
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> the package has three apps in it, xubuntu uses 2 of them (time-admin, user-admin) and i've see a number of distros also using it as well, but its sad that the third is not working, as it would make samba sharing alot easier than modifying the samba config file02:41
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> @fossfreedom how does your distro handle samba shares?02:41
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <fossfreedom> In 18.04 we use nautilus, in 20.04 we use nemo. So in the former in theory we are affected. In 20.04 we use Nemo-share. In both cases I dont recall anyone reporting any samba related issues.03:23
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <levisraju>04:24
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <troyBORG> Thinking about switching my parents from Peppermint to 20.04.1 at that time.06:51
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <troyBORG> Just not sure if I should do xfce or mate.06:51
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <troyBORG> The PC is like 8 years old. (re @RikMills: About a month ago, it was pushed back to 6th August)06:51
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <troyBORG> Has DDR3, but no SATA3 ports.06:53
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <troyBORG> It was some $600 HP computer I think06:53
lotuspsychjei tested lubuntu 20.04 on an old netbook, running smoothest of all flavours07:15
lotuspsychjeit was laggy on unity 16.04 and lubuntu 18.0407:24
lotuspsychjenow smoothest at lxqt :p07:24
guivercsurprised on lubuntu 18.04 (gtk2) though if using GTK3/Qt apps, the GTK2 lxde advantage is mostly lost anyway07:24
lotuspsychjethink its bionic overall, where 20.04 might improve a lot of speeds07:25
guivercI was playing with KDE last night; it was most impressive (and I could recall why this box has a KDE sticker on it)07:25
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <MrkiMike> lotuspsychje: have you tried UbuntuMATE on same machine? I'd be interested to see how it fares against lubuntu?07:25
lotuspsychje@MrkiMike no i did not, im not really a fan of mate, but i might do it for testing purposes sure!07:26
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <MrkiMike> lotuspsychje: thnx, I'd be happy to know :) But, for curiosity - what is bothering you with mate?07:32
lotuspsychje@MrkiMike please dont take it too personal, but im a fan of vanilla ubuntu desktop for my customers, when a machine needs low specs treatment, i always choose lubuntu then07:33
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <MrkiMike> No no, nothing personal,just curiosity :) My love with MATE stared with UbuntuMATE, as Unity was unusable for me. It looked as a bad copy of already bad MacOS user interface. That is why I switched to KDE on my desktop, but my laptops were not powerful enough for KDE. I still do Kubuntu on my desktop (was doing Neon, but too often I'd get issues that'd get into way), and UbuntuMATE07:37
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <MrkiMike> I have Lubuntu on my IntelNUC though :)07:37
lotuspsychjei also got a nuc07:39
lotuspsychjebionic desktop there07:39
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> both are good choices. i used mate for most of my linux journey and now i'm on xfce. was running mate on my old 2006 LG laptop which only had opengl 1.4 support. :D (re @troyBORG: Thinking about switching my parents from Peppermint to 20.04.1 at that time.10:51
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> Just not sure if I should do xfce or mate.10:51
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <philipz> The PC is like 8 years old.)10:51
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <Zachariah> I tested Kubuntu 20.04 on the little foldable Celeron system I got for my wife and it ran great. I was running off a USB-C SSD converter. I am also running Xubuntu 20.04 on a Toshiba Satellite with one of those low-power AMD E-series APUs and it runs just fine as well. I'm sure any flavor of 20.04 will run just fine on an 8-yo desktop. SSDs still give you great performance on SATA13:09
ubuntutestingbot[telegram] <RikMills> :)14:22

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