
rharperotubo: is RHEL8  NetworkManager only now?18:37
soupyyhi, I'm trying to build a cloud init image from a cloud config file, but I'm on Gentoo and portage doesn't seem to have cloud-image-utils, is there a way to do this without cloud-localds?19:02
smosersoupyy: just use it outsie of a package.19:06
rharpersoupyy: yeah; it's just a directory turned into an iso image; you can likely pull down the source code and just install the required binaries,19:06
smoserit uses genisoimage and qemu-img19:06
soupyyoh ok awesome, thanks!19:07
rharpersmoser: does anyone put up simplestreams for centos kvm images?    lxd has streams and centos vm images ...  can't seem to get sstream-query to read from images.linuxcontainers.org:8443 ;  have you queried them directly before ?19:34
smoserrharper: sstream-query --max=1 --no-verify --pretty https://images.linuxcontainers.org/streams/v1/images.json os=Centos19:43
rharpersmoser: thanks , I was pointing at 8443 port (which cloud_tests does)19:43
smoserare you sure that there are vm images there ?19:44
rharperalso works ... hrm19:44
rharperfor centos7/8 on amd6419:44
rharperI see, I had the wrong path  (needed streams/images.json)19:45
smoserthere are.19:45
smoser sstream-query --max=1 --pretty https://images.linuxcontainers.org/streams/v1/images.json os=Centos ftype=disk-kvm.img19:45
smoserso... the reason you aveh to pass the images.json19:45
smoseris that by default it hits 'streams/v1/index.sjson' (sjson == signed json)19:45
smoserbut on linuxcontainers.org the signed json points at an *unsigned* streams/v1/images.json19:46
smoseri just raised that in lxc-dev19:47
rharperI'm -> <-> close on getting a cloud_test for this chronyd service name change on centos8;  but it's been uphill;   centos8 has NM only (AFACIT) so we render sysconfig files with NM_CONTROLLED=no;  so no networking comes up in centos8 (cloud container images);19:47
smoseryou could also just go to the https://images.linuxcontainers.org/streams/v1/images.json19:47
smoserrharper: i would not put much stock in anything from linuxcontainers.org19:47
rharpercpaelzer wrote a nice wrapper around chronyd.service to check if it can adjust time inside a container (awkwardly unpriv containers in lxd expose cap_time_sys but it's actually denied )19:48
rharpersmoser: image-wise; yes .. it's inconsistent19:48
rharperbut nothing else indexes those images AFAICT  ...  and cloud_tests doesn't have infra for just wget'ing kvm images from various URLs19:49
smoserright. whether it has wicked or sysconfig or network manager or 'ip scripts' doesn't mean anything really.19:49
smoseri'd suggest that http://cloud.centos.org/centos/8/x86_64/images/ are official20:13
rharperyeah, that's where I've downloaded images before;  I don't think they have any sort of stream publishing though, or even daily/8/amd64/current URL pointer20:21
smoserthey dont.20:46

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