
stej[m]just installed updates on kubuntu and everything broke basically. what's going on? studio controls got removed, got a lsp-plugins jack is held and lv2 and vst plugins are broken07:29
stej[m]studio installer doesn't seem to notice anything wrong. how do I fix this?07:29
OvenWerksstej[m]: "everything broke" is not very discriptive13:49
OvenWerksdid studio controls get removed or just relocated in the menu?13:49
OvenWerks"lv2 and vst plugins are broken" broken how?13:50
OvenWerksAnd what kind of update? within the same release or update to a new release?13:51
stej[m]OvenWerks: turns out it was the backports ppa. they're doing some major restructuring it seems and it broke my installation. yes, they actually removed the ubuntu studio controls package and application and replaced it with a newer version that seems better but doesn't actually work in my system at least.17:59
OvenWerksThat I am interested in17:59
stej[m]managed to restore functionality by disabling the ppa and rolling back to the main repo packages. still a lot of stuff are messed up though.17:59
OvenWerkson my current install studio-controls ends up in "Settings"18:00
OvenWerksHow did controls not work for you?18:00
stej[m]if i understood it correctly, the new jack package couldn't get dependencies resolved so it got held and thus the new controls couldn't actually start the jack server18:02
stej[m]normal jackctl would still work though18:02
OvenWerksthat does not make sense18:03
OvenWerkscontrols does not use anything that is "new" so far as jack is concerned18:03
stej[m]indeed it does not. i'm just telling you what i experienced. i had the package lsp-plugins jack held due to dependencies problem and the other 2 packages i mentioned eariler were broken and couldn't be resolved.18:04
OvenWerksHowever, if you have reverted it is unlikely we will find out.18:04
OvenWerksthat I am aware of, I think Eickmeyer[m] is working on that18:05
stej[m]i could launch jack server through qjackctl just fine. but the new "studio controls"  application couldn't start a server18:05
Eickmeyerstej[m]: Are you Dave?18:05
stej[m]nope, not dave. anyway, and now that i've reverted, my plugins are a bit messed up and i've lost autojack functionality18:06
Eickmeyerstej[m]: Did you try "sudo apt full-upgrade"?18:06
stej[m]no, i did not. the update notification came through discover and i just clicked update all without paying attention18:07
stej[m]the package installation broke right there, through discover. so i consider it a major problem.18:07
Eickmeyerstej[m]: No, it's failure to follow instructions. I'm posting a blog post about it right now. Be patient.18:08
stej[m]well, i didn't really receive any instructions to follow. i'll happily try updating again, following the instructions because i really liked the hypothetical new functionality that i didn't get to experience.18:09
Eickmeyerstej[m]: I'll be uploading a fix shortly. Have some patience.18:09
OvenWerksStudio-controls has probably only been tested in one machine. So any bugs would be of great interest.18:10
stej[m]alright, for now i have the backports ppa disabled, and i'll be trying it again after the fix and blog post i suppose. can give you some feedback on the new app if you wish, sure18:11
stej[m]assuming it actually works next time18:11
stej[m]any idea as to why jack won't auto start on login any more after the downgrade btw?18:13
OvenWerksubuntustudio-controls is still there? (or there again)18:13
stej[m]yep, reinstalled the main package. works fine when i launch manually18:14
OvenWerksThe one possibility is that the config file needs to be removed18:14
stej[m]removed my autojackrc script, but that didn't fix. not sure where the ubuntustudio controls config is18:14
OvenWerksThat was it18:15
stej[m]well, that didn't fix it i'm afraid.18:15
Eickmeyerstej[m]: Did you use ppa-purge to remove the backports PPA?18:15
stej[m]no. reckon i should?18:16
EickmeyerAbsolutely. That's the only way to guarantee you'll be downgraded from whatever is in there.18:16
stej[m]alright. will give it a try18:16
Eickmeyer"sudo apt install ppa-purge" "sudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntustudio-ppa/backports"18:16
stej[m]need to re-enable it for the purge to work i suppose? getting "Warning:  Could not find package list for PPA: ubuntustudio-ppa backports"18:18
EickmeyerYeah, just reenable it but don't do the upgrade.18:18
stej[m]worked up to a point18:20
* stej[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/lDitNFUbUgYQIIsRMYTwXVvZ >18:20
stej[m]these are the main problematic packages that were giving me trouble on the upgrade too if i recall18:20
stej[m]this line in particular:  trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/lsp-plugins/lsp-plugins-r3d-glx.so', which is also in package lsp-plugins-common 1.1.19-0ubuntu1~20.04.118:21
stej[m]was the reason initial upgrade though discover couldn't complete18:21
Eickmeyerstej[m]: Ok, there's actually a simple fix: keep the backport PPA, remove anything lsp-plugins, and re-add it.18:22
stej[m]ok, let's get this straight. so re-enable backports. then remove all lsp-plugins packages and then do the upgrade?18:23
stej[m]let's see18:23
EickmeyerIn the meantime, the lsp-plugins packaging fix is on the way.18:28
stej[m]ok, the problem clearly was between lsp-plugins-common and -jack. purged both of them plus -ladspa now18:28
stej[m]best way to fully upgrade now would be..?18:28
EickmeyerRemove lsp-plugins-common, then you should be able to upgrade it.18:29
EickmeyerThe packaging fix I uploaded should fix that issue completely.18:29
EickmeyerIt will remove lsp-plugins-common. Thing is, the Debian team did the packaging slightly different than I had in the past.18:29
EickmeyerThat caused the unforseen error.18:30
stej[m]alright, quick fix at least. i meant is there some meta package to install that will take care of the entire upgrade dependencies, or just reinstall now the ones i removed previously manually?18:30
Eickmeyerstej[m]: Unfortunately, no. You'll just want to reinstall the lsp-plugins package.18:32
EickmeyerWhich is essentially the metapackage for the entire lsp-plugins suite.18:33
EickmeyerI can ping you in here when it's done building/publishing.18:33
stej[m]not doing it now then? waiting for the new package. ok18:34
Eickmeyerstej[m]: Well, you *can* do it now if you want, but you'll get another upgrade notification soon. Now that the -common package is removed, that should kill the conflict.18:36
h00kSo, I read an article about a newer sound system (that would replace jack?) -- does that ring a bell for anyone?18:42
Eickmeyerh00k: You might be referring to Pipewire. Do you have a support question?18:44
h00kPipewire. That was it. That was my question for now, thanks!18:45
h00kI suppose my next question, maybe not suited for here, would be to see if/what -studio will.... oh nevermind, KDE is coming, isn't it?18:46
Eickmeyerh00k: Yes, in 20.10. Direct upgrades will not be supported, you'll have to do a clean install.18:46
h00kUnderstandable. Neat.18:47
stej[m]Eickmeyer: something remains broken i'm afraid. all the packages installed seemingly, but the new studio controls still can't start jack server.18:48
stej[m]any ideas?18:48
EickmeyerOvenWerks: ^18:48
stej[m]i did delete autojackrc and reboot to be sure18:49
h00kstej[m]: I had something similar, ps to see if jackd is running,18:49
h00knever mind, you probably took care of it if it was ^18:49
EickmeyerDefinitely a question for OvenWerks.18:50
h00kstej[m]: does jackd show up as running?18:50
stej[m]nope. got only an autojack zombie process18:51
h00kI'm officially out of ideas18:52
stej[m]i don't get it. qjackctl still works just fine. i get the server up there no problem18:54
stej[m]it's only studio controls that can't start it18:54
Eickmeyerstej[m]: There might be some other stuff that needs to be fixed, be patient and wait for OvenWerks. He's the Studio Controls developer.18:56
EickmeyerThis is a 2.0 release, there might be some bugfix releases necessary (2.0.1, etc.)18:57
stej[m]yea, dont let me waste your time. i'll discuss it with OvenWerks when he's back18:57
stej[m]OvenWerks: the problem seems to be in the commands the new studio controls send. as I said, i can start and stop jack from qjackctl. and when i start it, studio controls show it as running. but can't stop it either.18:58
stej[m]so both start and stop functionality seems broken in studio controls18:58
OvenWerksh00k: jackd has nothing to do with it19:12
OvenWerksstej[m]: killall -9 autojack19:13
OvenWerksthen before anything else...19:13
OvenWerksfrom Studio-controls in the system settings tab change debug level to extra19:14
stej[m]autojack: no process found19:14
stej[m]so that wasnt the problem19:14
OvenWerksthat was just to be sure19:14
OvenWerksthen start jack19:15
OvenWerksThis should restart autojack19:15
stej[m]alright, logging set to extra. tried starting jack, no go. where's these logs at?19:15
OvenWerkscat ~/.log/autojack.log |pastebinit19:16
OvenWerksOk... that is not helpful...19:19
OvenWerksdoes autojack show with ps at all?19:19
OvenWerksmaybe start autojack from the commandline19:19
stej[m]not familiar with the ps command. in running processes i just see an autojack zombie process if that helps19:20
stej[m]sorry, i'm kinda new to linux. you'll have to eli5 some stuff19:20
OvenWerksthats ok. open a terminal and just type autojack. I want to know if there is any text that makes sense there19:23
OvenWerksIt looks like there is something funny with it finding out what audio devices are available... which is odd because studio-controls uses pretty much the same code.19:24
OvenWerksand that works for you19:24
* stej[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/yeDknJebxArwYrLjdGnkmgnL >19:24
OvenWerksstej[m]: do you have a phones device set up in studio-controls?19:26
stej[m]can't say i understand how the new phones system works. there is a pch,0,0 by default and i just selected no action19:26
stej[m]should i assign a device?19:26
OvenWerksIt looks like.19:27
OvenWerksperhaps PCH doesn't exist on your system19:27
stej[m]aaaand that was it19:27
OvenWerksEickmeyer: looks like it is good we have not done a release announcement yet.19:28
stej[m]assigned an existing device, still as no action and now it runs fine19:28
OvenWerksYa, my mistake.19:28
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Cool. I'm working on a post for the main site.19:28
stej[m]alright, thanks a lot for the live support guys. i'll check the new cool stuff now and report back if anything else doesn't work19:29
OvenWerksstej[m]: I was trying to get around an HDMI device ending up as default which causes other problems19:29
stej[m]blacklisted devices are supposed to be passed through to pulse or it's just there to stop usb devices from being autobridged?19:30
OvenWerksblacklisting means that device should not show up anywhere in controls.19:31
OvenWerks so can't be used as jackmaster or added as extra devices. But the main reason for adding that was USB devices like webcams19:32
stej[m]got it. hdmi devices can be bridged in now or that functionality still not ready?19:32
OvenWerkshdmi can be bridged (or should work I don't have one :)19:32
OvenWerksbut hdmi will have longer latency than the jack setting19:33
OvenWerks(it is forced to hdmi standard of 4096)19:33
stej[m]i'll be testing that one now. ok, thanks again. dont let me keep you anymore.19:33
stej[m]really appreciate all the support19:34
OvenWerksit's a two way street, thank you for testing19:34
Eickmeyerstej[m]: Fix for lsp-plugins package has been published, feel free to re-add that.19:37
stej[m]Eickmeyer: great19:38
OvenWerksEickmeyer: confirmed... lsp installs.19:45
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Perfect.19:45
stej[m]OvenWerks: hdmi devices still don't get bridged in at reasonable buffer size at least. other than that everything seems to be working fine and my idle dsp usage seems to be down a couple % which is always good19:58
stej[m]Eickmeyer: new plugins package installed. seems to be working fine. carla logs still give the same errors they always did which prevent some gui functions from working in certain plugins though.19:58
stej[m]Error opening file /usr/lib/lv2/gx_colwah.lv2/manifest.ttl (No such file or directory)19:59
stej[m]Error opening file /usr/lib/lv2/gx_wah.lv2/gx_colwah.ttl (No such file or directory)19:59
stej[m]lilv_plugin_get_name(): warning: Plugin <http://guitarix.sourceforge.net/plugins/gx_colwah_#_colwah_> has no (mandatory) doap:name19:59
OvenWerksstej[m]: do they get bridged at all?19:59
OvenWerks(hdmi devices)20:00
stej[m]i see them in the controls application, i bridge them, they ignore me. that's how it's always been20:00
OvenWerksdo you have the device name of one of your hmdi devices?20:01
OvenWerksis there an HDMI,0,0?20:01
OvenWerksOh, is there a monitor plugged into it... does the monitor have audio out?20:01
stej[m]got 3,0 7,0 8,0 and 9,020:01
stej[m]none of them working20:02
stej[m]all these devices are pluggin in monitors. they never appear in carla as available outs though20:02
OvenWerksDo they have audio circuitry of any sort?20:02
stej[m]i suppose. i mean, they're working just fine when jack isn't running20:03
OvenWerksas in sound coming from them then.20:03
stej[m]how can sound come out of them when i cant route it to them?20:03
OvenWerksI mean when jack is turned off20:03
stej[m]yea, i'm using them with pulse20:04
stej[m]and it's one of my big gripes. got to kill jack whenever i want audio out to a tv20:04
stej[m]they still work through alsa btw even when jack is running of course. can aplay to them, use them in vlc etc.20:05
stej[m]they just dont get bridged to pulse20:05
OvenWerksdoes: zita-j2a -d hw:HDMI,3,0 -r 48000 -p 4096 -n 220:06
OvenWerksgive you a bridge?20:06
OvenWerks(or an error would be a start)20:07
OvenWerksoh, with jack running of course20:07
Eickmeyerstej[m]: A better place to ask for help with lv2-plugins would be #lau (Linux Audio Users). We don't develop those here.20:08
OvenWerksIf the one you use for TV is not 3,0, choose that one instead20:08
Eickmeyerstej[m]: It looks like your issues have more to do with the guitarix plugins though, so again, that's not something we can really help with here.20:08
stej[m]OvenWerks: ok, got a bridge with that command. and it kind of works20:09
stej[m]extremely low quality sound coming out of it20:09
OvenWerkswhat doesn't work20:09
stej[m]it sounds like it's 8bit or something and very low sound level20:09
OvenWerksok, ctr-c in that terminal (to stop it20:11
OvenWerksand lets try each of the others20:11
stej[m]yea ok, i'm an idiot. sorry for that. i connected the input to it, was picking up the sound from mic20:12
stej[m]sounds just fine20:12
stej[m]so only prob is that it doesnt create the bridge through studio controls20:12
OvenWerkswhich should be using pretty much the same commend20:12
OvenWerksassuming logging is still at extra, maybe do: cat ~/.log/autojack.log |pastebinit20:13
stej[m]on it20:14
stej[m]yea, i do 192/512/3. been working great in previous version20:22
OvenWerksbut why?20:22
OvenWerksare you speaking to bats?20:23
OvenWerksdoing radio conversion?20:23
stej[m]gotta do 128 samples for decent latency at 48k20:24
stej[m]doing 192/512 is a workaround for that, which works with all the interfaces i got connected20:24
stej[m]48/128 gives me a ton of xruns20:24
OvenWerksstej[m]: ok.20:24
OvenWerksit does not look like it is even trying to start the hdmi bridge20:25
stej[m]got a new bug btw, i'm losing the output to one of my interfaces when i patch in hdmi apparently. or could be unrelated to the patching20:25
stej[m]never had any such issues in previous version20:26
stej[m]the bridge just gets removed20:26
stej[m]yep, the error persists. kept trying it. i've lost the UR22 interface. this is the relevant log part. should be in previous pastebin too20:32
* stej[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/lGxbMGcFeqYZNVjlsJXMzsKI >20:32
OvenWerksso out of the four devices, which one is the conputer one?20:32
stej[m]Generic is an onboard realtek and there's 2 usb interfaces. ur22 and g6. plus the hdmi that i disabled again20:33
stej[m]master is the realtek atm. usb devices bridged in20:33
OvenWerksFor the moment HDMI will probably not work. It doesn't work because the sub devices are spead out instead of serial.20:34
stej[m]can live with that. got used to it anyway. but what about losing the ur22? that never happened before20:35
OvenWerksSo if you choose HDMI,3 it will try looking at the info for HDMI,920:35
OvenWerksI'm still looking :)20:36
stej[m]blacklisting the rest of the hdmi outputs could help then?20:36
OvenWerksI don't think so20:36
stej[m]alright, giving up on hdmi. let's fix the usb error20:37
OvenWerks The problem is the first one HDMI,3 is becoming HDMI,020:37
OvenWerksbecause it is the first one.20:37
stej[m]i get it, it's all jumbled up. add it to the list for a future revision20:38
OvenWerkswith the UR22 does the bridge vanish or it just doesn't connect right?20:43
stej[m]it's vanished completely now. initially it was shown in studio controls as having only 1 channel and then when i restart the server it's completely gone.20:44
stej[m]if that helps20:45
OvenWerksand could you change your phones device to Generic,0,0 as a start. Then apply then restart jack20:45
stej[m]did and now i lost a channel in the g6 interface too20:47
OvenWerksThen, cat ~/.log/autojack.log |pastebinit again20:47
stej[m]yep, now g6 is gone as well completely20:49
OvenWerksSo g6 and ur22 are both USB?20:51
OvenWerksdo they show up in: ls /proc/asound?20:51
OvenWerksBack in a bit, my son needs me for a sec20:52
stej[m]of course20:52
OvenWerksstej[m]: That is going to have to be it for this afternoon. My wife is home and we have a BBQ at friends next. I at least have two of the problems figured out and can work on them.21:18
OvenWerksOh... I think I just figured out the last problem.21:19
OvenWerksstej[m]: The last problem will probably get fixed first.21:20
stej[m]thanks mate, i'll look you up tomorrow, see if we can sort it out then. can work on the windows machine in the meantime, no big deal.21:22
stej[m]enjoy your evening21:22
OvenWerksyou may wish to turn you logging level back down to info or warning.21:34

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