
=== grumble is now known as rawr
RikMillsdragonlord: a separate upload for each series is required (focal, groovy etc) in the changelog header15:41
dragonlordcan i do this with the same debianized branch?15:43
RikMillsalso versioning ppa builds with a ppa suffix is usually good policy. e.g. adding for say groovy, ~ubuntu20.10~ppa1 to the end of the version string15:43
dragonlordokay. so i've got right now this string at the top of my changelog15:44
dragonlorddragengine (1.2.1-ubuntu2) focal; urgency=medium15:44
dragonlordso i would have to change this to this?15:44
dragonlorddragengine (1.2.1-ubuntu20.10-ppa1) focal; urgency=medium15:45
RikMills(1.2.1-ubuntu2 is a version that should only go in the official archive uploads15:45
RikMills1.2.1-ubuntu2~ubuntu20.10-ppa1 would be how I would do it15:46
dragonlordi assume i can change this only for the next release to not upset launchpad right?15:47
RikMillsthe tilde ~ makes that sort before the 1.2.1-ubuntu2, so you don't clash and supercede official ubuntu archive stuff15:47
RikMillsdragonlord: yeah, you have used the higher 1.2.1 version in the ppa now, so will have to change it when you get a 1.2.2 or higher15:48
dragonlordokay. so now about eoan or bionic. can I add these release strings to the same changelog and launchpad works with it or do i need a separate branch with separate debian directory for this work?15:49
RikMillsdragonlord: I don't know how you are doing your VCS, but launchpad will only accept direct uploads with the changelog for a release specified. how you handle your packaging VCS to achieve that result is up to you15:51
dragonlordi'm using git with a debianized branch right now15:52
RikMillsgit-buildpackage might do what you want. I am afraid that the version I use of that is highly customised for Kubuntu releases, so I can't comment on it's normal use15:55
dragonlordi'm using git-buildpackage because the bzr version mentioned on the ubuntu pages is not working (python errors thrown when run)15:56
RikMillsor sometimes you can do something as simple as sed the release name and version with a script, then git reset when you have the source built15:56
dragonlordi think i can roll with multiple branches for each distro version. if only the debian directory content changes this does not consume much repo space15:57
dragonlordone more question. my final goal is to get the packages into the main ubuntu repository in the future. starting out in a PPA is not a problem for this, or?15:58
RikMillsPPA builds (with a few exceptions for some security release builds etc) use the exact same builders as packages built for the main archive do. so moslty you are simulating what would happen if you got your package uploaded to ubuntu for real16:00
dragonlordokay. that sounds good. how can I best get feedback on what I need to improve on the package to get it included in ubuntu?16:01
RikMillsunless you can demonstrate an urgent demand for it to be un ubuntu, debian is sadly the preferred way16:06
RikMillsand painfully slow way16:06
dragonlordi've been there already but since the package is using FOX-1.7 and they somehow do not want to move from FOX-1.6 to FOX-1.7 I did not venture further there16:08
dragonlordhaving the FOX-1.7 build in-tree did not even help. not sure what exactly is the problem.16:09
RikMillsIt is always difficult. I have trouble getting new things in that are ESSENTIAL for Kubuntu each release. non essential things in universe are very difficult to get in16:10

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