
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
XubuntuLinuxSupeHello is there anyone online to help answer my questions?13:46
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
gnoobHello everyone, I am looking to set up xubuntu on my windows box.  Usually I would install Virtualbox but was wondering if there is an alternate recommended way?  I tried WSL and it did not meet my needs.19:52
diogenes_gnoob, dual boot?19:54
gnoobyeah, that's one option...19:54
gnoobI should think about aswap and run xubuntu and windows in a VM.19:55
diogenes_gnoob, another way is a persistent USB drive.19:57
gnoobTrue that's a reasonable suggestion, i have not tried on of those in a while.  I know before they used to seem a bit unstable, at least for me.  Always a noob..   not sure I want to be in teh dual boot game anymore.  swapping from one OS to another completely.19:59
diogenes_!hi | xubuntu84i20:00
ubottuxubuntu84i: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!20:00
xubuntu84ididn't know xubuntu is this popular20:02
xubuntu84i( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉)20:04
gnoobyup, some people even make it their user name.20:04
xubuntu84ijust installing it20:06
xubuntu84igoodbye finished installing, restarting now.20:08
gnoobhe never came back... hopefully he is OK... :)21:19
gnoobhey, i am trying to get xubuntu installed on VirtualBox machine from an .ISO.  This is the second time it's say it has failed.  "This is often due to a faulty CD/DVD disk or drive."21:43
gnoobany suggestions?21:43
krytarikCheck the ISO hash?21:44
gnoobkrytarik, i will look at that now.21:47
gnoobkrytarik: do you know how to check the hash on window 10?21:50
gnoobOK, I got it21:51
gnoobkrytarik: I pulled the file called MD5SUMS from the mirror and opened it in notepade.  This number matches the one I generated from the command    certutil -hashfile D:\Downloads\xubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso MD521:53
gnoobMD5 hash of D:\Downloads\xubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso:21:53
gnoobCertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.21:53
krytarikWell, ok then..21:54
krytarikAnd I'm not sure what else to suggest. >_<21:55
gnoobkrytarik: thanks21:58
krytarikSince you seem to be already both registered and on #ubuntu, I would suggest asking there too though.22:00
gnoobHmm, it might have something to do with having tried to install WSL.  However, i uninstalled that22:00
gnoobnot sure If I rebooted since the uninstall.  Maybe.22:01
gnoobI think I am going to reboot real fast.  I need to get something like ZNC set up one day.22:03
gnoobOK, round 3, lets see.  :)22:07
gnoobThis time I noticed it said that there was an error with three files, when the machine was booting.  i am going to delete the ISO and redownload.  Even though the hash matched.22:10
tomreynhow much ram did you allocate to the VM=22:11
gnoobThat was the default22:12
gnoobdownloading 1.5GB in just about 2 minutes.  So much nicer than the old days...22:17
tomreyngnoob: 1 GB is insufficient, see the minimum requirements22:23
tomreynhmm actually https://xubuntu.org/requirements/ says 512 MB, but i assume this may be no longer correct.22:24
tomreyni'd go for 1 GB, 1.5 at least22:24
tomreyntypo: i'd go for 2 GB, 1.5 at least22:24
gnoobtomreyn: 1GB was the minimum that Virtualbox assigned. Sorry..22:25
tomreyngnoob: yes i think that's probably not enough22:25
tomreynand the errors you're seeing would be a result of it22:25
gnoobIt seems to be working.  I think the new image from a different mirror helped.  I can always bump up the RAM later.22:25
gnoobafter it reboots I will look into increasing.22:26
gnoobOK, I am in.  Thanks for the assistance tomreyn.22:28
tomreynnice, so i was wrong22:29
gnoob:), I am not saying that.  It's still at 1GB however, I will see how it run.   CHecking the hash was a good idea.  Not sure why it matched if the file was bad.22:30

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