
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> @FrankW, Download and configure OpenVPN on your computer; … Next, download the nordvpn .ovpn configuration files . … Go to Network - connections + 'Import VPN connection' … Select one of the downloaded config files. … Add in your username and password for that connection. … Optional: Under your wifi connection, general config, click on automatic connect.02:31
=== linuxfan is now known as someguy
=== someguy is now known as thatguy
thatguyhello, what are the kubuntu system requirements?03:16
valoriet recall the call to system requirement05:18
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu05:19
sorcererone letter short lol05:19
valoriessss, sheesh05:20
valorieand thatguy has left, of course05:20
gnoobHello, I just installed kubuntu and I find it interesting that Discover is telling me there are 10 when I open the program but   apt  upgrade  does not show any.05:48
gnoobwhy would that be?05:48
tespitry run apt update first? It seems to me that Discover finds updates on its own without updating apt05:51
gnoobyeah, I ran apt update  and also clicked the check for updates on discover.05:52
diogenes_maybe updates are for snaps.06:01
gnooblibegl-mesa0, libgbm1, libxatracker2, mesa-vdpau-driver    are a few of them.06:06
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Hey06:14
user|80070on latest release LTS, does other have VLC shutting down problems. it doesent exit i have to reset the pc to start new file.07:54
user|80070is it kubuntu or vlc problem and when will it be adressed??07:56
guiverc user|80070 I'm not aware of any issues with VLC, nor have I experienced any, but I'd just `killall /usr/bin/vlc` the program rather than restart08:27
user|80070disapointed, vlc dosent work. it has to be adressed.11:03
user|80070on lenovo g75-3511:04
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
BluesKajHowdy all11:30
=== rawr is now known as grumble
=== jtm is now known as jtm-lis
IrcsomeBotchhajedji was added by: chhajedji14:54
oshunluvrWeird Dolphin issue. If I launch Dolphin from kmenu I cannot write to my NFS shares, but I can if I launch Dolphin from konsole.16:39
user|8293I have a question. I was changing the permissions (chmod) on several commands, but upon logging back in, I entered my password but was unable to log in. Do you know which commands are essential for logging in? The system did recognize my password.18:07
=== emerson is now known as Guest1927
IrcsomeBotRodrigoErazoHermosilla was added by: RodrigoErazoHermosilla18:35
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest84610
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions19:03
=== sonic is now known as Guest87018
th4ntisSo can someone help me and tell me if im missing something with Latte dock. I've installed the github version, and trying to configure it to add multiple docks. I just can't get the proper menu to configre it. There's no advanced settings or anything of that nature.20:50
gnoobwhy not install from the repositories?20:56
th4ntisApparnrently to have multiple docks on the same side, I need to install from the github repo20:57
th4ntisSo to use something like https://store.kde.org/p/1373008/ theme.20:58
th4ntisNot a fan of that theme and wanna make my own, but do some similarthings. Kinda sucks but oh well.20:58
=== johannes is now known as johannes__
=== phil is now known as Guest40392
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Someone had the same.issue I have on my machine. Freezing completely without a reason and this time I am sure it happens when I resize a window23:14
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> (Minimize in this case)23:14
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> I have an nvidia gt710 (440.100) and kubuntu 20.0423:15
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> Any clue?23:15
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> @Franzpow, It happens every once in a while23:15
IrcsomeBot<Franzpow> It was one month since last time happened23:15
IrcsomeBot<Sandeepattri> Kde stopped recognizing my touchpad and keyboard how to fix ? Any help23:26
unknown_TXomg...the fn bs23:36
unknown_TXbut im home... :)23:36
unknown_TXso i shopped around... tried lubuntu and others.. and im back to kubuntu23:37
unknown_TXkubuntu has it solid23:37
unknown_TXomg my nick is lacking23:37

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