
lamiastellaI am trying to download a 40GB file from DropBox but it keeps getting interrupted (perhaps bad wifi connection). Any tips on how I could have an uninterrupted or resuming type download via the command line?00:23
sarnoldlamiastella: curl -C -   I believe will do that; I think wget --mirror will turn on something similar, but I'm not spotting what that would be in the manpage :/ it might be my memory is poor00:28
sarnoldlamiastella: does dropbox offer rsync support? either rsync directly or rsync via ssh? rsync is fantastic at this kind of thing00:29
sarnoldlamiastella: did you get your cuda packages sorted?00:29
lamiastellaidk that's why I am asking here sarnold00:29
lamiastellaactually cannot remember completely followed a bunch of tutorials online00:30
lamiastellait says it takes 4 hrs to download 40GB :/00:30
sarnold~2.8 MB/s, I wonder where the bottleneck is. my guess is that's just as fast as they're willing to go, since going faster costs more money..00:32
lamiastellanow it is 1.6 and says 6hrs sarnold00:32
lamiastellamy download speed is 19.1 MBPS00:33
lamiastellaand upload is 9.53MBPS00:33
lamiastellathough I have two roommates :/00:33
lamiastellacannot download via wget from dropbox using ?dl=1 2020-07-21 20:36:22 ERROR 400: Bad Request.00:37
leftyfblamiastella: your issue is with dropbox. Not ubuntu. Try wiping ~/.dropbox and see if that helps. Otherwise, contact dropbox support. The downloads speeds are also a limitation of dropbox00:39
lamiastellaIDK dropbox installed in my machine I am downloading via direct link in firefox leftyfb00:41
lamiastellaI don't have * instead of IDK leftyfb00:42
lamiastellasarnold: here is a bug report if you are interested https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-cuda-toolkit/+bug/188844000:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1888440 in nvidia-cuda-toolkit (Ubuntu) "package libcublas10 10.1.243-3 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvblas.so.10', which is also in package libnvblas10:amd64 10.1.243-3" [Undecided,New]00:43
leftyfblamiastella: can I ask what you are downloading that is 40G?00:45
lamiastellait is a video file with .ats format (private file in our group)00:58
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bet0xHello everyone01:35
bet0xI have a HD screen (1920) and a 4K screen (3840) and i cannot do scaling coz it gets all weird01:37
Bashing-ombet0x: Can not vouch; but, have you seen: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/HiDPI#Fractional_Scaling ?01:42
bet0xFound it01:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1884754 in mutter (Ubuntu Focal) "Fractional scaling does not persist across reboots in resizable VM windows" [Low,Fix committed]01:43
bet0xWell i don't think it will work02:00
bet0xResolution: 9984x345602:00
cluelesspersonMy laptop likes to drop from 1.5ghz to 700mhz, which is completely intolerable02:18
cluelesspersonhow do I stop this insanity?02:18
quadrathoch2why wouldn't you like to save power (battery)? cluelessperson02:20
cluelesspersonquadrathoch2, Because I'm on AC power02:20
Kill-Animalsdoes the file name effect the value of a md5sum? I am trying to evaluate my iso02:20
cluelesspersonKill-Animals, no.02:21
Kill-Animalscluelessperson: thanks02:21
cluelesspersonKill-Animals, also md5 is broken, I suggest SHA25602:21
Kill-Animalscluelessperson: why is it broken?02:22
sarnoldcluelessperson: check cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy*/scaling_governor  -- if tht's powersave, try changing all those to performance02:22
Kill-Animalsthere is also keccak https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qcryptographichash.html#Algorithm-enum02:22
cluelesspersonsarnold, a month ago I was trying out different software to control this and found it was all generally not very effective, but I'll try setting all these manually.02:23
cluelesspersonsarnold, they are all powersave02:23
cluelesspersonKill-Animals, md5 is easy to produce collisions for, so it's not useful for security any longer.02:24
sarnoldcluelessperson: I think the two that aren't garbage are powersave and performance; and performance sounds more like what you want02:24
Kill-Animalsgot it.02:24
sarnoldmd5 is still okay for "I used scp to copy this file from one machine to another machine". but sha256sum is installed everywhere these days, so it's easy enough to switch02:24
cluelesspersonsarnold, I set them all.02:25
Kill-Animalssarnold: and what about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-3 ?02:26
sarnoldcluelessperson: alright, now see if your sysmte is more responsive to changes in load02:26
quadrathoch2as the cpu is controlling the speed of the cpu, there is nothing you can really do about it02:26
cluelesspersonsarnold, seems to be. :D02:26
cluelesspersonsarnold, why is it powersave by default?02:26
cluelesspersonalso, is there non crap software for managing this?02:26
cluelesspersonall the software I've tried, like ubuntu cpufreqd is annoying.02:27
cluelessperson(and I'm not sure they even work)02:27
quadrathoch2as this is hw controlled (firmware) you can't really do anything about it. live with it02:28
sarnoldcluelessperson: probably a systemd-tmpfiles.d snippet would be my first choice02:29
sarnoldcluelessperson: all the applets and similar things I've seen for this are crap02:29
sarnoldcluelessperson: hmm, there's a gamemode application that does a bunch of things, I wonder if you'd like it or hate it :) heh02:29
sarnoldKill-Animals: iirc sha-3 is usually slower than sha-2, so I don't think sha-3 will be anyone's first choice algorithm for a while02:30
sarnoldunfortunately openssl speed command is beyond stupid and I can't figure out how to get it to benchmark sha3 for me02:30
Kill-Animalssarnold: that is a good answer. I just need a fingerprint, but I need it to be performant.02:30
sarnoldKill-Animals: depending upon your goals you may also like blake2b or blake2-something else. (I hate that there are multiple blake2* algorithms, I think this is part of why so few programs use it)02:31
cluelesspersonsarnold, I'm willing to check it out02:38
cluelesspersonsarnold, I've been playing hollow knight and it basically just costs me button presses.02:39
cluelesspersonThe frustration  makes me want to chuck things.02:39
cluelesspersonsarnold, right now snapping to edges just stopped working for no reason I can tell02:39
cluelesspersonand the on screen keyboard just randomly stops responding and crashes02:40
cluelesspersonwhy are these softwares even included if they're unstable?02:40
cluelesspersonKill-Animals, almost all CPUs have a SHA256 module built in02:41
cluelesspersonso it should be in general insanely fast02:41
sarnoldcluelessperson: no idea on the desktop stuff -- if you're using gnome, maybe uninstall any extensions you may have installed, I understand those are often a source of reliability problems02:43
cluelesspersonsarnold, I don't think I have any extensions up, at least not abnormal ones.02:45
cluelesspersonubuntu dock and app indicators.02:45
cluelesspersonsarnold, The thing that truly truly frustrates me, is that these things are just built *into* gnome and you can't troubleshoot them as far as I know02:46
cluelesspersonthere's no module for me to uninstall, disable, tweak02:46
cluelesspersonsarnold, there are other concerning things too.  You know the feature to "Press Control to create an animation that highlights the pointer" ?02:47
cluelesspersonAt 120hz refresh rate, the animation is sped up.02:47
cluelesspersonsarnold, Which informs me the software plays some animation frame by frame, rather than understanding that different displays work at different framerates.02:47
sarnoldcluelessperson: lol that's hilarious02:48
sarnoldI mean it's frustrating02:48
sarnoldbut it reminds me of the day when we had to hit the turbo button to downclock our 486es because games were written for 286...02:48
oerheksthere is a block caribou solution, ​https://sourceforge.net/p/ourorgan/discussion/962125/thread/bf6288066d/?limit=2502:49
oerheksand https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1326/block-caribou/02:49
cluelesspersonsarnold, I mean that, someone included it as a basic feature in ubuntu, apparently without understanding how displays even work.02:49
cluelesspersonThat bothers me.02:50
cluelesspersonoerheks, that doesn't work.02:50
cluelesspersonoerheks, Rather, it partially works, and when it fails, it gets stuck open.02:50
cluelesspersonlike wtf02:50
TimothyPHi, what's currently a good way to create a portable Ubuntu on a USB stick. I have a demo I need to run on Ubuntu but I might not have access to a Ubuntu system where I am going03:09
sarnoldTimothyP: I think I've heard if you write the live image to one partition on a usb stick, and make an ext4 filesystem on a second partition, you'll be able to use that second partition pretty easy03:18
sarnoldTimothyP: hopefully it's only a few minutes to test it out, assuming you've already got the usb stick you want to overwrite03:18
TimothyPok that makes sense03:19
TimothyPthnx !03:19
TimothyPwill give it a try03:19
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sarnoldTimothyP: I think I've seen screenshots that suggest the rufus.ie tool can do this, but that requires a windows system :) if you've got one of those around, it might be even faster than goofing around with gdisk or fdisk or cfdisk or whatever it is that's the best fdisk thse days :)03:23
sarnoldtime for me to run, have fun :)03:23
oerheksmkusb too..03:23
sarnoldwith what? with WHAT? cmon slug tll us!03:24
TimothyPlet's see03:24
satousananyone here ever try ubuntu touch?04:45
satousanis it any good, is it even really ubuntu?04:45
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lotuspsychjeoerheks: updating05:25
M_aDalready updated05:28
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me-1hi..I am looking for Ubuntu 32 bit for an old Pc07:54
CrackedCrackerhello! upgraded to 20.04 yesterday and now there's a mismatch between biber and biblatex versions07:55
CrackedCrackernamely, it says: ERROR - Error: Found biblatex control file version 3.4, expected version 3.7. This means that your biber (2.14) and biblatex (3.10) versions are incompatible.07:56
CrackedCrackerwhich is surprising since both come from the biber package?07:57
CrackedCrackeris it really broken or did I just screw up something locally?07:57
TimothyPsarnold mkusb worked great07:59
me-1does Ubuntu still supports 32 bit architecture08:01
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oerheks18.04 is 32 bits supported, AFAIK08:05
CrackedCrackerstill with the same question: or how do I check biblatex version in the packages to verify that the problem is indeed there?08:06
oerheksbiblatex ? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/biblatex08:07
oerheksold ..08:07
CrackedCrackerI think it comes from https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/texlive-bibtex-extra, but it doesn't tell me the version08:09
DeathandGravityI'm having some issues getting nvidia drivers functional on my 20.04 LTS. On running nvidia-settings I'm getting error pings that the Driver is not loaded but prime select indicates Nvidia is loaded and I seem to have the full dependancies requisit for 440 as well as08:10
DeathandGravityI'm also getting this as output when I run nvidia-settings :08:10
DeathandGravity(nvidia-settings:1791): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 01:18:05.602: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed08:10
DeathandGravityAnyone able to assist?08:10
oerhekshttps://packages.ubuntu.com/source/focal/texlive-extra (2019.202000218-1) [universe]08:10
CrackedCrackeroerheks: yep, found that one, but version there doesn't really correspond to anything? biber is complaining that biblatex is 3.4 and I can't find that number anywhere there08:12
CrackedCrackerthere is some bug report with very similar error message, but given that it worked on 18.04 I suppose my case is different? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/biber/+bug/177051608:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1770516 in biber (Ubuntu) "Biber version 2.9 is not compatible with Biblatex version 3.10 from Texlive" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:14
CrackedCrackerit's also from 201808:15
oerheksbut biber is a fork ..08:15
CrackedCrackerhmm, didn't quite get it, can you elaborate?08:16
oerheksi think you should ask the maintainer,w e share packages from debian http://metadata.ftp-master.debian.org/changelogs/main/t/texlive-extra/unstable_changelog08:16
oerheks'biber: Much-augmented BibTeX replacement for BibLaTeX users'08:16
CrackedCrackeroh, so you mean "a fork of bibtex"08:17
oerheksoke, maybe not correct,..08:17
CrackedCrackerok, thanks! Maybe there is someone else on 20.04 with similar issue?08:19
CrackedCrackerhmm, there is a note in the changelog saying "break against TL version with current biblatex"08:28
CrackedCrackerI wonder what TL version stands for08:28
CrackedCrackerhere https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/biber08:28
PeanutHi folks - I'm re-installing my Ubuntu machine with ZFS. I netbooted the installer, but I don't get a ZFS option in the partitioning menu?08:48
PeanutGreat.. netboot installation says 'apt install cd-boot-images-amd64', which only exists for 'groovy', not for 'focal'.09:00
CrackedCrackerok, I seemingly solved my problem. biblatex was coming from ~/texmf dir, which I think came from previous installation of tex with tlmgr? I nuked ~/texmf altogether, stuff seems to work now09:08
sazawalHi all. I have Ubuntu/Gnome 20.04 on my Thinkpad E560. This has happened the second time that when my laptop ran out of battery and shut down, the touchpad stopped working when I booted it the next morning. The last time it started working by itself one day later. I couldn't figure out the issue. Please help!09:26
PeanutIs ZFS install not available on the server installer yet? (Focal)09:33
lotuspsychjesazawal: when your issue arises, can you still movie the mouse pointer slowly? or no touchpad at all?09:36
lotuspsychjesazawal: i have something similar with bug #1807818 haunting me across several ubuntu versions09:37
ubottubug 1807818 in linux (Ubuntu) "Touchpad scroll does not work on occasion" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180781809:37
lotuspsychjePeanut: try asking in #ubuntu-server09:37
sazawallotuspsychje, It doesn't work at all. Neither the touchpad clicks, nor scrolling.09:37
sazawalLet me see this bug09:38
makarahi. Im running 20.04 and connecting to my office L2TP IPSEC VPN. They say my connection is not encrypted. How do i encrypt it?09:38
lotuspsychjesazawal: ok, that sounds like a bit different bug, but mine also happens one day, then works few weeks, then again 1 boot09:38
sazawalDoes your xinput shows the touchpad device? For me it doesn't as much as I understood it.09:40
lotuspsychjesazawal: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad yeah09:42
lotuspsychjesazawal: check the id number when you 'xinput' in terminal09:43
sazawallotuspsychje, It is not showing right now for me, only "Virtual core XTEST pointer". I don't remember if it shows normally, but it should because it works.09:44
lotuspsychjesazawal: ok thats weird, lets see your dmesg in a pastebin please?09:44
sazawallotuspsychje, Just checked my dmesg, could this be the issue: "[0.712486] ima: Error Communicating to TPM chip". I am sending you the dmesg output in a minute.09:46
sazawallotuspsychje, Here it is, https://termbin.com/r3an09:47
lotuspsychjesazawal: tnx, not really sure on your case, but an idea could be trying acpi methods and/or biosupdate on your lenovo09:51
lotuspsychje!acpi | sazawal09:51
ubottusazawal: to debug ACPI issues on ubuntu make sure your bios is up to date and follow the procedure here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI09:51
lotuspsychje!biosupdate | sazawal09:51
ubottusazawal: To see how to update your bios on Ubuntu visit the community collected methods here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate09:51
sazawallotuspsychje, Is it safe to do a biosupdate on an os-installed system? Or do I need a new Ubuntu installation after that?09:52
lotuspsychjesazawal: biosupdates should be safe to do, if you are sure you pick the right biosversion for your computer model09:55
lotuspsychjesazawal: if you are unsure, read up lenovo bios update methods, or ask in ##hardware for the right guidance09:55
sazawalI see. I guess the link you sent tells me how to pick the right version?09:56
lotuspsychjesazawal: from your dmesg this is your current bios version: DMI: LENOVO 20EV000RGE/20EV000RGE, BIOS R00ET38W (1.13 ) 02/24/201609:56
lotuspsychjesazawal: so, browse lenovo support website for this same model, and see if there are latest bios versions available for your machine09:57
lotuspsychjesazawal: did you notice your bug across several ubuntu versions or kernels?09:59
sazawallotuspsychje, No, this is the first time I have encountered such a bug. I am only a user, not a developer.10:27
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BluesKajHowdy all11:38
afidegnumi installed vsftpd on ubuntu 18, i was able to connect to the server even anonymously but i'm not able to browser directory listing, i'm faced with timeout,11:53
afidegnumwhat can be done ?11:53
Peanutafidegnum: That sounds like the usual firewall issue with FTP daemons. Check whether you're using passive or active connections. Especially when using active, try passive.11:55
afidegnumPeanut: from the client or server ?11:58
afidegnumfrom the client it's showing passive mode11:59
PeanutAt the client should be enough. If you have root access to the server, you can see whether the data connection gets established.12:10
jdugganhey guys, looking for official or atleast well documented instructions to join a domain and serve files - there's lots of 3rd party documentation for lots of different approaches/versions, can anyone point me in the right direction ? server 20.0 fwiw12:11
tatertotzjduggan: realmd + sssd12:17
tatertotzjduggan: you've been pointed12:18
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ferzHi, I need to run a gov application written in java some years ago.12:19
ferzIt seems that it is not compatible with default java versione installed. I think to install openjdk-8-jre/focal.12:20
ferzWhich is the difference between headless or normal package?12:20
ferzHow can I force this app to run using this version of jre?12:20
ferzHeadless is without Swing and gfx/keyboard support.12:22
PeanutDoes anyone know why ~/.cache has permissions 'drwx--x---+' (note the +) ?12:22
tatertotzPeanut: + means additional permissions i.e ACL's12:23
Peanuttatertotz: Thanks, how can I view them? I'm trying to move my ~ to a ZFS file system, and it chokes on ~/.cache.12:24
Peanuttatertotz: 'getfacl'. Turns out it is something that libvirt-qemu did.12:25
PeanutSo the libvirt-qemu user has rwx on my .cache directory.12:26
PeanutOr at least '--x'.12:26
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sazawallotuspsychje, I went outside and kept the laptop lid closed for say 20 minutes, now the touchpad started working again.12:41
sazawallotuspsychje, xinput now shows the touchpad hardware, AlpsPS/2 ALPS DualPoint Stick, AlpsPS/2 ALPS DualPoint TouchPad12:42
zethiusI need help12:52
Phruisso ask the question12:52
zethiusHow do I get a driver I want?12:52
zethiusI can get it using the additional drivers app12:53
Phruisuse the driver program jockey12:53
zethiusHowever, I want to get it using the command line12:53
Phruisthen apt search12:53
zethiusI cant find it unless I install using the additional drivers software12:53
nbusroneAnyone here using nvidia driver Desktop ?12:54
tarzeaui've got like 50 computers with nvidia drivers (450+cuda)12:55
tarzeaumost of them are desktops some are rack nodes with 8 gpus...12:55
tarzeaui'm using 20.04/18.04 with cuda.list (nvidia cuda repos) and own repo for cudnn12:55
nbusronetarzeau : I really need some help12:56
nbusroneThe brightness get reset for every restart , logout or wake up on the monitor , opening a web browser with youtube also affected12:56
tarzeaumy help: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cuda.list with this as content: deb http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu1804/x86_64 /12:57
tarzeaunbusrone: use xgamma?12:57
tarzeauin .xsession(rc)12:57
nbusronetarzeau : It is not really about cuda12:57
nbusronetarzeau : When I lower the Birhgtness to -50 https://i.imgur.com/FfCPFhJ.jpg and -1 value https://i.imgur.com/2TFGdhP.jpg of the Nvidia setting graph line lower top and bottom x and y axis equaly but when I lower the brightness , the graph line only gets lower at the top and not equal.https://i.imgur.com/xoO4mTz.jpg and reduce to none https://i.imgur.com/9q7ofeI.jpg only flatten the graph compare to nvidia setting12:57
nbusronetarzeau : it's just a desktop 440 driver , but I am facing brightness reset. I need someone to confirm whether it affected user using nvidia before reporting as a bug13:05
tarzeaunbusrone: i can't tell you since i use xgamma for gamma correction13:07
nbusronetarzeau : how do I view my xgamma ? and command ?13:16
tarzeaunbusrone: xgamma -h13:16
tarzeaunbusrone: xgamma shows you what you have, i often use xgamma -gamma 1.613:17
nbusronetarzeau : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Rq9ScHHKrT/ looks like it show nothing13:19
tarzeaunbusrone: just run xgamma without anything13:19
tarzeau-h is for help13:19
nbusronetarzeau : sorry newbie , -> Red  1.000, Green  1.000, Blue  1.00013:21
nbusronetarzeau : i think i am using xcalib for gamma13:22
nbusronetarzeau : actually , why on nvidia setting able to set and reduce x and y axis ? what is your nvidia setting on gamma graph line ?13:25
tarzeaui don't have nvidia @home, home office for until august13:26
nbusronetarzeau : no matter your how your xgamma setting , it'll show curve line while on nvidia setting you can set a straight increase on reduce axis x,y .13:27
nbusronetarzeau : actually your xgamma is just a brightness control gamma.You can't reduce your xgamma brightness at all.13:29
nbusronetarzeau : so what pc you are using right now ?13:29
tarzeauimac that is very old with ubuntu 20.0413:30
tarzeau4 core, 16 gb memory13:30
nbusronetarzeau : using nvidia driver or intel ? 4 core isn't old , 16gb ram is more than everyone here13:31
nbusroneAnyone here using nvidia driver Desktop ?13:40
bipinHi , free -m , command is showing : total : 3853 ,used : 650 , free : 388 , I dont understand why free : 388 , It used to be a lot before , what went wrong , I Have 4GB RAM laptop , I guess used+free=total , but whats wrong ?13:57
hggdhbipin: most probably nothing is wrong. The kernel uses free memory for I/O cache. If a program requires more memory, the kernel will release as much cache memory as needed13:59
bipinbut just right after reboot , free shows something like in 3333 , what about that ?14:00
hggdhbipin: and no, used+free != total because of the kernel cache14:00
hggdhbipin: right after reboot, there is not enough filesystem activity. As time goes by, and memory allows, the kernel will keep caching filesystem data to improve response times14:02
aaabbbbbbbbbb_Hi, does anybody know what would be the best way to obtain the command that is run to start an upstart service; the exec line in the /etc/init/service.conf file ... I don't want to parse the init files myself, since they live in different directories (unless there is a command to determine where the service's configuration file is located); This is really easy with systemd, where I can use "systemctl show", but sadly I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 and it14:02
aaabbbbbbbbbb_uses upstart.14:02
bipinOk , I was just wondering because My laptop went slow past 3 days14:03
hggdhbipin: what I said applies in general -- this is why I started with "most probably"14:04
hggdhbipin: you can run htop, and order by memory usage14:04
leftyfbaaabbbbbbbbbb_: why mess with upstart at all? It's at the end of it's life14:08
leftyfbaaabbbbbbbbbb_: Ubuntu 14.04 is EOL and not supported here anymore as of 1.5 years ago14:10
aaabbbbbbbbbb_leftyfb, I also have RHEL6 system that also has upstart14:12
aaabbbbbbbbbb_I need to add a script that will provide information about some of the upstart services14:12
nbusroneaaabbbbbbbbbb_ : upstart is startup on daemon ?14:15
aaabbbbbbbbbb_upstart is the startup manager for the Linux system ... if this is not the answer you're looking for, please clarify the question a little more?14:16
aaabbbbbbbbbb_nbusrone, ^14:16
nbusroneaaabbbbbbbbbb_ : I want to know what does this startup function call /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon14:18
nbusroneaaabbbbbbbbbb_ : newbie here14:18
aaabbbbbbbbbb_nbusrone, this is a directory on my system14:19
aaabbbbbbbbbb_I don't know what's your end goal14:19
nbusroneaaabbbbbbbbbb_ : My brightness on Nvidia setting reset for every restart , logout or wake up on the monitor , opening a web browser with youtube also affected.14:21
nbusroneaaabbbbbbbbbb_ : I suspect it had to do with /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon startup program that reset the brightness14:22
nbusroneaaabbbbbbbbbb_ : I plan to inspect is it really the start up program that really affecting the reset of brightness.14:22
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PeanutIs it not possible to netboot the Desktop CD? It works with the server live CD, but the desktop CD loads, then gives me 'unable to find a live file system on the network'.14:24
PeanutAnd I'm stuck in initramfs.14:24
leftyfbPeanut: maybe start here? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDNetboot    # first result on google for "ubuntu netboot live cd"14:26
leftyfbalso https://forums.fogproject.org/topic/12365/booting-ubuntu-18-04-live-cd?_=1595428023687&lang=en-GB   # also from the google results14:27
PeanutThanks leftyfb, I didn't realise I had to nfsroot them, looking for alternatives solutions now. Not sure why my search engine didn't get me those pages.14:29
nbusroneaaabbbbbbbbbb_ : You have no idea what is gnome-settings-daemon ?14:30
leftyfbnbusrone: apt-cache show gnome-settings-daemon14:30
nbusroneleftyfb :$ apt-cache show gsd-power14:32
nbusroneN: Unable to locate package gsd-powe14:32
leftyfbnbusrone: why are you running apt-cache show gsd-power ?14:33
nbusroneleftyfb : I want to know whether it's gsd-power affect the brightness reset.I want to know what log or lib it use.14:34
leftyfbnbusrone: gsd-power is a binary that is part of the gnome-settings-daemon package14:34
nbusroneleftyfb : can I know the log that use gsd-power ?14:34
nbusroneleftyfb : My brightness reset may be due to gsd-power14:36
Peanutleftyfb: fixed it, I don't need an NFS server - I just hadn't replaced the server initrd/vmlinuz with the desktop client initrd/vmlinuz.14:42
nbusroneleftyfb : should I fill both bug report on nvidia driver or gsd-power ?14:45
scwooblesi could use some help setting up mysql14:58
scwoobleswhen I add the package for mysql and then i try to log in with user root with no password specified and it gives me an error of 169815:02
scwooblesnvm i missed the sudo15:04
leftyfbscwoobles: the password auth is disabled by default in the later versions of mysql. You can login locally as root/sudo15:05
nbusroneleftyfb : can explain more on gnome-settings-daemon gsd-power ?15:10
PeanutWud? I'm running 20.04, and my network interface name just changed from enp3s0f0 to enp2s0f0, either because I removed my graphics card, or added a NVME M.2 card. Aren't those device names supposed to be stable?15:14
leftyfbPeanut: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/15:17
Peanutleftyfb: Thanks. So enp2* should be the 'physical location of the hardware connector', which for sure didn't change from slot 3 to slot 2. Puzzling..15:21
Phruishello fellow human15:57
* Phruis tries to act natural15:58
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mindbytetest back16:15
leftyfbVincent_VV: there is an almost infinite number of channels you can join or create to test your irc client. This is a support channel for Ubuntu and isn't an appropriate place to test your client16:21
Vincent_VVsorry for disturbing. noted16:22
flying_sausagesMy time is changing whenever I wireguard into my server in a different timezone, any suggestions where should I bring that up?16:38
flying_sausagesi.e. the timezone is being changed16:38
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auspugsdoes anyone chat in here?17:23
coconutauspugs, barely, which is how it should for this channel... if you want to chat, to #ubuntu-offtopic please.17:24
auspugsno worries thanks for the heads up17:24
jasonsmrhello ubuntu channel17:43
jasonsmrinteresting thing happened installing ubuntu server...17:44
jasonsmrI downloaded what I thought was the amd version for my HP Workstation right?17:44
jasonsmrwell I actualy downloaded the arm64 version understandable mistake I didnt read it well17:45
jasonsmrbut crazy thing is the arm64 version install completed on a amd64 system, shouldent there have been a warning preventing this?17:46
jasonsmrafter instal there was all kinds of write errors ultimatly debunking the system but stil I find myself amazed it installed17:47
abdulhakeemIf I use NetworkManager over networkd, should I disable the networkd services? Does leaving them enabled harm anything?17:50
abdulhakeemServer 20.0417:50
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abdulhakeemIf I use NetworkManager over networkd, should I disable the networkd services? Does leaving them enabled harm anything? Server 20.0418:09
tatertotzabdulhakeem: server edition doesn't have network manager by default, if you're dependent on things from the desktop edition why even use server edition? if you're only going do the best you can to add packages found in desktop edition18:11
abdulhakeemtatertotz: Because I want a server, but I also want a GUI :)18:15
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tatertotzabdulhakeem: .....yeah18:18
abdulhakeemplease show me the rule that says all servers must be headless18:24
cncr04sthere was some recent update to openssl and all of my ssl applications get segmentation falts18:29
compdocrule #237: all servers must be headless18:30
cncr04sit is headless18:31
cncr04sexception at 0xffffffffc9df9e2018:31
rfmabdulhakeem, without getting into this discussion about whether it's a server with a gui or a desktop that runs services, a desktop install has systemd-networkd disabled but other stuff like systemd-resolved running.18:32
abdulhakeemyeah my DNS keeps getting overwritten18:33
abdulhakeemtrying to figure out why18:33
abdulhakeemfigured maybe networkd or one of the other systemd services might be conflicting18:33
abdulhakeemsomething edited my netplan yaml but idk what18:34
abdulhakeemso maybe i need to disable resolved?18:34
rfmabdulhakeem, if something is fiddling with netplan it's probably cloud-init you need to disable18:35
abdulhakeemah okay yeah wasn't sure what cloud-init was18:36
abdulhakeemI'll look into that18:36
jasonsmrhello ubuntu channel19:08
jasonsmrquestion is there any reason why there would be no /etc/network/interfaces file? using LTS server 2019:09
mbeierlHas anyone tried using their Ubuntu machine as a handsfree mic/speaker for their bluetooth phone?19:18
leftyfb!yy.mm | jasonsmr19:29
ubottujasonsmr: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle19:29
leftyfb!netplan | jasonsmr19:29
ubottujasonsmr: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/19:29
jasonsmroh yaml configurations19:30
leftyfbjasonsmr: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MigratingToNetplan19:30
jasonsmri used to be familure with configuring yamal files for suse yast plugins19:31
jasonsmrbeen away for a while19:32
cluelesspersonnow bluetooth won't turn on19:48
jasonsmrokey the LTS ubuntu server version 20.04 is shutting down my pc often I dont know why19:59
jasonsmrand Im getting acpi errors and pci error and noveau error20:00
jasonsmracpi error and apparently it is entering sleep state?20:02
texlaUbuntu 20.4 under the icon files catagory other locations partitions is listed as 70 gb volume instead of the names Folac and or mint can this be changed??20:04
ubottuDebian bug 966084 in reprepro "Implemented building using CMake. Refactored repo structure. Eliminated some global state. Optimized build. Added hardening." [Normal,Open]20:11
trashlyOn 18.04. Firefox has a bug with the bookmarking feature and refuse to shutdown without killing.20:15
trashlyIt only happens with Ubuntu20:16
cluelesspersonI don't blame ubuntu for crappy radio/hardware, but I do blame ubuntu for unresponsive UI when hardware screws up20:25
cluelesspersonRight now bluetooth isn't working at all.20:27
Loshkiabdulhakeem: it's a typo. All *servants* should be headless/20:40
zethiusAny one here?20:47
Ben641176 people20:47
zethiusWow, my /var/log directory was recently deleated by some one20:47
zethiusWhat are my options?20:47
Ben64boot into recovery mode and recreate /var/log i guess?20:53
cluelesspersonzenguy, "some one" ?20:54
jo-erlendI don't know when it started, but recently I've noticed that low-level audio keeps dropping off. Like in movies, for instance, talking is never choppy, but say birds in the background come and go as if they audio is turned on and off. Does anyone know if this is a known bug?21:01
cluelesspersonjo-erlend, many audio interfaces shutoff when they think there's no sound.21:04
cluelesspersonjo-erlend, maybe there's a setting not to do that21:04
jo-erlendThe problem seems to go away if I turn up the audio, but that's still annoying because it means I have to have my amplifier at a lower level, giving me less range than I would like.21:04
jo-erlendcluelessperson, thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into that.21:06
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cluelesspersonOnce a bluetooth device is paired, how is connecting capabilities handled?21:28
Paddy_NIIs there anyway to exaggerate the "locate pointer" animation when you press control?21:29
Sven_vBare there ways to limit the reach of a PPA? maybe giving a whitelist of (patterns of) which package names are acceptable from that PPA and which paths their files may be extracted to?21:29
cluelesspersonPaddy_NI, no, and it's not very well implemented.21:30
Sven_vB(in focal, if relevant)21:30
cluelesspersonSven_vB, yes.21:30
cluelesspersonSven_vB, looking21:30
Paddy_NII would like it to be much more attention grabbing as I am volunteering with a group of disabled people and it would help tremendously21:30
Paddy_NIcluelessperson, It's nice but a little too subtle for my intentions21:30
cluelesspersonSven_vB, "apt pinning" or similar21:30
cluelesspersonPaddy_NI, I believe there's accessibility software that can create full screen crosshairs on the mouse.21:31
sarnoldSven_vB: no, there's no limits on what packages may be installed via a ppa, nor can you confine what those packages can do when they are being installed21:31
cluelesspersonPaddy_NI, you can also greatly increase the size of the mouse pointer.21:31
cluelesspersonPaddy_NI, You can also use a pointer magnifying glass in the corner.21:32
Paddy_NII have been toying with that and also Gromit21:32
Paddy_NICompiz had a great mouse pointer locator21:33
cluelesspersonPaddy_NI, I think you want Ubuntu xScope21:33
Paddy_NIcluelessperson, Thank you, I will have a look :-)21:33
cluelesspersonuh, maybe not21:33
cluelesspersonthat's mainly for screen measuring, not accessibility21:33
Sven_vBsarnold, thanks!21:37
cluelesspersonsarnold, I thought you could with apt pinning21:38
sarnoldcluelessperson: I think pin is better understood as saying "I want only this handful of packages from this repo, and most everything else to come from that repo"21:42
Sven_vBis there a way to plug something into apt that will modify the list of package offers from a repo, after the original version has been downloaded and its integrity verified? then I could remove unwanted package offers at that stage. maybe with a custom apt transport?21:42
cluelesspersonsarnold, yeah21:42
cluelesspersonsarnold, I thought that's what they're asking.21:43
cluelesspersondoesn't that do what's requested?21:43
sarnoldcluelessperson: oh, perhaps I misread Sven_vB21:43
cluelesspersonsarnold, my understanding is they're attempting to limit what packages might be installed from a repo21:44
Sven_vBcluelessperson, sarnold, ignoring unwanted packages would at least deter some low-motivation attacks, like uploading a kernel into the vlc PPA :)21:46
scwoobleshello people of the net, where do i find the setting to change the hostname of my pc21:47
Sven_vBcluelessperson, sarnold, of course it would still leave the problem that an evil package with legit name could still replace arbitrary files.21:47
tarzeauscwoobles: i use hostname, the command to set it and maybe also /etc/hostname /etc/hosts21:47
sarnoldscwoobles: check out hostnamectl, systemd has its own ideas too21:48
Sven_vBscwoobles, the "hostname" command can set it temporarily, and the /etc/hostname says what name to use on next reboot.21:48
sarnoldSven_vB: the preinst, postinst, prerm, postrm, scripts in packages can do whatever they want as root21:48
sarnoldSven_vB: adding a malicious repo is giving someone else full root privileges on your computer21:48
Sven_vBsarnold, thanks for reminding me. yes those scripts are a problem, too.21:49
tarzeauSven_vB: you can set it instantly, without reboot, if you have telinit q21:49
Sven_vBI guess I'll have to use another package manager in addition to apt then.21:50
sarnoldSven_vB: indeed; this is how we got to snaps. our click packages had a bunch of rules to try to let us reuse debs to do things safely but they brought a huge number of problems with them... so we started over to get declarative and sandboxed and so on from the start. snaps aren't perfect by any means, but that's how we got there.21:52
abdulhakeemI have ubuntu server 20.04 just functioning as a home server, is there any reason to keep cloud-init? I'm pretty sure I don't need it but I don't want to break something by removing it21:54
abdulhakeemit's not a cloud server/cloud instance so I'm pretty sure I don't need cloud-init21:54
sarnoldyeah I think it should only have run once and then never again anyway; you should be good to purge it21:55
abdulhakeemok ty21:55
abdulhakeemand then if I've switch to NetworkManager from networkd, should I just go ahead and disable all network-related systemd services? like resolved, networkd, etc.?22:00
sarnoldturning off resolved is apparently pretty difficult22:01
sarnoldso long as you configure systemd-networkd to not do network things first it should do nothing gracefully22:01
juniorrubyist(just testing, sorry)22:22
ryaengWhere can I go to edit package descriptions?22:24
Bashing-omryaeng: In what context ?22:27
PeanutHi - I've booted from the 20.04 live CD, and have created /dev/md0 (to mirror my root fs) and copied the data over. Now I want to install grub, and update the initramfs on the new copy of the root, to make it bootable. Any suggestions? update-initramfs doesn't actually exist on the livecd (it just says: disabled since running on read-only media).22:29
ryaeng@Bashing-om I'm looking at the following bug.22:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1085355 in Package Descriptions for Ubuntu "Typo in lxsession-edit package description" [Low,Triaged]22:30
ryaengTypo in the description.22:30
ryaengUpsteam it was noted that this was fixed in the latest version of lxsession but it's not a problem with lxsession. It's a problem with lxsession-edit.22:31
ryaengThis is the description that was pulled from Debian's FTP archives.22:32
ryaengDescription: configure what application start up automaticlly in LXDE22:32
Bashing-omryaeng: A quick look - appears has been bumped to upstream - do not know what else we can do but wait and see.22:36
OneM_IndustriesSo, I have a weird issue.22:37
OneM_IndustriesI have one window that will not fully maximize.22:37
OneM_IndustriesIt "locks" to the taskbar, but won't actually maximize. It's like it's stuck in windowed mode instead of fullscreen.22:38
ryaeng@Bashing-om I suppose I could attempt to patch upstream.22:42
ryaeng@Bashing-om New to bugs in Ubuntu. Can you educate me? If a package is maintained upstream, there's nothing more we can do than report the bug upstream? Is that correct?22:44
jo-erlendSven_vB, Debian packages are installed by running scripts as root. You can use apt pinning to make sure PPAs lose any competition with distro archives, but it does nothing for malicious packages. It's one of the reasons for Snapd.23:08
Sven_vBjo-erlend, thanks for summarizing it again!23:08
Bashing-omryaeng: Not "that" familiar with the bug reporting process myself.23:10
Bashing-om!bug | ryaeng23:10
ubotturyaeng: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.23:10
jo-erlendSven_vB, I was scrolling my backlog. Didn't see that it was elaborated later. :)23:11
lewie67[p]anyone here a preseed expert? i'm having a partitioning/early_command issue i can't seem to figure out23:16
Sven_vBjo-erlend, yeah, I thought so. my reply was badly worded, I think "??? for the compact confirmation" would have been more what I meant.23:21
shivayahi folks, I am trying to set up new autoinstall for Focus with iPXE and I can't find any reference on how to set up pxe boot file for UEFI. is there any reference somewhere?23:23
snackoverflowanyone hiring python/django devs?23:56

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