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kbdlnxHey guys anyone here?01:45
IrcsomeBot<Data Grime> can you show your code?02:38
somehumanhello, if i use ubuntu (not kubuntu) but installed kde on it, am i still allowed to ask for help and support here?08:11
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Hello08:42
Walk35317Hi everyone!09:03
Walk35317I'm so sorry for asking such a silly thing, please forgive me. But can someone explain me how to use the meta key to open the application menu? I literally tried every single things written in the various forums, but nothing has changed after that I installed and removed Latte Dock.09:09
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IrcsomeBot<revers3stark26> @Walk35317, Add a kubuntu default panel on09:12
IrcsomeBot<revers3stark26> (Photo, 1280x719) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/KcoavW2f/file_33867.jpg09:14
IrcsomeBot<revers3stark26> top panel kubuntu default panel  left latte dock09:14
Walk35317@revers3stark26 Ok, I will try it right now09:15
Walk35317@revers3stark26 Ok, I tried, but nothing works, I tried to set the shortcut Alt+F1 to the menu but when I press the meta key for example now, it doesn't open09:20
IrcsomeBot<revers3stark26> its working fine for me  try reset globle shortcut09:21
Walk35317@revers3stark26 Done, but nothing09:22
IrcsomeBot<revers3stark26> first it also happend with me but after reset it fixed09:23
Walk35317@revers3stark26 should I try to install ksuperkey?09:24
IrcsomeBot<revers3stark26> try it09:24
Walk35317@revers3stark26 Ok, now everything works! Thanks a lot for your help! Have a nice day!09:27
IrcsomeBot<revers3stark26> 😅09:27
IrcsomeBot<revers3stark26> i did a update and now when i try to add a wedget desktop screen goes black  only latte dock showing no wallpaper  then i had to hard reboot to fix it 😭09:30
IrcsomeBot<revers3stark26> or i have to go to settings and add a virtual desktop and delete previous one to fix it this happens every time i try to add wedgits09:31
BluesKajHowdy all10:46
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IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Hello, I have to upgrade my GPU and I want to buy an rx550. Btw the width is not compatible with my little case. I was wondering to buy a nvidia gt1030 because it's thinner and cheaper..but.. I am switching from nvidia to AMD also because of driver madness13:17
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Any advice? Should I buy nvidia again?13:17
BluesKaj@Franzpow, maybe your question can be answered quicker in the ##hardware chat13:20
diogenes_Franzpow, if you want to get a more qualified answer about the most supported Nvidia card, ask in #nouveau.13:21
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Mmm I need official nvidia drivers.. But I am trying to ask in the other channels, thanks13:22
diogenes_Franzpow, the idea is different, if your the card is well supported by nouveau then it would be a great choice because after some time, Nvidia stopps support for older cards and then you are left only with 1 option, which is nouveau because you will not longer be able to use the Nvidia driver.13:24
BluesKajas long as it fits13:24
franzowell I already tried Nouveau with my old gt710 and it was quite unusable13:25
franzoit was really laggy13:25
franzoI think that's a similar situation considering that people report bad performance in games etc. with those drivers and nvidia, unfortunately13:26
franzobut the rx550 doesn't fit unless it's low profile :/13:26
diogenes_franzo, that's why i told you to get the information which card is best supported by nouvea, for instance my Nvidia card is not supported anymore by Nvidia driver never than 390+ so if there was no nouveau i'd have had to throw it in the garbage.13:27
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Well my gt710 is fine with 440 driver so I suppose the gt1030 that is newer is also fine13:30
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> But I would like to avoid nvidia13:30
BluesKajfranzo, ghave you checked systemsettings>hardware>driver manager for the linux nvidia driver available, (not nouveau)13:53
R13oseBluesKaj: seems the script works13:58
BluesKajok R13ose, good to know13:58
R13oseBluesKaj: do you want me to find you one that might work with your vpn?13:59
BluesKajR13ose, thanks, but  I'll stick with my setup as is.14:02
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IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Blueskaj I am using 44017:34
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isuch_atlinuxwhats up23:36
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IrcsomeBot<darltrash> h23:58

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