[13:42] xnox: want to review https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/ubiquity/+git/ubiquity/+merge/387747 ? [13:42] tried to keep it small, change to apt update for ubuntu-drivers [13:53] Just how obsolete is this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization [13:54] On a scale from "I did this yesterday" to "The last person that did that retired a decade ago". [13:54] Laney: looks ok. And it is backportable to focal branch too, right? [13:54] Laney: i do hate the 'blah blah\'n blah blah' [13:54] the what? [13:54] multiline strings? [13:55] i normally go for "asdfsafsaf'asdfasdfs" or just "No, we did not find any OEM packages again.' [13:55] lol [13:55] well the second one makes a test fail and the thing ftbfs [13:55] and I don't understand the first :> [13:56] WAIT [13:56] hahahhahahhahahhaa [13:56] you're talking about the apostrophe [13:56] yes [13:56] i did inline comment, with context on the merge proposal [13:57] it's fine, if it builds, we should ship it. [13:57] I'll change it, it doesn't matter [13:57] thx [13:57] I'm not 100% confident in it because I don't have a device to test [13:58] but we can ask those guys to do it [13:58] just makig sure I didn't break kubuntu [14:05] Laney: i can build you a focal iso without pool. [14:05] we should totally do a one off black run over ubiquity [14:05] Laney: then your existing oem device should discover "over the air", no? [14:06] Laney: i guess we somehow need oem-ubuntu-test-in-updates which is not on the iso. [14:06] maybe like forever in proposed, but then we need to boot with proposed enabled. sigh [14:07] it should be ok to test something which is just not in the pool I guess [14:07] can you try it pls [14:07] https://people.canonical.com/~laney/temp/ [14:34] what [14:34] is console-setup/Keyboard/KeyboardNames.pl and why is it being created [14:38] d-i thing does that [14:38] always on clean, and recreates it at build [14:38] i don't know how to make it stop [14:38] we didn't used to care as we didn't track console-setup in git before [14:45] ok for some reason it's not there this time [14:46] /shrug [19:28] xnox: that `iso=` trick isn't working for me --- I've got `ip=dhcp iso=http://_gateway:3003/ubuntu-20.04-live-server-amd64.iso` (where I'm serving it) and qemu is erroring out with "No init found. Try passing init= bootarg" [19:49] realtime-neil: what is your boot media and files? [19:50] this is my qemu line to test a usb stick: https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-video-team/ansible/-/blob/master/usbinst/test_thumb.sh [19:51] this script constructs URLs and downloads the files to put on the stick: https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-video-team/ansible/-/blob/master/usbinst/mk_usb_installer.sh [20:06] CarlFK: this is what I'm trying to do: https://salsa.debian.org/snippets/461 [20:07] I don't need to test removable media so much as tell the early userspace to grab an iso from the _gateway and boot _that_. [20:56] xnox: I'm trying to use the functionality you added here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/1.422 ; every time, it fails saying "runi-" [20:57] "run-init: current directory on the same filesystem as the root: error 0", and five times at that [20:58] realtime-neil: you are booting the kernel and initrd from the iso image, and then trying to get it to read the iso over http. do I have that right ? [20:58] yes, that's correct [20:58] I don't know another way of doing that. [20:59] CarlFK: well, I'm sure there are others, but this is the way I want to do it. [21:00] the cd kernel/init may be expecting local media, not over the network [21:00] the "net install" images may be needed for over the net [21:01] CarlFK: then I've clearly misunderstood the changes mentioned here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/1.422 [21:01] but I don't know if/where they are for the new ubuntu installer [21:02] ok, never mind me. Yeah, looks like what you are doing is spozed to work [21:04] I'm looking for something inside that *.iso that reports the version of casper it's using, but I don't know where to look. [21:04] realtime-neil: I think you need to change iso=http... to url=http... [21:05] CarlFK: tried both; they both fail the same way. [21:06] at least make it match the docs [21:06] CarlFK: I've updated my kvm-test snippet accordingly [21:06] but the error does make me think it isn't getting 'there' yet [21:07] also run this in it's own term without the >null python3 -m http.server 3003 [21:07] see if it gets a hit [21:07] checking... [21:08] does this put the files in casper/ ? 7z x "${PWD}/ubuntu-20.04-live-server-amd64.iso" "casper/vmlinuz" [21:10] ...yeah, nothing is hitting the server [21:11] CarlFK: yes, all extracted paths are created relative to $PWD [21:12] I'm looking at the [casper man page](http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man7/casper.7.html) and wondering if the `netboot=` parameter (implicitly set by `url=`) has anything to do with this? [22:24] Here's something... the `_gateway` notation is (apparently) okay for a `seedfrom=` (`s=`), but `url=` seems to hate it. [22:25] realtime-neil: oh... try using the IP [22:25] what is _gateway ? [22:26] I saw it here: [22:26] https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-quickstart [22:26] but that's the first time I saw it. [22:29] Ha! As long as you feed it the IP address of the machine running that `python -m http.server 3003 `, then it actually downloads the iso. [22:30] Wow. This ubuntu-20.04-live-server-amd64.iso needs a kvm with more than 2048 MiB RAM [22:43] well.. at least you are making progress [22:46] CarlFK: I know, right! [22:47] Okay, cool, cool. CarlFK, I'm going to borrow heavily from those scripts you linked. That's exactly what I need to be doing for my remastered installation media image. [22:49] woo hoo!!! [22:57] realtime-neil: glad you got things working [22:58] slightly surprised 2G is required but yeah, netboot does require quite a lot of ram [23:03] mwhudson: you and me both ... between the ~900MiB compressed iso and the ~225MiB uncompressed initrd, I guess it blew through 2GiB in hurry. [23:04] accessing the iso over iscsi would help [23:04] but well one thing at a time