
Bashing-omTJ-: IRT: lewie67[p] check /etc/netplan/ to see what the render in use is ?00:04
TJ-Bashing-om: that was my next step :)00:06
Bashing-omTJ-: Just checking my thought process :P - as I look over your shoulder.00:12
TJ-hehehe we're all in the same boat with this stuff00:12
Bashing-omTJ-: - lewie... : Maybe edit the file rather then delete ? sysop@x1804mini:~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces | nc termbin.com 9999 https://termbin.com/f2et . Looks to me that the local is needed.00:41
lotuspsychjegood morning03:19
ducassegood morning05:55
M_aDgood morning :)06:29
M_aDfinally home after 11 hours of hard work06:29
ducassemorning M_aD :)06:35
M_aDhi ducasse :)06:36
lotuspsychjehi M_aD07:07
M_aDlotuspsychje: hey :)07:10
lotuspsychjeM_aD: you work at nights?07:10
M_aDyep, nightshifts only. Working at a bakery07:13
lotuspsychjeaha hard labor07:13
lotuspsychjedont say it too loud, oerheks might want roomsoesjes :p07:14
M_aDlol... that i don't make though,07:18
=== coconut_ is now known as coconut
lotuspsychjewb M_aD17:34
M_aDlotuspsychje, thanks. The Quassel Core i was connected to went offline and the one maintaining it is nowhere to be found and doesn't respond to the mails17:36
=== kostkon__ is now known as kostkon

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