER'] == "firewire") or (nzd != def_config['DEV'])):03:35
OvenWerksThats all one line...03:35
krytarikif nzd not in blacklist and (def_config['DRIVER'] == "firewire" or nzd != def_config['DEV']): -- dropping a few parentheses here. >_>03:41
OvenWerkskrytarik: Ya, I figured that was possible, the extras make for better readability03:43
krytarikHmm, yeah possibly..03:44
OvenWerksAnyway point taken, parentheses removed03:48
krytarikI mean there is always the consideration on Python to use parentheses or not, for readability or consistency with the rest of the code - but I did have a quick look at the existing code before suggesting that. :)03:50
* OvenWerks tries to think if that part is even uploaded yet... I guess something similar03:52
OvenWerksI think it was just: if nzd not in blacklist03:52

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