
philectroGood idea https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/who-needs-vinyl-records-when-youve-got-raspberry-pi-and-nfc/00:56
philectrol'industrie de la musique devrait faire ça en partenariat avec les box alexa/google/etc00:56
philectrooops sorry i have make a mistake :p00:57
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=== MANIAC is now known as Guest8276
=== luka is now known as Guest8623
=== Guest8623 is now known as ggsl4
ggsl4What is this?08:43
diogenes_!topic | ggsl408:48
ubottuggsl4: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic08:48
ggsl4yeah sorry, as soon as I started the conversation app, it directly connected me to this08:49
MetamorphosisHello. For some strange reason Kubuntu 20.04 decides to open the downloaded images (on Firefox or Falkon download menus) with a very old-fashioned software called "Image Magic" instead of the default Gwenview. How can I fix this issue?09:33
=== jeegsy is now known as gmanxp
Kubuntu-BenutzerGibt es bei Kubuntu eine möglichkeit einen Fingerprint-Sensor zum Login zu benutzen?10:58
diogenes_!de Kubuntu-Benutzer11:01
diogenes_!de | Kubuntu-Benutzer11:01
ubottuKubuntu-Benutzer: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!11:01
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
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BluesKajHowdy all11:38
=== timeparadox is now known as Luka_Urushibara
=== Luka_Urushibara is now known as heavyarms
=== OS-71022 is now known as agarre
=== OS-71022 is now known as agarre
=== Tom is now known as Guest6817
=== Guest6817 is now known as OneTwoThree
OneTwoThreeI've recently upgraded to kubuntu 20.04, upgrade went smoothly (thanks to anyone involved). However now I'm getting lockups in the desktop. I think it's down to an IO issue13:14
OneTwoThreeI thought it might have been due to swap being used, so I shoved another 16 gigs on memory in. And still having the same issue13:15
OneTwoThreeNot really sure where to look next13:15
diogenes_OneTwoThree, and specifica pattern? (e.g. when you open some specific app or something)13:15
OneTwoThreeMainly when I'm opening a minimized window13:16
OneTwoThreeCould it be compositor?13:16
diogenes_OneTwoThree, yes try to change the backend from openGL to xrender.13:16
OneTwoThreeLooks different, but I'll give it a spin. Thanks!13:17
OneTwoThreeIs this a known issue? Guessing it's nVidia up to their usual stuff13:18
diogenes_freezes can happen for many various reasons, it's always a trial and failure method of troubleshooting.13:18
OneTwoThreeI did notice that when I was trying to solve it, I hadn't upgraded my gpu driver yet and was getting logs everytime I tried to open a window in journalctl13:20
OneTwoThreeBut hopefully should be fixed now. Thanks again.13:20
zethiusNew to KDe13:51
zethiusFrom GNOME13:51
zethiusNeed some tips13:51
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> Like what tips13:52
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> The world's your oyster13:52
zethiusIt is just very big and confusing13:52
zethiusCompared to gnome13:52
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> I see13:52
zethiusA part of me wants to go back to gnome and another part of me wants to explore it13:52
zethiusI needed hours just to understand the settings13:53
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> Don't know about gnome but I came from Ubuntu and I feel KDE is a lot sleeker13:53
OneTwoThreeSame here13:53
OneTwoThreeWell what do you want to change zethius?13:53
zethiusI think I like GNOME because it's so...light and everything is at your finger tips13:54
zethiusBut KDE looks a million times better13:54
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> Maybe install some themes13:54
OneTwoThreeI'd swap the default taskbar to the search one. It's so much easier for finding your way around13:54
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> If you've an android phone install kde connect on it to pair with Kubuntu13:55
zethiusWith Widgets I just get the feeling its a bit bloated. I think I might try KDE on Debian first as it is a bit older13:55
OneTwoThreeyou don't need to use widgets if you don't like them13:55
OneTwoThreenobody is forcing you :)13:55
zethiusThey just look so damn good! xD13:55
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OneTwoThreeI've got advanced radio play and xkcd comic strip13:56
zethiusI use mainly the one called...something desktop where it shows an icon of your distro and some statistics13:56
zethiusCan you guys recommend any KDE youtubers? I know Chris Titus uses KDE but some one just focused on it?13:57
zethiusI went to Kubutu using PopOS13:57
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> I went to Kubuntu to escape a Ubuntu bug where fullscreen any app will freeze the whole thing13:58
OneTwoThreeI just find ubuntus default apps and stuff a bit bloated13:59
OneTwoThreetheres so much stuff I don't need13:59
zethiusI actually wrote a script bakc in the day to make ubuntu-minimal more private13:59
OneTwoThreeI've done gnome, kde, xfce and I've just installed elementary on my laptop14:00
zethiusWHich one do you like the most?14:00
OneTwoThreeI like different DEs, trying to stick with ubuntu now though so I understand the underpinnings.14:01
OneTwoThreeDepends on what for14:01
OneTwoThreecustomisability kde and xfce14:01
zethiusWhat would you use GNOME for?14:01
OneTwoThreemy grandma14:01
OneTwoThreeor anyone new to linux14:01
zethiusYou're right though, you can make KDE a lot more personal14:01
zethiusDamn xD14:01
OneTwoThreeIt's cozy and easy to understand. But it's not similar enough to windows for it to be confusing14:02
zethiusI have used GNOME for six years now...partly cause I was lazy14:02
OneTwoThreeI just like trying new things14:02
zethiusMainly Debian, Fedora and Kali for some uni stuff14:02
OneTwoThreeI've done arch and ubuntu14:03
zethiusI love Arch to bits14:03
OneTwoThreeNever going back to arch14:03
zethiusBut it takes soooo long and its so unstable14:03
OneTwoThreeI had very mixed feelings14:03
OneTwoThreeSome parts were great. Always latest packages, wiki is great, aur is good when first installing14:03
zethiusI love Debian for a daily OS, Ubuntu for college and uni work including programming14:03
zethiusBut switching to Kubuntu for now14:04
OneTwoThreeIt's just when you need something now and a package breaks14:04
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> Anyone had a problem where Kubuntu will just really slow down? The only way to fix it is to turn off the power supply and turn it on again14:04
IrcsomeBot<Kai> @Kai, Anyone?14:04
zethiusIrcsomeBot I recommend BleachBit14:04
OneTwoThreeNot really, although my swap sometimes randomly get used14:04
OneTwoThreeand that slows it down14:04
OneTwoThreeI've had 2 issues with it since installing 6 months ago14:05
OneTwoThree1. couldn't create new connections14:05
OneTwoThreelike vpns or wireless14:05
OneTwoThreeFixed by updating my motherboard bios, seems kubuntu use the hardware guid generator14:06
OneTwoThree(build into the mobo)14:06
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> Oh hey I got 2 problems too. The slowdown and wifi being weak as hell14:06
zethiusI was once upgrading my packages on Debian KDE and my kid yanked his foot on the cord and shut down my PC14:06
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> Lel14:06
OneTwoThreeuh oh14:06
zethiusBut the thing about Debian is...nothing happened14:06
zethiusIt is boringly stable14:06
OneTwoThreeI like getting newer updates and feeling more 'in the loop'14:06
zethiusI always have a problem installinh Kubuntu on its own14:07
OneTwoThreeI'm dual booted as gaming pc14:07
zethiusSo I have to install it through either Ubuntu or Debian14:07
zethiusA linux gamer is pretty cool14:07
OneTwoThreecan't warzone on linux14:07
OneTwoThreeI think I've got like 90% success rate14:07
zethiusTrue. I just play Warzone on my PS514:07
OneTwoThreenearly everything works14:07
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> Is 20.04 pushed in Kubuntu already or still has to be done manually? One of these days I want to reinstall14:07
OneTwoThreeDone manually14:08
OneTwoThreeI did it last week14:08
zethiusI actually had a question for you about IRC in general14:08
OneTwoThreeMe??? I'm not an expert by any means14:08
IrcsomeBotSofia was added by: Sofia14:09
IrcsomeBotJuljanija was added by: Juljanija14:09
zethiusI just wanted to know if there are any like social chat rooms14:09
zethiusWhere you could just go to and just chat with people14:09
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> Discord?14:09
OneTwoThreeThere's a load, but depends what kinda community you want14:10
OneTwoThreeI just thought I'd keep this open14:10
OneTwoThreeDiscord is usually pretty good for it14:10
zethiusWait wait wait...I'm using Hexchat but you guys are using Discord?14:10
zethiusSo we can cross chat?14:10
OneTwoThreeI'm using freenode14:11
OneTwoThreelol all the chat adapters14:11
OneTwoThreeis it against TOS to share another chat? Guessing now14:11
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> I'm using telegram now14:11
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> If we can connect to discord I'll fly there14:11
IrcsomeBotA was added by: A14:11
zethiusThat's pretty cool14:12
IrcsomeBotTwo was added by: Two14:12
=== dicky is now known as Guest77827
IrcsomeBot<rstark26> how can i change cpu governer ?14:19
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> Can I build kernel for ubuntu? I can build for android anyway, it should be the same more or less14:21
IrcsomeBot<rstark26> how to channge cpu/gpu freq  plz help14:38
BluesKaj@rstark26 install cpufrequtils14:54
BluesKaj!info cpufrequtils14:54
ubottucpufrequtils (source: cpufrequtils): utilities to deal with the cpufreq Linux kernel feature. In component universe, is optional. Version 008-1.1 (focal), package size 31 kB, installed size 178 kB14:54
BluesKaj@rstark26 ^14:55
IrcsomeBot<Zoth_Ommog> Why not stay with defaukt15:03
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IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Is that also working for Nvidia Gpu?15:51
user|39965Im trying to make some use of my 2008 iMac15:59
user|39965Id like to install linux on it ... not sure if this is a good idea ..16:00
whitepacketMy monitor works on my laptop if I unify outputs but if I login with it already attached and not unified outputs or plug it in or laptop goes to sleep and comes back on the monitor will be black and even if I manually enable in display settings  or with xrandr it wont be fixed. only way to fix it is by unifying outputs then ununifying then I can set it as primary or disable the laptop one until it goes to sleep again. then I gotta unplug it to get16:01
whitepacketaccess to my laptop monitor because it thinks its using the hdmi one(?). I have a 1660ti running kubuntu 18.04.4 lts bionic, nvidia driver version 440.100.16:01
whitepacketmaybe that should've been a paste sorry.16:02
IrcsomeBot<jelempho> Why doesn't a second Alt+space toggle krunner?18:37
IrcsomeBot<jelempho> Escape is far18:39
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IrcsomeBotGaetan was added by: Gaetan20:48
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life

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