
=== ddevault is now known as Guest80933
=== ddevault_ is now known as ddevault
loxiehi all im using lubuntu for the first time and having trouble live booting (can only see install  and rescue (shell)apon booting from usb)02:41
loxiecan anyone post link or let me know if lubuntu can still be live booted (32bit version)02:42
loxie(most recent 32bit lubuntu release available)02:43
loxiemy version has no try lubuntu live at the welcome install screen fyi02:45
loxieim out laters02:46
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> Hi guys08:14
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> what do I do with this?08:14
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> (Photo, 982x457) https://i.imgur.com/2JdhdNz.jpg08:15
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @Michaël Van Bogaert [<reply to image>], If I reboot I'm gonna be stuck with this screen08:15
tomreyn@Michaël Van Bogaert: I don't speak this language, but the error message seems to suggest that installing the nvidia-dkms-440-server package failed for some reason. you may be able to get a better explanation by running this in a terminal: export LANG=C; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install09:51
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:51
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @tomreyn [<tomreyn> @Michaël Van Bogaert: I don't speak this language, but the error messa …], thank you … but none of these work … export LANG=C doesn't do a thing  … sudo apt-get update: everything is up-to-date … sudo apt-get -f install: no missing dependencies13:05
tomreyn@Michaël Van Bogaert The LANG=C is just to get english language messages, not your native language as seen on the screenshot. if the two apt-get commands report no errors, then there doesn't seem to be a problem currently. the equivalent to what you did that triggered an error initially can also be done using the ubuntu-drivers command on the terminal. run "ubuntu-drivers --help" to see how you can run it. doing this on the terminal would15:11
tomreyn provide us with better error messages.15:11
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> ok :) … I'm gonna learn it how15:31
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> so I have a GeForce GTX 1660 Ti15:47
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> `sudo apt install nvidia-driver-440`15:48
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 5.4.0-42-generic (x86_64) … Consult /var/lib/dkms/nvidia/440.100/build/make.log for more information.15:48
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:49
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> then I had some dependencies errors … and installed them like this `sudo apt install -f`15:49
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> and this came out … E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:50
tomreynMichaël Van Bogaert: can you post this? /var/lib/dkms/nvidia/440.100/build/make.log15:50
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @tomreyn [<tomreyn> Michaël Van Bogaert: can you post this? /var/lib/dkms/nvidia/440.100/b …], Thank you for helping me … I have to feed my family first … I promised them Chinese today :)15:51
tomreyncat /var/lib/dkms/nvidia/440.100/build/make.log | nc termbin.com 999915:51
tomreynokay, i'll need to leave shortly, too15:51
tomreynyou can also try getting help with this on irc directly, in channel #ubuntu15:52
tomreynhttps://webchat.freenode.net if you don't want to install an irc client15:53
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @tomreyn [<tomreyn> cat /var/lib/dkms/nvidia/440.100/build/make.log | nc termbin.com 9999], https://termbin.com/3icq16:10
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @tomreyn [<tomreyn> you can also try getting help with this on irc directly, in channel #u …], do you prefer this? … I will do this if I have to … Currently I have no irc clients installed … nor ever used … I also have to learn this … I you prefer me doing that, I do that16:12
tomreynit's just that you'd get a wider audience there.16:13
tomreyni don'T know why it is not already installed on your system, but you may need to   sudo apt install build-essential16:13
tomreynthen repeat what you did that caused the original error16:14
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @tomreyn [<tomreyn> i don'T know why it is not already installed on your system, but you m …], On my system I come across the weirdest things … programs that I use daily simply don't boot anymore … I have to reinstall them  … everyday it's just something16:16
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @tomreyn [<tomreyn> i don'T know why it is not already installed on your system, but you m …], My downloaded iso is checked for errors in it … md5sum using grep  … so my iso is definitely correct16:17
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> `sudo apt install build-essential` … it's doing just that now … thanks … 2 packages were missing16:18
tomreynmaybe your hard disk is falling apart16:18
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @tomreyn [<tomreyn> maybe your hard disk is falling apart], I already red the SMART logs from my nvme ssd … no errors there16:19
tomreynhmm, i see16:19
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> Now I've got this result16:21
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> https://termbin.com/85tb16:21
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> I have to go now16:21
tomreynidentical result16:21
tomreynsee you16:22
tomreyn@Michaël Van Bogaert: If you would like to look into this more, i think you should post    dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999   next - so we can look at your kernel log and see whether there are basic problems (which could explain files vanishing and the like)20:16
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @tomreyn [<tomreyn> @Michaël Van Bogaert: If you would like to look into this more, i thin …], Oh believe me … I want to figure it all out … If needed I learn new skills just to figure out what's happening20:26
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> so … do I do a proprietary nvidia driver installation in the terminal and then `dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999`20:27
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> Or should I do it while my system tries to install a proprietary nvidia driver?20:28
SpeakerToMeatOk, lets see if mkusb makes something mac likes20:48
SpeakerToMeatWent with 20.04 in the end20:48
tomreyn@Michaël Van Bogaert: after you tried to install it20:58
tomreynbut it doesn't matter so much, i'm just wondering whether there are fundamental (not "basic" as i wrote above) problems with your system.20:59
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @tomreyn [<tomreyn> but it doesn't matter so much, i'm just wondering whether there are fu …], here it is :) … https://termbin.com/0yjv21:10
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> i ddid the dmesg right after trying to install nvidia drivers21:11
tomreyn@Michaël Van Bogaert: hmm, interesting, you have the C (cc1) compiler segfaulting there,21:35
tomreyn@Michaël Van Bogaert: do a full system update: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -V21:38
tomreynand tell me whether something got updated, and what21:38
tomreyn@Michaël Van Bogaert: also tell us whether this was a fresh 20.04 installation, or an upgrade. And if it was an upgrade, whether the upgrade was going well and without errors.21:43
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @tomreyn [<tomreyn> @Michaël Van Bogaert: also tell us whether this was a fresh 20.04 inst …], fresh install … about 24h old21:44
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @tomreyn [<tomreyn> @Michaël Van Bogaert: do a full system update: sudo apt update && sudo …], `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -V` … showed that 2 things where missing … it all had to do with the nvidia drivers21:45
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> 2 niet volledig geïnstalleerd of verwijderd … (did my best to translate) … 2 not completely installed or removed21:46
tomreynah, that's the expected error only21:47
tomreyni guess you could reinstall gcc21:48
tomreynso all of these packages:   apt list --installed '*gcc*'21:49
tomreynsudo apt reinstall     those packages21:52
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> @tomreyn [<tomreyn> so all of these packages:   apt list --installed '*gcc*'], https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bvd7zF9Vtm/21:53
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> vereistenprobleem means dependencies errors21:53
lubot<Michaël Van Bogaert> thank you so much for your help … but I have to go to bed now … good night everyone21:57
tomreyngood night!22:01

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