
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Just tagged a release, feel free to post to linux audio announce. :)03:22
EickmeyerAlso, uploaded to Groovy and backports, will be hitting Fedora with it tomorrow.03:28
OvenWerksEickmeyer: what version of debhelper is the going thing? (=13) fails?04:47
OvenWerksfrom buildlog for controls.04:48
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Ignore that, the version in backports is correct, I should probably disable the autobuilds for controls. 13 is in Groovy.17:47
EickmeyerOvenWerks: In order to backport Studio Controls, I had to dummy package ubuntustudio-controls and backport the new version of ubuntustudio-installer for the dependencies. Also, with lsp-plugins, in switching to the Debian version, it appears as though some stuff kinda broke.17:51
EickmeyerPeople are going to need to do "sudo apt full-upgrade" or "sudo apt dist-upgrade".17:51
studiobot<teward001> how far are you planning on backporting or are you only backporting to Focal?18:06
studiobot<teward001> because dh 12 is the latest in -backports for Bionic ;)18:06
Eickmeyer@teward001: Just to Focal. We're not backporting to Bionic any further. I manually changed it in d/control for the package in the backports PPA.18:07
studiobot<teward001> cool just making sure ;)18:08
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I have 3 bugs to take care of, probably tomorrow morning21:34
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Sounds good.21:35
OvenWerks(one should really create bridges _before_ trying to connect to them)21:43

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